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Veterans Benefits Administration

Inside Veterans Benefits

Now Hiring Sign with stylized peopleHiring Fairs for Veterans

Looking for a job? Hiring Our Heroes is a nationwide initiative, by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, to help Veterans and military spouses find meaningful employment.

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Woman's hand using a calculatorNew Compensation Rates

The Department of Veterans Affairs has published new Veterans Compensation Benefit Rate Tables. The new rates took effect on December 1, 2012.

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man cutting red tapeCutting Red Tape

A new initiative between VA, Social Security Administration, and the Internal Revenue Service automates verification of continued eligibility for pension benefits.

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Male Student Holding BooksA Few Resources for Student Veterans

As student Veterans pursue higher education it's hard to know where to get started. At VAntage Point, the official blog of VA, resources and tips provide help on following an academic career.

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VA and USDA officials at a meetingVETS Partenership

VA's Veteran Employment Services Office (VESO) has created a new partnership with the U.S. Department of Agriculture that will extend career readiness services to Veteran job seekers nationwide.

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businessmen in server roomHigh Tech Training and Scholarships

SAP, a leading software developer, announced a program to provide scholarships and certification programs for transitioning Servicemembers and Veterans.

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Video Spotlight

Photo of Veteran and his familyTake Advantage of Your Benefits

See how National Guard and Reserve members like you have used their VA benefits to get a degree, buy a house, ensure financial stability, and more.

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Winterhaven Stand Down

1/12/13 | 9:00AM - 2:00PM

Location: VA Medical Center, 50 Irving St. NW, Washington DC 20422

VA Benefits Assistance Service staff will feed people who are homeless at St. George's church around the holiday season.

Expected Participants: Veterans, Dependents, VA Stakeholders

National Day of Service Fair

1/19/13 | 9:30AM - 5:00PM

Location: National Mall, Washington, DC

The fair will feature service organizations from across the country showcasing thousands of ways to get involved in the community.

Expected Participants: General public, Veterans, survivors, dependents, stakeholders