Table III Tool

The Table III Tool enables you to browse the United States Code Table III. For printing purposes, the PDF file is recommended. A detailed explanation of the Table is located here.

98th Cong.  ↑  97 Stat.  ↑  Dec. 8, 1983  ↑  98–210 98–211 98–212
Act Section Stat. Pg. United States Code
Title Section Status
1 1412 20 3804 Rep.
2–4 1412–1414 20 3805 Rep.
5 1415 20 3806 Rep.
6–8 1415 20 3807 Rep.
9(a) 1415 20 3811 Rep.
9(b) 1415 20 3814 Rep.
9(c) 1416 20 3816 Rep.
10–12 1416 20 3812–3814 Rep.
13 1416 20 3816 Rep.
14 1416 20 3823 Rep.
15–17 1416, 1417 20 3871–3873 Rep.
18(a) 1417 20 3876 Rep.
18(b) 1417 20 1221e–1a Rep.
19(a)(1) 1418 20 2762 Elim.
19(a)(2) 1418 20 2772, 2782 Elim.
19(b) 1418 20 2762 nt, 2772 nt, 2782 nt Elim.
20 1418 20 3489
21(a) 1418 20 3815 Rep.
21(b) 1418 20 3383 Elim.
22 1418 20 3808 Rep.
23 1419 20 240 Rep.
24(a) 1419 20 1221e–1 nt Elim.
24(b) 1419 20 9543 nt
25 1419 20 3804 nt Elim.