USDA's Economic Research Service

State Fact Sheets

Information on population, income, poverty, food security, education, employment, and more.

Feed Grains Database

Statistics on corn, grain sorghum, barley, and oats, rye, millet, hay, and related items.

County-Level Unemployment and Median Household Income

A compilation of data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics and the Census Bureau.

Charts of Note

Distributed Monday-Friday to highlight charts of interest from our current and past research.

Chart Gallery

A collection of charts from the ERS website.

Atlas of Rural and Small-Town America

View county-level maps for over 60 socioeconomic indicators, and more.

Food Desert Locator

Create maps showing food-desert census tracts, and more.

Your Food Environment Atlas

View a community's ability to access healthy food, and more.

Food Environment Atlas

Assembles statistics on three broad
categories of food environment

Image: Food Environment Atlas
2012 Census of Agriculture

The Census of Agriculture is
conducted every five years and
is the leading source of facts and
figures about American agriculture.

Image: 2012 AgCensus
ERS Web Archive

Looking for something from our
old website? Find it in the
ERS Web Archive.

Image: Web Archive