Pitts on Health Law’s Two Years of Broken Promises

Mar 22, 2012 Issues: Health Care
Rep. Pitts speaks at a press conference at Capitol Hill marking two year since the passage of the President's health law.
Pitts on Health Law’s Two Years of Broken Promises

Tomorrow marks two years since President Obama signed the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act into law. Congressman Joe Pitts (PA-16), Chairman of the Energy and Commerce Health Subcommittee, is working to repeal, dismantle and replace the law with real, free market reforms.

Congressman Pitts’ statement follows:

“Two years ago, Nancy Pelosi told us that we had to pass the health care bill to find out what was in it. Now we know: it is a law full of broken promises.

“This law isn’t saving American families $2,500 a year. You probably can’t keep your health insurance, no matter how much you like it.

“The law contains more than a half a trillion dollars in new taxes. Tax increases that are going to get passed on to consumers.

“We were told this law wouldn’t add a dime to the federal deficit. But with the failure of the CLASS Act, increased cost estimates from the CBO, and the double counting of Medicare cuts this promise was clearly just hot air.

“The law has never been supported by the majority of the American people. In fact, two-thirds of them want the Supreme Court to toss the unconstitutional mandate to purchase insurance or eliminate the law entirely.

“In the Health Subcommittee we have held more than 30 hearings, most of them revealing how this law will hurt health care in this nation, harm business, and make it harder on those looking for work.

“The first step to better health care is full repeal of the law. Government bureaucracy, taxes, and regulation will never decrease costs. Free market solutions empowering individuals, doctors, and businesses can bring costs down and improve access at the same time. We’re working on real solutions, but step one has to be clearing the way for honest reform.”