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Independent Publishing with CreateSpace

  • Free and Easy Tools

    Do-it-yourself and finish fast with tools like Interior Reviewer, Cover Creator, Preview, and Image Gallery.
  • Higher Royalties

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  • Comprehensive Book Services

    Get the help you need to complete your book with our affordable design, editing, and marketing services.
  • Always Available

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  • Wide Distribution Options

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The Virtues of Indie Publishing

The publishing industry is evolving. Hundreds of thousands of authors like you are publishing profitable work right now instead of waiting for agents and publishers to give the green light.

With CreateSpace you can easily access tools, quality printing, booksellers, eBook distribution, and marketing strategies so that you can generate more opportunities than you imagined – all while building your following of readers.

Over a decade ago, we started this business with the intention of helping artists grow and be successful. This momentum (along with royalties you've earned) tells us that it's working, and we're really proud to be a part of that success.

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"What We Leave Behind" by Rochelle Weinstein

Rochelle Weinstein
Featured Author

Rochelle Weinstein is the author of What We Leave Behind. By applying her skills as a former marketing professional, she has sold thousands of books in her first 9 months of publication. Rochelle recently answered a few questions for us about publishing independently, her diligent marketing efforts, and how her relatable story landed her a passionate fanbase hungry for her next book.

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