
Foxx statement celebrating Constitution Day

Contact: 202-225-2071

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congresswoman Virginia Foxx (NC-05) released the following statement in celebration of Constitution Day, which is September 17, the anniversary of the signing of the United States Constitution.  This year is the 224th anniversary of the signing of the Constitution.

“George Washington probably said it best when he said that ‘the Constitution is the guide which I never will abandon,’” Foxx said. “Thanks to the foresight of visionaries like Washington we enjoy freedoms unrivaled in the history of man, in no small part because we are a nation of laws, not of men.”

“For more than 200 years our Constitution has served us well, standing as a source of stability for the nation in times of peace as well as times of tumult.  Its tenants endowed America with a resilient tradition of liberty and limited government that we can turn to for inspiration and renewal of our system of government by and for the people.

“Our Constitution is a timeless monument to America’s founding ideals.  As a representative to Congress, it is an honor and sacred duty to protect and uphold this document.  I encourage fellow North Carolinians to read our Constitution and be inspired by its staying power and by the genius of limited government and the system of checks and balances.”  

Note: The Constitution can be read online at the National Archives’ web site.   Any 5th District constituent who would like a hard copy of the U.S. Constitution can contact Foxx’s office at (866) 677-8968.