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Have an Unblown Mind? We’ve Got a Video You Should See

AsapSCIENCE has taught us a lot of things with their YouTube videos, and we’ve shared many of them with you, because, generally speaking, they’re awesome. Just in case you haven’t had your mind blown by the science behind Spider-Man, learning how orgasms work, or exactly how pot affects our brains the brains of people who use it, AsapSCIENCE is back with another installment to blow your minds. What percentage of the world’s population is drunk right now? How much data is contained in one sperm? Take two minutes and find out.

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Microsoft Posts E3 Countdown Clock, May or May Not Have to Do With New Xbox

It seems like only yesterday when Microsoft’s Xbox 360 was hailed as the pinnacle of video game hardware and left us all waiting in long lines in front of the local Best Buy to bring home the future of gaming entertainment. Sadly, now in 2012, the old girl is starting to show some cracks and is known to make a make a mess in the house from time to time, which is all indicative of a brand new game system on the horizon. It’s a forgone conclusion that Microsoft is already hard at work cobbling together the successor to the Xbox 360, but the question really boils down to when this new system will be unveiled. According to an Electronic Entertainment Expo countdown clock that was posted on the blog of Microsoft’s Major Nelson yesterday, we may at last get our first glimpse of the next addition in the Xbox family later this year. With that, let the speculation commence!

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Geekolinks: 1/3

Deep Space Nine Turns 20 Today and You Should Watch It Tonight

Has it really been two decades already? On January 3, 1993, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine made its debut, making this the twentieth birthday of perhaps the most underrated show in the Trek canon. Just one more year until the show can go out for drinks with friends at Quark’s Bar and wake up with no eyebrows and a throbbing Romulan Ale hangover. Until that embarrassing incident, allow us to make a brief argument for the show, and why you should spend this evening getting reacquainted with it.

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Gotten Engaged George Lucas Has

George Lucas has gotten engaged to longtime girlfriend Mellody Hobson. This answers the question of what Lucas plans to do now that he sold Lucasfilm to Disney. He donated all of that money to charity, which he seemed very happy to do at the time, but maybe now he wishes he only gave most of the money to charity. Weddings are expensive, especially when you have them on board a 1:1 scale replica of a Star Destroyer, which is where we assume the ceremony will be held.

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If Social Networks Played Risk, Facebook Would Win

Risk, the game of world domination, is pretty popular among geeks. If you’re unfamiliar with the game, the board is a map of the world divided into territories, and the goal is to eliminate other players and occupy the entire world with your pieces. Vincenzo Cosenza’s latest World Map of Social Networks, showing which social networks dominate which countries, looks an awful lot like a Risk board, and if it’s any indication, Mark Zuckerberg is probably very good at the game.

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Ultrasound Tests May Help Figure Out Why Astronauts Grow Taller While In Space

Yesterday we brought you the heartbreaking news that rather than giving you Fantastic Four style super powers, the cosmic rays that astronauts could be exposed to during space travel instead could potentially damage your brain. On the bright side, though, space travel will also make you a little bit taller, so it’s got that going for it. It’s not much taller, mind you, and the height boost is only temporary, but it you’ve got a couple of brain cells to spare… hey, it’s a trade-off we’d make, because going into space would be amazing.

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An Unexpected Journey: Google Chairman Eric Schmidt Set to Visit North Korea

If you count yourself a devoted reader of all things Geekosystem, then you no doubt know that among our other self-imposed journalistic duties, one of them involves the constant and dedicated coverage of developments coming out of North Korea — whether the news be legitimate, comedic, or — typically — a unique amalgamation that skates that fine line of being both. In keeping with this trend, South Korean officials have reported that Google chairman Eric Schmidt is scheduled to visit North Korea on a clandestine humanitarian mission, with the company itself pretty tight-lipped on the details surrounding the reason for this unorthodox trip. And as far as we know, it ain’t a vacation.

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FTC Finds No Evidence to Suggest Bias in Google Search Results, Concludes Investigation

The United States Federal Trade Commission today officially concluded their antitrust investigation of search engine giant Google with a series of decisions ranging from interesting to potentially fascinating. Perhaps most importantly, Google must stop attempting to exclude competitors from using patents important to key technologies. In other words, they can’t use the patents they’ve acquired from their Motorola acquisition like a giant cudgel. We say most importantly because it’s the only major change being made. When it comes to the actual allegations of search bias, though, that’s a horse of a different color.

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Gérard Depardieu Might Be Russia’s Newest Citizen

It’s not unusual to hear people claim they’ll leave the country if a candidate they don’t like gets elected, or a policy they disagree with gets passed. Usually that’s just talk though, but when Gérard Depardieu said he would leave France because he thought he was being taxed too highly, he meant it. He fled to Belgium last month, and has today been granted Russian citizenship. I wonder if this will affect the chances of a sequel to 1994′s My Father the Hero.

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