Bare-Bones Photo Tour of London Squat Proves Content Is King

While flashy animations and interactions are fun to play with on the web, photographers don’t always need to think big-budget to tell their story online. With just a little bit of HTML and jQuery, photographer Adrian Nettleship has churned out a timely and purpose-built web experience that lets users explore a London squat and meet its inhabitants.

Nettleship’s photos and audio are combined into a simple choose-your-own-adventure walk-through of the squat that lacks gloss, but is nonetheless captivating.

“I’ve sometimes found the medium of photography slightly frustrating, almost limiting, in its ability to show the relation of one image to another,” he says. “I’ve never liked to use captions to [solely] explain context.”

Occupy and Explore is a response to new amendments to U.K. law that re-categorize squatting as a criminal offense, punishable by a six-month jail term and fines up to £5,000 ($8,000). The new laws increase the power of property owners in legal dispute with squatters, who according to the U.K. government number 20,000. Squatting groups say the real number is more. 

Pro-squatter campaign group Squatters’ Action for Secure Homes (SQUASH) says there are an estimated 650,000 empty properties, that it is society’s most vulnerable who squat and that the new laws will lead to increased homelessness. Furthermore, SQUASH says the new laws will, over five years, cost $790 million to enforce and that mass evictions and prosecution of peaceful squatters will burden the police, courts and charities for years to come.

In the U.K., squatters’ lifestyles have long divided opinion, but Nettleship feels some sections of the British media leading up to the law change demonized squatters.

“There was a huge amount of misinformation about the subject, such as tabloid stories about eastern European home invaders seizing houses while their owners were away for the weekend,” says Nettleship. “It has always been illegal to invade someone else’s home, but this was being omitted from the discussion. I wanted to counter the stereotype, to show how squatters can be thoughtful people who maintain and improve abandoned buildings.”

Nettleship’s use of software tools is as resourceful as his subjects’ use and reuse of spaces and materials. Over a number of weeks, he taught himself to use Dreamweaver and jQuery to complement his basic HTML knowledge. For those photographers balking at tackling an interactive project, Occupy is an example of basic navigation enriching a simple story — a success due in no small part to the way it addresses the context of the issue. It’s more difficult to unfairly lambast a population in the abstract after meeting its individual people.

The project also comes at a time of larger political shifts. Since coming to power, the coalition Conservative/Liberal Democrat government has steadily lost public support. Repeated austerity measures and service cuts have hit some communities hard and not since the ’80s has talk of class division been so prevalent.

“There’s so much to say at the moment,” says Nettleship. “The balance of power between government, people and large organizations is undergoing adjustment, as is the United Kingdom’s role in world affairs. We need to be clear on what values are important to us, and defend them. As with the changes of the Thatcher years, the effects will be felt for many years to come.”

Nettleship admits that he was only able to make it through the early years of his photography career by living with his parents and eating their food. From looking at the lives of his friends, he says his longish route to self reliance was not — and increasingly is not — unusual.

“Divisions [between the haves and have-nots] seem to lie along who your parents were, and most importantly how much they accumulated during the prosperous years of North Sea oil and property growth,” says Nettleship. “It’s not uncommon for people to live at home into their 30s enabling them to study or work an unpaid internship in order to get the job they want. My friends who didn’t take or didn’t have those opportunities are finding it much harder. People are starting to buy houses, but I know very few who have done it without a helping hand on the deposit. The baby-boomer generation are soaking up the impact of austerity on their children. The middle classes won’t feel the full impact until a generation down the line, when the money runs out.”

Nettleship is exhibiting a physical adaptation of Occupy and Explore, whereby his photographs will be sectioned out in space and joined by colored string to show paths through the squat.

Pete Brook

Pete Brook covers art and photography for's Raw File blog. He also writes and edits Prison Photography. He lives in Portland.

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