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Congressman David Cicilline

Congressman David Cicilline
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  1. Recent Posts by Others on Congressman David CicillineSee All
    • Robert Caron
       Oh look, Democrats and their propaganda machine are exempt from the gun laws they create!
      Friday at 2:30pm
    • Robert Caron
      I received a letter from Cicilline yesterday in it he writes: "I support comprehensive immigration reform, and will work toward securing our national borders, increasing access to legal immigration, while also creating a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants who pay their taxes, pay all penalties, and have committed no crimes." If the person is in the country "undocumented" they are here illegally so they have already committed a crime. Deport them and tell them to do it legally next time. You will need to talk to your letter writers an in form them that they need to change that line to "and have broken no laws that Obama and I have written or approved of."
      Thursday at 7:38am
    • Katie and I got an e-mail today from Congressman David Cicilline inviting us to be witness to history. We're going to the 57th Presidential Inauguration! Thank you Congressman; We're very grateful!
      4910 · January 7 at 6:14pm
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  3. With gun-related incidents continuing to harm families all across our country, we have a responsibility to take the actions necessary to end this cycle of violence by ensuring that criminals and those with serious mental illness do not have... access to firearms. That’s why I recently introduced the Fire Sale Loophole Act, a commonsense bill that would prevent gun dealers who lose their licenses from liquidating their inventory without running background checks on their consumers.See More
  4. Discussing the need for stronger gun violence prevention laws with Senator Jack Reed, Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, and Congressman Jim Langevin.
    Photo: Discussing the need for stronger gun violence prevention laws with Senator Jack Reed, Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, and Congressman Jim Langevin.
  5. Speaking at the Blackstone River Valley National Heritage Corridor open house in Woonsocket tonight.
    Photo: Speaking at the Blackstone River Valley National Heritage Corridor open house in Woonsocket tonight.
  6. Today's Providence Journal looks at my Fire Sale Loophole Closing Act and other measures that could help reduce gun violence in the United States.
  7. Make sure to read Bob Kerr's excellent column on the marriage equality debate in today's Providence Journal.
  8. My office just launched a new Twitter page so you can keep track of my work in Congress. Click the link below to sign up for updates right now.
  9. As we begin the 113th Congress, I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity you have given me to fight on your behalf. I will always remember my responsibilities to the men and women of Rhode Island's First District as I continue working hard to get our state moving again.
  10. I voted to support the bipartisan fiscal cliff compromise because, while it is far from perfect, this agreement guarantees that middle class families, seniors, the unemployed, and small business owners will not face the prospect of steep tax hikes or devastating spending cuts as we enter the new year.

    At the same time, the political and highly divisive process that unfolded over the past few week...s and the short-term nature of this solution do not reflect how we should address such profoundly important issues.

    With our country facing so many serious challenges at home and abroad, we need our leaders to place our nation's long-term prosperity ahead of their own short-term political gains. When Congress revisits these issues in a few months, it is critical that we reach a long-term, comprehensive agreement that keeps our economy on the right track and protects the hardworking men and women who sent us here.
    See More
  11. What's happening in Washington right now is a disgrace and, frankly, it's embarrassing that Congress is facing another critical financial deadline with no agreement in place that will protect seniors, middle class families, small business owners, and the unemployed and that will reduce our nation's debt.

    While I hope that the ongoing discussions between Vice President Biden and the Senate Republican leadership will help lead to a deal, I am deeply disappointed that Republicans in the House have decided they will not consider a proposal until our country has already gone over the fiscal cliff.
  12. As we are approaching the fiscal cliff deadline, I spoke earlier today on the House floor about the need for Democrats and Republicans to act like adults and work together to get things done.
  13. It is critical that we immediately approve this funding that will help bring relief to Rhode Island families affected by this storm and create jobs by rebuilding our local infrastructure. With only a few days left in this legislative session, the House Republican leadership should set aside politics and provide Rhode Islanders with this much-needed relief.
  14. Wishing a Merry Christmas to all those celebrating today!
  15. I hope that you are enjoying the holiday season and planning to spend time with family and loved ones over the next few days. As we reflect on the past year, I want you to know how thankful I am for the privilege of representing you in Congress. It is an honor I take very seriously and I promise that I will continue to fight hard every single day on your behalf. I wish you and your loved ones a safe and happy holiday season.


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