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Donate to the PSF!

What does the Python Software Foundation do?

The Python Software Foundation:

  • Holds and defends the copyright and other intellectual property rights for the Python programming language.
  • Holds and defends the copyright and trademark for the Jython implementation of Python.
  • Awards grants and provides resources for furthering the development and adoption of Python.
  • Organizes the annual PyCon conference.
  • Pays for hardware and other costs for hosting the servers.
  • Supports other conferences, meetings, and community activities.
  • Recognizes individuals who have contributed to the Python community with Community Awards.

To learn about recent PSF activities, visit the Python Software Foundation's weblog.

How can I donate?

We welcome contributions from both organizations and individuals.

  • Donate by credit card

    Please use the PayPal button below to donate by credit card. You don't need a PayPal account to use the donation button.

    Note: For amounts greater than US$1,300.00, paying by wire transfer or check will get more of your donation to the PSF.

  • Donate through PayPal by clicking on the button below:

  • Mail a personal check, money order, or bank check

    Address checks to the PSF headquarters.

    If you would like a receipt emailed to you, please include your email address along with your check.

    Checks in US currency are preferred. We can accept other currencies for donations valued US$20 or more, but fees on conversions are significant.

  • Electronic wire transfers

    Please see Wire Transfer Info for details.

    The transaction fees are substantial, so please only use transfers for donations valued at US$50 or more.

For US taxpayers, contributions to the PSF are tax-deductible. The PSF has been recognized as a public charity under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. (See the exemption letter for details.) You should consult your tax adviser for rules as they apply to your situation.

Donations to the PSF are currently not tax-deductible in most other countries; most countries require an organisation to be incorporated in that country (or in the EU, for EU member states), and the PSF does currently not have the resources to do so.

If you have a question about donations, please write to the PSF at (


The PSF would like to thank the following donors for their contributions. Donors are listed in descending order using an algorithm that takes into account both the amount of donation and the age of the donation.

The donors list is being ported to the new website. Please see our previous donation page for the current list. It gets updated daily. Thank you.