
President Obama Makes a Statement on the Shooting in Newtown, Connecticut

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Published on Dec 14, 2012

President Obama delivers a statement on today's shooting at a school in Newtown, Connecticut. December 14, 2012.

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  • fcknwo1776

    @MCSA210 guns are for when our government gets to corrupted they have nothing to do with hunting

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  • hajhej3

    You're right. Right & wrong doesn't actually exist.

    Our race developed to the point where we're capable of the philosophy/reasoning to give basis for the illusion of right and wrong. A bit simplified, of course.

    Please tell me on what basis you believe God exists. Even if we forget all about our right/wrong discussion - why would you believe in this God?

    Btw thanks for writing decent responses. Most religious people I discuss with just throw around insults and refuse to listen to anything.

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  • fcknwo1776

    @Tyler Bell please fuck your self


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  • Daracon1010

    And in fact, you can't even assume that you correctly remember past unless there's already been uniformity in the past, because your memory is dependent on chemical reactions... and if chemicals react differently, then your memory is compromised.

    There's also the laws of Logic argument. But There's too much to type on it at the moment.

    Ultimately, I know that unless the Bible is true, it's impossible to prove or know anything at all. If the Bible isn't true, no one can know anything.


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    in reply to hajhej3 (Show the comment)
  • Daracon1010

    You probably haven't ever thought about whether gravity will still be there tomorrow... but every step you take presupposes uniformity of nature.

    As a Christian, I have reason to believe that the laws of the universe will be the same tomorrow as they are today because God has promised us uniformity in his word.

    But why in a random-chance universe would you presuppose it? If the answer is "because it has in the past", well the past is irrelevant to the future.


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    in reply to hajhej3 (Show the comment)
  • Daracon1010

    Those are the historical arguments - there are even more powerful arguments than that. Irrefutable, presuppositional ones, which have demonstrated to me perfectly, that unless the Bible is true... that there is an omnipotent, omniscient creator who created and upholds the universe, then knowledge is impossible.

    You see, if this universe is just a random-chance universe... why would you expect that the law of gravity would be the same tomorrow as it is today? You presuppose it with no reason.


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  • areyx

    If we "amend the amendment", lol, our government better do the same. That means no more drones, military, dod, nsa, or local police weapons of any kind. If you trust this government to the point you want to relinquish another right without a fight this country is doomed.


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  • Daracon1010

    As for the Bible... it's historical narrative. Jesus Christ was a man, who was foretold of before he was even born - check the Dead Sea Scrolls that contain the full Isaiah scroll and predate Jesus Christ's birth.

    Jesus's miracles, death and resurrection were witnessed by hundreds of people. They were recorded by eye-witnesses.

    The Qu'ran contradicts itself by endorsing the Bible and then saying Jesus Christ was never crucified nor is he the Son of God.


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    in reply to hajhej3 (Show the comment)
  • Daracon1010

    I believe God exists because I can see obvious design in the universe. There's no mechanism that exists that allows organisms to go from simple to complex over time. Genetic mutation reduces genetic information, it doesn't add to it.

    All information that exists comes from a mind. You look at a book, there's information - it originally came from a mind. Same goes with DNA.


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    in reply to hajhej3 (Show the comment)
  • willyp dyer


    A 20 Year Old Florida Mother lies in critical condition after she SHOT

    and KILLED her SIX MONTH OLD Son and turned the gun on herself.

    and yet ANOTHER example of a 'RESPONSIBLE GUN OWNER' gone PSYCHO



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    in playlist OBAMA
  • willyp dyer

    LOL !!!

    Fuck you're STUPID.


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