
Boustany Disappointed in President's First 100 Days

Washington, D.C.  – U.S. Representative Charles W. Boustany, Jr., MD, R-Southwest Louisiana, today made the following statement ahead of President Obama’s 100th day in office on Wednesday, April, 29.

When he was inaugurated, I committed to working with the President when he acted in the interest of Southwest Louisiana, but in his first 100 days, I am disappointed with the direction of the Administration,” Boustany said.  “The national economy is struggling, and the American people need commonsense solutions to get businesses hiring again and make America competitive.  Instead, Congressional Democrats and the President pushed policies to hike taxes on our energy producers and steamroll healthcare changes that might not improve actual access to a doctor for millions of Americans.  I remain willing to work with the President because we face many challenges that cannot be solved alone.

Boustany made the comments following an announced agreement by House and Senate leaders on a budget proposal that calls for dramatically higher taxes on American energy production, significant healthcare changes with little oversight or opportunity for compromise and extraordinary budget shortfalls in the coming years.
