Senator Jeff Merkley

Senator Jeff Merkley


U.S. Senator from the State of Oregon

Oregon ·

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  1. Pull out the violin. AIG, recipient of a $182 billion bailout, now wants to sue gov’t due to bailout's “onerous nature." Are they kidding?

  2. Holding 14 town halls in the next 2 weeks.Talking directly to Oregonians a great way to hear about issues folks want me to fight for in DC

  3. Will be on tomorrow morning, 8 AM ET on to give an update on filibuster reform. Let's fix the Senate

  4. Americans should have the right to know how the government is interpreting the plain language of the law.

  5. Freedom & Liberty are bedrock principles of our govt. Voted No on NDAA bc we cannot continue to allow indefinite detention w.out due process

  6. 1 of the most pressing challenges is to reverse potentially devastating climate change. Kerry understands need to tackle this threat head on

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