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Commendation recognizes generations of service

Photo courtesy of Congressman Sam Johnson's Office - Recipients of the inaugural Congressional Veteran Commendation: Bob Kinne, Allan Goehring, Elizabeth McCormick, Tom Garner, Peter Malik, Lenni Mark Williams [seated], U.S. Congressman Sam Johnson, George Robinson, Paul Simeon, Richard Oliver and Jim Reed.

Published: Thursday, December 8, 2011 12:23 PM CST
Major Leni Mark Williams' military career highlights combat experiences from World War II, the Korean War and the Vietnam War.

Having served the country from 1942 to 1972 with exceptional accolades such as the Silver Star, Bronze Star and a Purple Heart to prove it, the McKinney resident's heroic efforts reflect a family history of patriots that reaches back to the birth of the nation.

"Daddy served in World War I, my son served in the Gulf War -- it's just something you do," said Williams, 84, whose family members served under George Washington and Ulysses Grant. "It's a choice, someone has to do it."

Williams was one of 11 local veterans honored at Collin College's Spring Creek Campus in Plano on Saturday in a public ceremony held by U.S. Congressman Sam Johnson. The event marked the District 3 Congressman's inaugural Congressional Veteran Commendation (CVC), which launched in April as a way of formally recognizing the wartime sacrifices and peacetime community involvement of residents in his district.

"Veterans support each other like family. Every time I'm in Texas I hear heroic stories about veterans and their lives," said Johnson, a 29-year Air Force veteran and POW. "I know just how important it is to preserve these stories for future generations."

The CVC, in conjunction with the Veterans History Project sponsored by the Library of Congress, is a nominations-based program that preserves the personal accounts of veterans for future generations. An eight-member selection board comprised of local individuals dedicated to serving as leaders in their community advised and assisted in the nominations and selection process.

"It's absolutely wonderful to be able to recognize veterans of every generation, male and female," said Collin County Judge Keith Self, a member of the selection board whose military career consists of 25 years of service. "We have people here representing every war over the last 70 years."

U.S. Marine Corps Sgt. Paul Simeon, 33, was the youngest recipient recognized at Saturday's ceremony and said he didn't feel like he belonged among such amazing people. His only wish was to have been able to share the milestone with his late father.

The Frisco resident and veteran of Operation Enduring Freedom earned a Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, Navy Meritorious Unit Commendation, Certificate of Commendation, Sea Service Deployment Ribbon, National Defense Service Medal and Meritorious Mast and Marine Corps Good Conduct Medals.

Today, Simeon serves as president of the Collin College chapter of Student Veterans of America in efforts to ease the transition for returning warriors from military service to academic life.

"It's overwhelming, I've never received anything of this magnitude," said Simeon. "It's awesome to be a part of this. I never did anything for this, I just try to be a good person."

Colonel Peter Malik of McKinney currently serves in the U.S. Army Reserve as Commander of the 90th Sustainment Brigade in Little Rock, Ark., and deployed for both Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom. When stateside, Malik serves as an officer with the Dallas Police Department and is a volunteer for the Dallas Military Ball, Assist the Officer Foundation, Texas Special Olympics and Fisher House.

Although Malik's efforts during combat were duly noted for saving lives during enemy attacks, Malik said his actions paled in comparison to those of his fellow recipients, adding that he was amazed to have been able to meet veterans of Williams' caliber and hear their stories of perseverance.

"I'm very humbled, there are so many more deserving than me," Malik said. "I'm truly honored to be able to have met people like these. I feel blessed that God has given me the ability to survive what I've dealt with. It amazes me that despite their disabilities, these people continue to give. It makes me want to stand a little straighter and salute them."

Chief Warrant Officer Elizabeth McCormick of Murphy served in the U.S. Army where she was quickly promoted to Chief Warrant Officer 2 and served as Rear Detachment C Company Commander during peacekeeping operations in Kosovo. For her excellent service, McCormick was awarded the Army Commendation Medal, Army Achievement Medal, National Defense Service Medal, Humanitarian Service Medal, Army Service Ribbon and Army Aviator Badge.

Like Simeon and Malik, McCormick felt like a rookie among the more seasoned veterans and was quick to pass the true honor on to her predecessors.

"I was covered in goosebumps," McCormick said of sitting onstage next to other local wartime heroes. "It is awe-inspiring to be honored alongside them, I want to be in the audience cheering them. It's the experience of a lifetime I'll never forget."

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