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Shuster Votes to Stop Biggest Tax Increase In American History

Washington – Congressman Bill Shuster voted to permanently extend tax cuts for 99 percent of Americans providing much needed certainty for families and small businesses in the 9th District. The American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012, H.R. 8., will ensure permanent tax relief and avoid the largest tax hike in American history.

“This bill will permanently keep tax rates low for 99 percent of taxpayers in the 9th District. Making the Bush era tax cuts permanent for the middle class has been a priority of House Republicans for several years. This legislation provides certainty and protects middle class families and small businesses from higher taxes, the cost of inaction was too high for our constituents and the country,” said Shuster.

“The bill was far from perfect, but passage was essential to prevent the country from going over the fiscal cliff and sending our fragile economy back into recession. I have worked diligently to cut spending and will continue to do so in the 113th Congress. We must work on making necessary spending cuts and tackle the debt.  Out-of-control spending is the real problem and slashing that is the only way to move our country towards real economic growth.”

