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Rep. Steve Southerland

Rep. Steve Southerland
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  • Government Official
    COMMENT POLICY: Steve's page is intended for a responsible discussion of the issues. Differing opinions and spirited debate are welcome. However, spamming and offensive language is not. Violations are subject to removal or a permanent ban.
  1. Later this evening I will be voting NO on the fiscal cliff compromise. Raising taxes and doing nothing to address out-of-control spending will only make a bad situation worse.
  2. At a time when hardworking Americans are struggling to meet a family budget, put a child through college, or keep a small business afloat, the last thing Congress should be looking to do is hike our own pay. That’s why I voted tonight to block salary increases for members of Congress that were put in motion by President Obama’s Executive Order in December.
  3. Support the compromise
    25 votes
    Oppose the compromise
    56 votes
    1 vote
  4. Wishing you and yours a happy and prosperous new year! May God richly bless you in 2013!
  5. The American people have sent a message to Washington that they expect their leaders to avert crippling tax increases while also getting serious about reining in wasteful spending. Heeding the call, the House approved bipartisan legislation in August to avert the Fiscal Cliff. Unfortunately, however, the President and Senate Democrats appear more interested in scoring cheap political points and peddling scare tactics about the debt limit than in achieving a solution. With just a few precious days remaining before year’s end, I am hopeful that Senator Reid will finally listen to the American people, put politics aside and extend critical tax relief for hardworking families.
  6. May you have a Merry Christmas surrounded by friends, family, and the many blessings that God has bestowed upon us -- The Southerland Family
  7. As the parents of four daughters, Susan and I extend our thoughts and prayers to the families of the victims of today’s tragic shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut. May God be with them during this time of incredible sadness. Although answers will be sought to explain such a senseless and evil act, we must honor the light of the innocent lives lost by holding our children closer and coming together as a community and a nation.
  8. Bay County is getting a chunk of the first civil penalty money secured from the BP oil spill, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) announced Friday. The state will use the $10 million for stormwater management projects and land acquisition.
  9. On the 71st anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor we honor the heroes who lost their lives on that fateful day. Today we’re provided a solemn opportunity to reflect upon their heroism and commitment to this great nation. On this day of remembrance, let us also offer thankful prayers for the brave men and women in uniform who stand guard today.

Earlier in January

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