David McKinley

West Virginia's 1st District

From Twitter
  • Follow @repmckinley on Twitter »
  • Rep. McKinley announces mobile office hours for veterans services in Wheeling and New Cumberland. http://t.co/4rID7gu1.
  • McKinley to serve on 3 House Energy Subcommittees in new Congress including Environment and Economy Subcommittee. http://t.co/4rID7gu1.
  • Rep. McKinley releases statement on November unemployment numbers. To see his comments, click here: http://t.co/4rID7gu1.
  • To check out the latest newsletter from Rep. McKinley, log on to our Facebook page. http://t.co/4rID7gu1.
  • Republican senators say Susan Rice meeting on Capitol Hill just leaves more questions unanswered. To read more, http://t.co/4rID7gu1.
  • Listen up Black Friday shoppers: here are some important safety tips to keep you and your family safe. http://t.co/4rID7gu1.
  • Here are some safety tips for you and your family this Thanksgiving holiday. http://t.co/4rID7gu1.
  • Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!
  • The W.Va. State Society hosts a book signing in DC, in honor of the late Sen. Robert C. Byrd. http://t.co/4rID7gu1
  • This coming Saturday is Small Business Saturday, a day to support the backbone of our nation’s economy and keep communities thriving!
  • Go to http://t.co/4rID7gu1 to read more about this amazing story on Master Sgt. Shannon McBee.
  • Read the story of Master Sgt. Shannon McBee from Wetzel County as he became an unlikely hero during a flight from Atlanta to San Antonio.
  • Resident in W.Va. are remembering the Marshall University plane crash that took all 75 lives, 42 years ago. #wearemarshall
  • Budget deficit rises to $120 billion in October. To read more, go to http://t.co/4rID7gu1.
  • The Veterans Museum of the Mid-Ohio Valley is now open. It's located at the OV Regional Airport in Parkersburg. http://t.co/4rID7gu1.
  • Which W.Va. county ranks the highest in diabetes in the nation? Find out here: http://t.co/4rID7gu1.
  • All this month officials want you to keep an eye on your health. That's because November is American Diabetes Month.
  • Thanks to our veterans like Fairmont's Melanie Thompson, who credits the Navy for shaping her life. Read more here. http://t.co/4rID7gu1.
  • See where the state of West Virginia ranks when it comes to the March of Dimes' premature birth report. http://t.co/4rID7gu1.
  • Many businesses are providing free products and services to our veterans. To find out which ones go to http://t.co/4rID7gu1.
  • A beautiful day to honor past and present veterans in this country. Thanks to all who have served to defend and protect our freedom!
  • Americans want solutions that will ease burden on #smallbiz, bring jobs home, & let our economy grow http://t.co/qTacCAPm #4jobs
  • To view the pictures of the areas hit hard by the remnants of Hurricane Sandy in W.Va., go to http://t.co/4rID7gu1.
  • Staff members with Rep. McKinley's office tour areas hit hard by the remnants of Hurricane Sandy in Preston and Tucker Counties.
  • RT @GOP: MUST-SEE: New RNC web video “The Difference” http://t.co/JMwuz47N #tcot #2012
  • To watch Rep. McKinley at the National Press Club this morning, click here. http://t.co/sct0q98r
  • Rep. McKinley to Address Medicare and Home Health Issues at National Press Club on Wednesday. To hear: http://t.co/4rID7gu1.
  • Rep. McKinley addresses the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. on Wednesday at 9 a.m. To hear it, click here. http://t.co/sct0q98r
  • It's #ManufacturingDay! If you support #American #Manufacturing, re-tweet this image! http://t.co/IRTiFhDZ
  • RT @GOP: ABC News: "More ‘Fast and Furious’ Guns Linked to Mexican Crimes" http://t.co/cMWMn03o #FastandFurious #tcot
  • Visit our Facebook page and be sure you "like" us! It's http://t.co/4rID7gu1. Log on for the latest information about Rep. McKinley.
  • Check out Rep. McKinley's events today in the 1st District after touring a health rehab facility in Morgantown. http://t.co/4rID7gu1.
  • Rep. McKinley tours Health South Mountainview in Morgantown and talks with patients at the rahab hospital. http://t.co/4rID7gu1.
  • U.S. jobs outlook bleak as companies search for ways to cut costs | http://t.co/vFuKhvGg
  • Rep. McKinley conducts another veterans jobs fair in District. http://t.co/kg8Bt0J1 #4jobs
  • Wall Street Journal Editorial-As Good As It Gets? Growth of 1.7% isn't what Obama promised four years ago. http://t.co/4rID7gu1
  • Rep. McKinley continues his veterans "tour" through the first district of W.Va. as he listens to the concerns of our vets.
  • Ohio Valley Veterans jobs fair set for tomorrow. For more information, log onto our facebook page. http://t.co/4rID7gu1
  • RT @WestVirginiaU: Don't forget to 'Stripe The Stadium' Saturday for WVU's first #Big12 football game - http://t.co/iSh4Ao2l #wvusports ...
  • Students from WVU's American Occupational Therapy Asso. visit Rep. McKinley's office in Washington, D.C. http://t.co/4rID7gu1
  • An editorial in the Washington Post says the upcoming election will be decided on the coal issue. To read, go to http://t.co/4rID7gu1.
  • An American #coal miner: "Every time you flip a light switch, thank a miner." Stop the #WarOnCoal http://t.co/tbc0bAz6
  • Bad #4jobs ---> "Coal Company Plans to Close Several Mines" http://t.co/UJMGb8xB via @nytimes. Stop the #WarOnCoal
  • #Coal accounts for hundreds of thousands of #jobs and provides low-cost #electricity. Time to stop the #WarOnCoal http://t.co/UHFQNFJ4
  • DID U KNOW #coal currently accounts for more of our country’s electricity than any other source http://t.co/lYwwKlQj #WarOnCoal
  • RT @RepBillJohnson: Fighting to end @barackobama #WARONCOAL with @RepShelley - We need #energy policies #4jobs - http://t.co/GVgfUOpS @g ...
  • Today is World Alzheimer’s Action Day. Approximately 36 million people are living with disease with numbers doubling every 20years.
  • Everything you need to know about the #ObamaAdmins #WarOnCoal & #jobs
  • I uploaded a @YouTube video http://t.co/aDdlbX9K Rep. McKinley addresses House floor on the "Stop the War on Coal Act" (H.R. 3409).
  • Rep. McKinley to address 'war on coal' at news conference, scheduled for 9 a.m. in Washington, D.C. More details to come.
  • The House will today on GOP legislation to roll back or prevent White House policies that Republicans call anti-coal.
  • I uploaded a @YouTube video http://t.co/vDC8DIt2 Rep. McKinley questions witnesses in Thursday's Energy and Power Subcommittee.
  • Rep. McKinley conducts opening statement at today's Energy and Power Subcommittee. To hear, click here: http://t.co/eHjaNykB.
  • I uploaded a @YouTube video http://t.co/slb254Fr Rep. McKinley conducts opening statementat at the Energy and Power Subcommittee.
  • GOP holds "a consistent advantage on who is more trusted on #jobs and the economy and who has better ideas for the future," @Politico notes.
  • For the latest news and information on Rep. McKinley, go to our facebook page and "like" us. It's http://t.co/4rID7gu1.
  • http://t.co/4rID7gu1 or http://t.co/eHjaNykB
  • "Hiring for Heros" job fair coming to the Ohio Valley in late September. For complete details, go to our facebook or Congressional pages.
  • Happy 65th birthday to the U.S. Air Force! Thanks to all the brave men and women who serve our country.
  • This morning, the House will meet at 9:00 a.m. for legislative business. First and last votes expected: 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
  • U.S. initial jobless claims rose 15,000 last week to 382,000. #4jobs
  • New Jobless Claims Jump. http://t.co/TPezC2tZ
  • Rep. McKinley Responds to White House ‘Snub’ of Israeli Prime Minister. See what he said, by clicking here. http://t.co/4rID7gu1.
  • Rep. McKinley shares his thoughts on the brutal murders of the Ambassador of Libya and three other diplomats tonight on WTRF and WDTV TV.
  • RT: @charliespiering MSNBC analyst on embassy attacks: 'It looks like 1979' http://t.co/orURSncC
  • “These cowardly attacks on our American Embassies are an outright act of war,” said Rep. McKinley. See his entire statement on facebook.
  • SBA Economic Injury Disaster Loans Available in West Virginia. To learn more, go to http://t.co/4rID7gu1.
  • #911 #neverforget http://t.co/9MAPYqGG
  • As the nation remembers the 11th anniversary of the terrorist attacks on America, let us never forget the ultimate sacrifice hundreds made.
  • http://t.co/SALlhb4E
  • We are still waiting for the White House's sequestration report.
  • President Obama has presided over more months with unemployment above 8 percent (43) than the last 11 presidents combined. #4jobs
  • White House: Sequester Report Coming Next Week. To read more, click on this site: http://t.co/4rID7gu1.
  • Make sure you "like" us on our facebook page. View numerous photos and articles featuring Rep. McKinley at http://t.co/4rID7gu1.
  • This marks the 43rd month unemployment rate has stayed above 8%. The Jobs Number: + 96K; Expectation Was 125k-140k; Rate 8.1% #4jobs
  • Breaking: The Jobs Number: + 96K; Expectation Was 125k-140k; Rate 8.1%
  • Dominion activates W.Va. pipeline. To learn more, click here. http://t.co/OGMPrUJq
  • http://t.co/34MGa0zY
  • Rep. McKinley tours the historic Cockayne House in Marshall County. To view pictures, click here. http://t.co/4rID7gu1.
  • The president's rhetoric doesn't match reality when it comes to our debt, now above $16 trillion. http://t.co/ttfRKbIl
  • The closure of 7 coal-fired electric plants in 4states could be a sign of things to come.
  • New emissions standards threaten to relegate America’s top energy source: coal.
  • The debt has increased approximately $5.4 trillion since President Obama took office on January 20, 2009.
  • The Treasury Department said Tuesday that the federal government has now officially topped $16 trillion in debt.
  • Our prayers go out to the families of the two West Virginia State Police troopers injured and killed in the line of duty on Tuesday.
  • The people of the Gulf Coast are in our thoughts and prayers this morning as they weather the impact of Hurricane Isaac.
  • Rep. McKinley is travelling to Tucker County, today, to talk with area seniors at the Mt. Top Senior Center in Thomas.
  • West Virginia education officials are working to incorporate more locally grown food into school meals. http://t.co/4rID7gu1.
  • What importance does coal play in this year's Presidential election? Find out here: http://t.co/4rID7gu1.
  • Rep. McKinley is speaking at the 76th annual West Virginia Chamber of Commerce meeting and Business Summit at The Greenbrier.
  • Rep. McKinley hosts town hall meeting in Wheeling, focusing on the nation's ailing economy. See more, here: http://t.co/4rID7gu1.
  • Doors open at 6:30 p.m. The Town hall meeting begins at 7:00 p.m. in the college's main auditorium on the Wheeling campus.
  • Join Rep. McKinley tonight at 7:00 on the main campus of WVNCC for a town hall meeting concerning the nation's ailing economy.
  • Listen to Rep. McKinley on W.Va. Metro News stations beginning at 10:30 this morning. Go to http://t.co/pz8sUoZO
  • Congratulations to West Liberty and Wheeling Jesuit, now part of a new Division-II athletic conference -- the Mountain East Conference.
  • Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services redesigns http://t.co/nQ1mMtYs to improve online experience for beneficiaries. Check it out.
  • Rep. McKinley, an Eagle Scout, is scheduled to speak at the Ohio River Valley Council of Boy Scouts' banquet in Wheeling tonight.
  • Rob Portman: "The Regulatory Cliff Is Nearly as Steep as the Fiscal One." Read more, here: http://t.co/4rID7gu1
  • Presumptive Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney stumps in the Ohio Valley, talking "coal." http://t.co/eHjaNykB
  • Rep. McKinley tours the National Energy Technology Laboratory in Morgantown, W.Va. http://t.co/ATyrlkDp