Rep. Heck Responds to Latest Nevada Jobs Report

Oct 19, 2012 Issues: Economy and Jobs

State sees improvement, still more to be done for Nevada to reach full potential

LAS VEGAS - Congressman Joe Heck (NV-03) today released the following statement after the latest Nevada jobs numbers were announced.

"I am encouraged by today's news of the modest improvement in our state's unemployment rate. Anytime we are getting more Nevadans back to work, we should consider it a positive sign for our economy. However, there are still far too many policies coming out of Washington that are preventing businesses from hiring and keeping us from reaching our full economic potential. Whether they be burdensome regulations on small businesses, uncertainty over future tax rates, or mandates and taxes on small business in the health care law, it is clear that the president's policies have not created the type of robust recovery he promised or that Nevadans expect. 

"I have voted for an extension of current tax rates for all Americans which is the most immediate step we can take to give business owners confidence to expand their business. Getting Nevada back to work and improving our economy has been my top priority in Congress and I will continue to support policies that create an environment that makes it cheaper and easier for companies to open, expand, and hire."
