Cory Gardner

Colorado's 4th District

From Twitter
  • Follow @repcorygardner on Twitter »
  • Joint Session of Congress today to count electoral vote. 1 pm EST. #COpolitics
  • The 113th Congress was sworn in today - here is a pic of the family. #COpolitics
  • HAPPENING NOW: Open house in 213 Cannon, come on by if you're in town!
  • RT @HouseCommerce: BREAKING: Chairman @RepFredUpton releases 4th quarter report detailing committee accomplishments during 112th Congres ...
  • @EliStokols i only have two thumbs!
  • I cannot support Senate #fiscalcliff bill because it includes no plan for deficit reduction. Vote expected in the House around 9:30pm ET
  • Voted tonight to stop Congress from getting a pay raise.
  • Happy #2013! Alyson just called to wish Happy New Year...its 12 in CO, 2 am in DC. And Congress is voting.
  • RT @stormyjw: Let it snow!
  • Proud to be a member of @HouseCommerce which marked its 217th anniversary last Friday #Congress #History
  • Congrats! @ChadPergram: Rep Tim Scott (R-SC) becomes 1st African American senator since Sen Burris (D-IL) who succeeded President Obama.
  • As a father of two children, my heart aches today. What happened was not carried out by a human but by a soulless monster. #prayfornewtown
  • JUST ANNOUNCED: I will be introducing water storage legislation in the next Congress
  • excited to be part of the @westerncaucus leadership team for 113th congress!
  • Thanks to the thousands of people who joined me last night for a live teletown hall to discuss the fiscal cliff and need for spending cuts
  • RT @GOPLeader: You could set taxes at 100% for the wealthy and still not solve the problem. We have got to cut spending.
  • Remembering the 71st anniversary of Pearl Harbor attack that killed thousands of people and launched the United States into World War II.
  • Heading to Sterling this morning to a business opening and to meet with them about the economy. Then off to Greeley.
  • Xdw
  • BREAKING: Grant suspended for govt funded broadband provider EAGLE-Net due to "ongoing concerns" relating to compliance with grant rules
  • DOE study released today shows positive impact of LNG exports, #BigOpportunity
  • Rep. Tipton speaks to crowd at lighting of Capitol Christmas tree. Sen. Allard & Campbell here too. #CO03 #copolitics
  • At the lighting of the Capitol Christmas tree - from Colorado's White River Natl. Forest! #copolitics #9newsholidays
  • @NFIB deserves to be represented in fiscal cliff discussions, @whitehouse #failed to incld largest sm biz group in the country
  • JUST ANNOUNCED: Service Academy Noms from CO's 4th District for class of 2017
  • Praying for the people of Israel and those wounded in today's bus bombing in Tel Aviv
  • I'm at @ColoFarmBureau Annual Meeting, listening to discussion on Farm Bureau public policy. Good discussion!
  • Despite efforts to block it, Congress renewed earmark ban today. #FiscalResponsibiliy
  • Proud to be original co-sponsor of resolution urging Obama NOT to sign UN Arms Trade Treaty #Protect2ndAmendmentRights
  • TUNE IN: About to talk fiscal cliff on @FoxBusiness
  • Congrats to @cathymcmorris on election as GOP Conference Chair!
  • @NFIB says study by Ernst & Young discovered the fiscal cliff tax rate hikes “would greatly impact small businesses.”
  • RT @cathymcmorris: Proud and grateful that @RepTimScott, @RepGoodlatte & @RepCoryGardner will be my nominating speakers 4 House #GOP ...
  • WATCH LIVE: @HouseCommerce #meningitis hearing:
  • Stopped in to listen to the Colorado Wildlife Commission meeting today, which was being held in Yuma
  • JUST ANNOUNCED: NE CO district office has been moved from Sterling to Yuma. New address: 529 N. Albany, Suite 1220, phone: 970-848-2845
  • Thanks! RT @repcorygardner & @RepEdWhitfield support our trade economy & JOB CREATION! Do you?? #CreateNWjobs
  • @denverpost editorial agrees w/ need for scrutiny on Abound Solar, h/t investigative reporting done by @CompleteCO
  • VIDEO: On Fox News talking about Abound Solar investigated
  • @HouseCommerce had approx 30 bills pass the House + 5 significant bipartisan bills become law in 2012 - Read more
  • VIDEO: "This administration has been defined by bailouts, handouts and copouts."
  • PICTURE: At the Lamar Senior Speak Out discussing Medicare and government spending. Good crowd and great questions!
  • About to speak at CPAC Western Conference - lots of excitement here today!
  • Biden says middle class"buried" last 4 yrs, prob not the shovel ready project Obama had in mind, but the VP is right
  • @RepJimMatheson and I wrote to DOE Sec. Chu asking for more opportunities to export American natural gas
  • VIDEO: in @HouseCommerce hearing I talk about how energy regulations hurt low income families the most
  • Inaugural Pedal The Plains bicycle tour starts in Yuma today! Keep an eye out for tour mascot @SenatorBrophy
  • We cannot afford the #ObamaAdmins "All of the above but nothing from below energy policy" - Stop the #WarOnCoal
  • House just voted to prevent Pres. Obama's illegal attempt to waive the work requirement for welfare
  • Honored to have earned the "Friend of Farm Bureau" Award this year!
  • @RepMikeCoffman @RepTipton @RepDLamborn and i are asking for a review of Eagle-Net's broadband service
  • Today, the House will stand up for taxpayers and declare there will be #NoMoreSolyndras
  • RT @HouseCommerce: Today, as the House votes on the #NoMoreSolyndras Act, here are 10 lessons of the #Solyndra failure.
  • attended the memorial Service for Neil Armstrong this morning, honored the life of the first man to walk on the moon
  • We’re in the midst of an American energy spring. Wrongheaded D.C. policies are the only obstacles that could halt its bloom. #AmericanEnergy
  • One year after #Solyndra bankruptcy , we continue to learn the ugly truth and taxpayers continue to lose. #NoMoreSolyndras
  • we have now held 72 town hall meetings after Saturday's townhalls in Crowley and Otereo!
  • pic from today's Farm Show in yuma h/t @stormyjw - thanks for the pic!
  • Speaking later today at the Irrigated Research Farm in Yuma!
  • Great time at #WaterCongress today talking about the need for more storage and projects like #NISP
  • Where they bring the cattle into the chute for inspection with @MarkUdall
  • MT @MarkUdall: Learning about innovative ways Kuner Feedlot in #Kersey is reducing energy costs & feeding #cattle. w/ @RepCoryGardner
  • big thx to everyone that donated to our used cell phone drive! donations will go to help victims of domestic violence
  • Looking for a way to save for college? check out my plan to expand savings benefits of Coverdell ESAs
  • Happy Birthday Colorado! #BestStateInTheUnion
  • "One of the great mistakes is to judge policies and programs by their intentions rather than their results." - Milton Friedman
  • at fire restoration area at Milton Seaman Reservoir outside Fort Collins, lots of work being done to protect the water supply
  • great talking with @FixAaron and @hotlinereid just now - thanks for having me on for a #FixHangout!
  • Got a question for me? Ask it using hashtag #FixHangout and watch the live stream of my interview w/ @FixAaron
  • CSPAN ALERT: Colorado delegation is on the House floor with a resolution about the #AuroraShooting
  • House approves @RepRonPaul's #AuditTheFed bill 327-98, big victory for transparency. Bill now heads to the U.S. Senate.
  • House voting on bill to audit the Federal Reserve, 2/3rs majority needed to pass
  • Took this picture last night of the flag at half staff over the capitol. A clear reminder: We are Aurora.
  • NISP Rally today 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the Fort Lupton Historical Park - project right on track despite what opponents say #2012drought
  • BLM and Sec. Salazar have some explaining to do on proposed regulations for hydraulic fracturing
  • @jfryarTC welcome to Twitter!
  • Thx for stopping by! MT Thank you to @repcorygardner for meeting with the @USGLC!
  • Obama's #jobs council #MIA, hasn't met in 6 months
  • Presenting CO State Sen. Bacon with an official copy of the Congressional Record commemorating his retirement.
  • Honored to be highlighted by Roll Call as a leader among House freshman
  • Obama energy official calls loan guarantee program responsible for #Solyndra “enormous success” #NoMoreSolyndras
  • #FullRepeal of #Obamacare happening in approx 15 mins
  • members debating #FullRepeal of #Obamacare, more Dems expected to join GOP in vote to repeal
  • damage caused by CO wildfires magnified by the beetle-kill epidemic @RepTipton introduces Healthy Forest Management Act
  • need projects like NISP! MT @denverpost Colorado water shortages leave farmers, ranchers desperate by @nlofholm
  • Joined @lewgaiter and @repbjnikkel for town meeting on High Park Fire. We will continue working for relief and help to those impacted.
  • Finished visit with US Forest Service on High Park Fire. Stopped at Mountain Park Campground to view recovery efforts.
  • High Park Fire now 100% contained. Thank you to all the firefighters and first responders for doing an incredible job.
  • My full statement on the vote to hold Eric Holder in contempt of Congress
  • just because something is deemed constitutional does not make it good policy, the House will continue to fight for #fullrepeal of #obamacare
  • #SCOTUS decision on #Obamacare confirms the President broke his promise and IS taxing the middle class
  • mtg with US Forest Service Chief Tidwell and members of CO delegation to discuss what more we can be doing to fight the wildfires
  • To all of the fire crews on the front lines – we cannot thank you enough and are so grateful for all of your hard work
  • The sun rose red over the eastern plains this morning. Pray for rain.
  • MT @RedState The Withering Cost Of The Shiny, Green Jobs #TCOT #RS
  • MT @HouseCommerce National media is reporting new angles of the #Obamacare investigation. Read and watch more at
  • House just approved Domestic #Energy and #Jobs Act with bipartisan support 248-163
  • back on the floor today managing amendments to Domestic #Energy and #Jobs Act - passage expected later today
  • HAPPENING NOW: Domestic #Energy and #Jobs Act being debated on House floor watch live:
  • Domestic #Energy & #Jobs Act will combat POTUS' policies that could drive up gas prices