Release - Rokita: Getting Fiscal House in Order is Only Way to Ensure Real Economic Growth

Jan 4, 2013 Issues: Economy and Jobs

January 4, 2013                                                                   
Contact: Josh Britton
Phone: (202) 225-5037      


Rokita: Getting Fiscal House in Order is Only Way to Ensure Real Economic Growth


(Washington, D.C.) – U.S. Rep. Todd Rokita today issued the following statement on the December 2012 jobs report released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics:

            “The slow growth of our economy is a direct result of a federal government that seems to only succeed at causing uncertainty for job creators. Our $16 trillion in debt and the $100 trillion in entitlement spending that is looming in the decades ahead, combined with an anti-growth tax code and a maze of federal regulations, make it difficult for any business owner to invest with confidence and to hire more employees. Until we get our fiscal house in order by passing responsible budgets that cut spending and reform entitlements, we’ll never see the real economic growth that America is capable of,” said Rokita.