Library of Congress

Digital Preservation

The Library of Congress > Digital Preservation > NDSA > Working Groups > Outreach

The Outreach Working Group of the NDSA is focused on building relationships with stakeholder communities and preparing and sharing digital preservation information resources. These activities include: Identifying and assessing tools the NDSA community needs for communication; Identifying and promoting key digital preservation information resources; Defining opportunities for outreach within the NDSA and to the community beyond.

The scope of work of the Outreach Working Group activities falls under three broad categories:

  • Public Awareness
  • Partner Recruitment
  • Communication across the NDSA

These are instantiated through several specific campaigns and Action Teams. These include:

You can join the conversation online at the NDIIPP Facebook page, or on twitter with the hashtag #NDSA or through the @NDSA2 twitter account.

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