


I serve as the Congressman for Florida’s 9th Congressional District

Palm Harbor, Fla. ·

Twiitit Kaikki / Ei vastauksia

Our thoughts are w . Her father fought a great battle w Leukemia & we send prayers/support to her family during this difficult time

Great to join the community for yesterday's Epiphany celebration. Congrats to Vassilios Harding on retrieving the cross

Wishing everyone a happy and blessed New Year! Ευτυχισμενος ο καινουριος χρονος

Gen Schwarzkopf was a hero, impacting lives through his service to the US & commitment to TB. He will be greatly missed

After receiving ARB unclassified report, looking fwd to tomorrow’s Foreign Affairs hearing to get to bottom of Benghazi

On this 71st Anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor, we remember the more than 2,000 service members and 49 (cont)

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