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Laboratory Employment Information

Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellow in Genomics

DOE JGI Visiting Scientist Program

(LBNL Life Sciences and Genomics Divsions)

For general information about employment at DOE JGI, send e-mail to: jobs@jgi.doe.gov


The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Joint Genome Institute (JGI) integrates the sequencing and analytical capacities of the DOE JGI partners: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL), Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology, and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Employees of the DOE JGI located in Walnut Creek, California, are usually hired through LBNL or LLNL and are assigned to the DOE JGI through the various divisions within the Laboratories.

To apply for jobs, click the "Apply Now" (LBNL), "Select Job" (LLNL), or "Apply for this job" (LANL) button on the description page.

Current Job Postings

Through LBNL and LLNL

The "dual" posting type designates a job posted through both LLNL and LBNL. Applicants need only apply to one laboratory. The choice has no bearing on the laboratory through which one is ultimately hired.

Posting Type Lab Job Number Title Organization
Single LBNL 74817 Bioinformatics Software Developer 2/3- Sequencing Analysis Genomics
Single LBNL 75414 Bioinformatics Systems Analyst 2/3- Sequence Analysis Genomics
Single LBNL 75232 Computational Biologist Postdoc Fellow- Microbe Functional Genomics Genomics
Single LBNL 75074 Divisional Fellow- Genomics Genomics
Single LBNL 75557 Scientific Engineering Associate- Laboratory Automation Genomics
Single LBNL 75407 Software Developer 2/3- Sequencing Data Management Genomics
Single LBNL 75337 Software Developer 3/4- Institutional Informatics Genomics
Single LBNL 75436 Sr. Research Associate- Genomic Technologies Genomics
Single LBNL 75503 Sr. Research Associate- Single Cell Pipeline Genomics