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RuNet Echo is a project of Global Voices to expand and deepen understanding of the Russian language Internet (RuNet) and related online communities. Read more »


Stories from RuNet Echo

29 October 2014

Aleksandr Makarenko: Digital Quartermaster for Ukraine's Army

The Ukrainian army and pro-Kyiv forces, underfunded by the state, have relied heavily on support from ordinary Ukrainians like Aleksandr Makarenko, who has raised over $75,000 on social media.

28 October 2014

Ukraine Elections Online: Crowdmaps To Report Voter Fraud, Hashtags To Vent About Politics

As Ukraine counts the votes in its parliamentary elections, we take a look at the online citizen tools that Ukrainians used to report violations and discuss the candidates.

22 October 2014

Russia's Justice Ministry Targets Human Rights Group ‘Memorial’

Russia hasn't elaborated its grievances against the human rights group, but Memorial says the main issue is that officials want it to adopt a more centralized organizational structure.

20 October 2014

Russians, Rejoice! The Long-Awaited ‘Meduza’ News Portal Has Arrived!

A cross between news aggregation and independent reporting, "Meduza" is the coolest thing to hit online Russian journalism in recent memory.

16 October 2014

With Just Over 50 Entries, Kremlin Blogger Registry Gets No Love

Russia's new blogger law requires popular bloggers to register with the state, but only 52 entries have been added to the registry since it started operations over two months ago.

15 October 2014

As The Kremlin's Media Crackdown Continues, Blogs Might Be The Final Casualty

Global Voices Advocacy

With independent online media closing down or moving abroad, Russian bloggers may now be facing even greater pressure from the Kremlin, as their freedom has shrunk dramatically.

14 October 2014

Vladimir Putin and Russian Nationalists Don't Get Along. Here's Why.

RuNet Echo speaks to Egor Prosvirnin, the chief editor of the website "Sputnik & Pogrom," about Vladimir Putin and nationalism in Russia today.

13 October 2014

Death By Firing Squad in Eastern Ukraine Over a Cartoon?

The rebel "culture minister" allegedly demands that a court sentence a writer to death by firing squad, and also asks to be awarded 50,000 rubles in compensation for moral damages.

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