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Loretta Sanchez - Garden Grove, CA

Loretta Sanchez
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  1. Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez visits MyDesign2Print, a local small business in Orange, CA.
    Photo: Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez visits MyDesign2Print, a local small business in Orange, CA.
  2. Friends -- I want to emphasize that though the numerical designation for our district has changed, I will continue to represent the vast majority of our community.

    If you need to reach me or any of my staff, my district office will still be on Lewis Street in Garden Grove and my phone number will be the same - 714-621-0102. While my website is updated, please email me directly at loretta@mail.house.gov.

    -- LS
  3. ***ATTENTION***

    The 113th Congress has begun, and due to redistricting, the district represented by Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez will now be designated as California’s 46th Congressional District, rather than California’s 47th Congressional District.

    This change in numerical designation does not mean that Rep. Sanchez will cease to represent many of the communities in her district. The boundaries of Rep. Sanchez’ district have only slightly changed and she will continue to represent Anaheim, California, Santa Ana, California, and parts of Garden Grove, California. In addition, parts of the city of Orange, California have been added to her district.
  4. Watch Loretta Sanchez tonight as she spars with Fox anchor Neil Cavuto on Fox Business about fiscal cliff agreement and more!

    5pm PST/ 8pm PST
  5. Can you believe these angels? :)
    Photo: Can you believe these angels? :)
  6. Oscar and Yesenia Rojas, Las Posadas organizers.
    Photo: Oscar and Yesenia Rojas, Las Posadas organizers.
  7. Las Posadas on Anna Drive in Anaheim.
    Photo: Las Posadas on Anna Drive in Anaheim.
  8. The fiscal cliff agreement received significant support from both Democrats and Republicans, hopefully a sign of better things to come in the next Congress. While I would have preferred a more comprehensive agreement that deals with sequestration, what we passed today is a good first step. I look forward to working hard with my colleagues in the coming month to replace the sequester with targeted, congressionally approved budget reductions.
  9. Though not perfect, the fiscal cliff agreement ensures our economy can continue to grow while we tackle our debt problem. We kept tax rates from increasing for the middle class, and we asked the wealthiest of Americans to contribute more. Thank you to these individuals who can afford to give more as our country struggles to emerge from a recession and deal with our debt problem.
  10. I hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday weekend with friends and family. Let's keep in our thoughts all those serving abroad this holiday season and the families who miss them.
  11. Friends -

    Speaker Boehner’s fiscal cliff solution, Plan B, is a non-starter and I do not believe it’s a fairly balanced or serious proposal. While asking little of our most wealthy, Plan B would increase taxes by an average of $1,000 for 25 million working families. And the healthcare of many seniors and other Medicare enrollees would be jeopardized by a 27% cut in Medicare payments.

    To solv...e our country’s debt crisis, we need a balanced and bipartisan agreement that does not hurt the future opportunities of our children and does not unnecessarily burden our seniors. This is not a time to put the middle class through more stress. Bottom line – we need to take a balanced approach, one that also asks the very rich to contribute their fair share. I am ready and willing to work every day – through the holidays and beyond - until that kind of a compromise is reached.
    See More
  12. In light of three serval cats, who resemble small cheetahs, escaping from a Los Alamitos apartment recently, Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez (D-Garden Grove) today renewed her call for a federal law prohibiting private possession of big cats except at facilities like accredited zoos.
  13. Discussing the security situation in the Congo with Ben Affleck. Affleck is the founder of the Eastern Congo Initiative (ECI). House Armed Services Committee Democrats
    Photo: Discussing the security situation in the Congo with Ben Affleck.  Affleck is the founder of the Eastern Congo Initiative (ECI). House Armed Services Committee Democrats
  14. The office of Rep. Loretta Sanchez was able to give toys and food to a hundred families in the district.
  15. Rep. Loretta Sanchez, D-Santa Ana, has long backed a ban on assault weapons.

    “Americans are tired of all talk following these senseless tragedies – we must take concrete action, and that starts in Congress and the White House,” Sanchez sai...d. “I have supported in the past and continue to support common sense measures, including a ban on assault weapons and closing the gun-show loophole. The lives of these children will not be lost in vain.”See More
  16. Thoughts and prayers are with the children, school faculty, and their families in Newton, Connecticut today. America stands with them as they deal with this senseless tragedy.

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