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House Committee on Small Business - Washington

House Committee on Small Business
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  1. Medical device tax "will cost many Americans their jobs, stifle innovation and lower job-creation in the sector." via New York Post.

    It's time for the Senate to join the House in voting to repeal this job and innovation killing tax.
  2. NFIB: Small businesses are slightly more confident in January but 70% still believe it is a bad time to expand. Small businesses cite political uncertainty, taxes and government regulations as hindrances to growth.
  3. Coverage of our contracting provisions that were passed as a part of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA):

    “Increases contracting opportunities for small businesses by, among other provisions, requiring the Small Business Administ...ration to develop size standards that accurately define what is a small business in more than 1,100 industries. The requirement is intended to ensure that government contracts meant for small businesses do not instead go to large firms.”See More
  4. The Washington Post, “overwhelming uncertainty over the tax code and proposed regulatory reform measures” slowing small business growth…..could be growing much faster, creating more new jobs and businesses, if Washington addressed the tax, spending and regulatory uncertainty plaguing the small business community in a meaningful way.”
  5. Owner of Marlin Steel Wire Products, uncertainty leading to “lower business confidence, which translates into reduced spending and staff reductions.”

    LIKE and SHARE if you believe that small businesses need certainty and not more questions Washington.
  6. More coverage of the bipartisan movement to repeal the Medical Device Tax. Via CNBC:

    “Especially threatening to small device companies and startups that are not yet profitable, as the tax is based on gross revenues. In fact, some said it could mean the difference between barely being profitable and going under.”
  7. Small businesses have testified throughout this Congress that tax hikes will affect them and cost our economy jobs, watch the video below:

Earlier in January

Earlier in December

Earlier in 2012