Rob Wittman

Virginia's 1st District

From Twitter
  • Follow @robwittman on Twitter »
  • Humbled to serve #va01 during 113th Congress, which began today. Thanks for your tweets in 2012 - keep them coming in 2013! #happynewyear
  • Thanks for interacting, folks! I always appreciate your thoughts, concerns, and questions. #twittertues #va01
  • @BobMercur We'll miss you in #va01, but thanks for participating, and please stay engaged!
  • RT @BobMercur: @RobWittman Unfortunately I lose ou as my Rep. but keep up the great work.
  • Folks, my thoughts & prayers are w/ those affected by the tragedy in Newtown. We must work 2 ensure the safety and security of our children.
  • @nevasue I also believe we shouldn't raise taxes on the middle class, & that it is extraordinarily important 2 significantly reduce spending
  • RT @nevasue: .@RobWittman Thank you for representing me. I support Pres. @BarackObama's plan to reduce middle-class taxes #twittertues # ...
  • @ChavezTM Extremely important issue. I'm working to offset the DoD cuts & ensure we meet the needs of our men and women in uniform.
  • RT @ChavezTM: @RobWittman any thoughts wrt rumored DoD slices affecting NN/Hampton area?
  • Rob will be here later today to answer questions for #twittertues. What are your thoughts? #va01 #fxbg #hrva #nnk #rva
  • Let’s keep the victims and their loved ones in our thoughts and prayers. #prayfornewtown
  • My heart goes out to all of those affected by the horrible, senseless tragedy today in Newtown, Connecticut.
  • What a fantastic Army-Navy game! There is nothing like being there to experience it. Congrats to the Midshipman-great victory'
  • Today we remember the fallen at Pearl Harbor and their selfless sacrifice. We are the greatest nation in the world due to those who serve.
  • Folks, thanks for your continued tweets. Please stay in touch. We're continuing to work to avoid the Fiscal Cliff. Your ideas are valuable.
  • I enjoyed taking part in the Cong. Shipbldg Caucus breakfast this morning with great folks to advocate for a strong naval fleet/amphib force
  • @AshtonMinter Thanks! It was a great evening. I really enjoyed the festivities. #fxbg
  • RT @AshtonMinter: Another great Fredericksburg Christmas Parade! And thanks @RobWittman for making an appearance. #fredericksburgva
  • @jayplumm It's critical for us to avoid the Fiscal Cliff. House Republicans put forth a balanced proposal yesterday to the White House.
  • RT @jayplumm: @RobWittman What are you willing to sacrifice in a budget deal Congressman to ensure that we do not go over the "Fiscal Cl ...
  • Folks, Rob will be here shortly for a live #twittertues Q&A. What's on your mind? #va01 #fxbg #hrva #nnk #rva
  • RT @BobMcDonnell: Virginia will be 1 of 3 states included in the first-ever renewable energy lease sale on the outer continental shelf. ...
  • Pleased to see Westmoreland County and the #nnk getting some well-deserved attention in @nytimestravel.
  • Thanks for your questions, folks! I'm going to vote on the House floor, but please continue to keep in touch. #twittertues #va01
  • @Parlay1992 I also support efforts to reduce salaries for members of Congress, as well to reduce the budget for the Legislative Branch.
  • @Parlay1992 I support efforts to make Members of Congress accountable and assuring that our fundamental duties are performed.
  • @jzirkle0 It's my hope that we avoid the fiscal cliff. I am working to find thoughtful ways to avoid these massive cuts to our defense.
  • RT @Parlay1992: @RobWittman Re-introduce your *no pay for no serious work* I understand the others didn't like the plan, but we the peop ...
  • RT @jzirkle0: @RobWittman Will this fiscal cliff/defense cuts, affect the contractor workforce @ NSWC Dahlgren?
  • @edjbox I believe there will be continued efforts to replace the ACA w/ patient-centered reforms.
  • RT @edjbox: @RobWittman what's the plan now to deal with the "Affordable Care Act" (Obamacare)? Any plans to repeal/replace?
  • Rob will be here soon to answer questions for #twittertues. Please submit your thoughts, comments & questions! #va01 #fxbg #hrva #nnk #rva
  • Folks, keep your tweets coming! look forward to continuing to interact.
  • @Esparza87 First, that we avoid going over the fiscal cliff. We must reduce spending & reform the tax code. We must address sequestration.
  • It is great to be here to speak to the Fredericksburg Chamber of Commerce Military Affairs Council about defense issues
  • Thanks to the Gloucester Chamber of Commerce for the opportunity to meet with folks and answer questions about their government
  • @timothy_watson My focus is always on what's best for our nation, including a strong military and smart, strategic defense policy.
  • @timothy_watson My goals are to reduce our nation's debt and ensure a strong military. The Super Committee failed and we must keep fighting.
  • RT @timothy_watson: @RobWittman Whenever you talk about how the defense industry needs more money, why don't you note how many donations ...
  • RT @timothy_watson: @RobWittman Why did you flip-flop on sequestration? Why do you think it's the govt's job to create jobs? Do you supp ...
  • Rob will be here this morning to take your comments and questions - what's on your mind? #twitter #va01 #nnk #rva #fxbg #hrva
  • Rob is on the House floor and will speak momentarily. Tune in! #defense #sequestration
  • Congrats @NASA_Langley Research Center, celebrating their 95th Anniversary. Proud of their good work, looking forward to more in the future
  • RT @cspan: House Armed Services Cmte (@HASCRepublicans) hearing on @DeptofDefense plans for #Sequestration – LIVE online here: http://t. ...
  • House Armed Services Committee hearing on looming defense cuts is underway. Tune in: #hasc #sequestration
  • On live now talking defense cuts with @jfredericksshow - tune-in online #sequestration
  • Hearing also live via @cspan / House Armed Services Cmte. Reviews Defense Dept. Audit Readiness | C-SPAN
  • Live in America's 1st District + have a question for Rob? Join live chat today on Facebook #va01 #nnk #rva #fxbg #hrva
  • Rob is currently chairing a hearing: Department of Defense Auditability Challenges. Tune-in: #HASC #defense #sequester
  • RT @HASCRepublicans: FC #HASC Hearing on Operational Contract Support: Learning from the Past and Preparing for the Future ...
  • @bonostph yes mom has always been fun. Great to see her enjoying herself at the orchard.
  • @JulieC_Hunter Thanks for sending this my way. Will take a look, and I welcome your suggestions.
  • In VA01, I've met with many folks concerned about these looming defense cuts. It is unconscionable for the Senate and WH to ignore this.
  • RT @JulieC_Hunter: . @RobWittman why isn't Congress doing anything about this: ? #twittertues
  • This week, we'll be voting on another bill to avoid sequestration. Folks in America's First are very concerned with these potential cuts.
  • @momn3boys Thanks for the RT. God Bless America.
  • Great #HASC hearing today on the future of shipbuilding and our shipbuilders and their suppliers. Must better plan for future needs.
  • @Longtabsigo There haven't been recent discussions on the relocation of AFRICOM, but it has been part of past conversations.
  • RT @Longtabsigo: @RobWittman Ok, i'll fling one out there: What, if anything, is being discussed about relocating USAFRICOM to the #hrv ...
  • Let us never forget the innocent lives lost on 9/11 & those that have volunteered to go in harm's way to defend our liberties and freedoms
  • Let us all take time today to remember the victims of 9/11 and those that have fought for our country.
  • Hey folks, I'm here for a few minutes to take your comments and questions. #nnk #hrva #fxbg #rva #va01
  • #twittertues is back: Rob will be here shortly to answer questions in a live @twitter Q&A. Send along your questions! #fxbg #rva #hrva #nnk
  • Great morning at Mathews Market Days- what a great community!
  • Wittman: Sequestration inaction ‘not acceptable’
  • RT @VCNVAorg: Did you see @RobWittman's piece today? !A clean Chesapeake Bay — and jobs" | Richmond Times-Dispatch
  • RT @OdieHD: Congressman Rob Wittman discusses Veterans Benefits with members of the King George @ American Legion Hall ...
  • In today's @RTDnews, Wittman: A clean Chesapeake Bay — and jobs #chesbay #baynews
  • ONE-MINUTE VIDEO: @RobWittman calls on Congress to stay in DC, finish critical business
  • Congress should stay in Washington to finish the business of the people. I am prepared to stay in Washington as long as it takes.
  • Tune in - Rob will be speaking on the floor shortly!
  • RT @HASCRepublicans: Streaming live - Sequestration Implementation Options and the Effects on National Defense: Administration Perspecti ...
  • The House Armed Services Committee hearing on looming defense cuts is underway. You can watch online here: #HASC
  • RT @HASCRepublicans: McKeon WaPo OpEd - The danger of Obama’s inaction on sequestration
  • Headed to joint #HASC #VA hearing which will begin shortly
  • Thanks for your tweets, keep them coming. Please stay engaged. #va01
  • @Rastronics Thanks for your thoughts. I believe the leaders of this nation should set an example. #va01
  • RT @Rastronics: @RobWittman I believe the Chief Executives pay should be included in the Congressional pay being cut as well.
  • @RobDuBois The issues b4 Congress must be addressed now. The solutions must come from what's best for this country now and in the long term.
  • RT @vplwv: @RobWittman like where the farmers made sure runoff not going into water. Localities fixing storm/sewer issues. Localities fi ...
  • RT @RobDuBois: @RobWittman Sir, do you see necessary challenges yet happening in Congress to raise cooperation above self-interest? It’s ...
  • @vplwv Brought this up w/ EPA 2 make sure they count pollution reduction by farmers, much of which is currently not captured in reports
  • RT @vplwv: @RobWittman Do you think the epa should count the work localities & farmers have done to comply with tmdl already. The EP ...
  • RT @Jonathan_Deaux: @RobWittman All I'm thinking about is the UN Small Arms Treaty and getting rid of @BarackObama. Any comment Sir?
  • @Jonathan_Deaux I'm adamantly opposed to the Arms Trade Treaty. We must protect 2nd Amendment rights.
  • I've been very vocal about completing not just the budget, but also the appropriations bills before the end of the fiscal year.
  • Regarding #NoBudgetNoPay I support cutting pay for members of Congress and restoring budgeting to timely, regular consideration.
  • @ladyozma Yes I did, fantastic evening. Great fellowship w/ the LDS community.
  • @Robert_E_Lehman Yes, I am a cosponsor of HR 459 and will vote in favor. #auditthefed
  • RT @ladyozma: It was really great seeing @RobWittman at the #NoVA #YouthCelebration put on by the #LDS church. Hope he enjoyed it!
  • @SoBeHappy Neither, I would hope they'd practice healthy lifestyles that would include refraining from alcohol or illegal drug consumption.
  • RT @Robert_E_Lehman: Great #news. Let's hope @RobWittman & @CantorPress are on board too. @AmidstTheCrowd @1Marchella #gop #tcot #tl ...
  • RT @SoBeHappy: would you rather have your kids smoke marijuana or drink Alcohol? @MarkWarner @barackobama @EricCantor @Randy_Forbes @Rob ...
  • @mommakj22 VA law limits smoking in public places, their consideration was for outdoor spaces & didn't limit 2 entrances and exits to bldgs
  • Saddened this morning to hear of the unthinkable tragedy in Colorado. Deepest condolences, thoughts and prayers to victims and families
  • @nathanielcline thanks. Good to see you in Northumberland. Thanks for the great sports coverage in the northern neck.
  • @friesner ag policy important 4 rural areas, affecting crop insurance to help farmers protect operations. Includes SNAP/food stamp program
  • RT @nathanielcline: #Northumberland welcomes Major Softball All Stars #littleleague @RobWittman
  • RT @friesner: @RobWittman can you sum up the farm bill in 140 characters?
  • @chris_crossin the national debt and building a healthy economy. I voted for a balanced budget amendment and a # of pro-jobs bills