Foam Fest 5K photos: See baseball player 'Gangnam,' 'Team Xena' and more soapy fun

FD Luxe: How to stage a $5 million tailgate in Dallas (with a boar's-head red velvet cake)

The fall picnic, budget be damned. Welcome to a princely outing — just $5 million and change — for an American meal most worthy. (And it has nothing to do with turkey.)

Capture Dallas: See the best photos in October

David Downs
Photographers submitted a lot of great pictures last month on, our site for photography lovers. Check out a gallery of every photo voted by users as Photo of the Day in the month of October.
Foam Fest 5K photos: See baseball player 'Gangnam,' 'Team Xena' and more soapy fun
FD Luxe: How to stage a $5 million tailgate in Dallas (with a boar's-head red velvet cake)
Capture Dallas: See the best photos in October