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Contact: Doug Sachtleben (202) 225-2777

Fleming Urges Party to Stand on Principle
There is no room for fiscal cliff compromise until Democrats put forth serious proposals for entitlement reform.

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H. Res 826

Washington, D.C., Nov 29, 2012 - U.S. Representative John Fleming, M.D. (LA-4) released the following statement about negotiations to prevent the so-called fiscal cliff:

“Republicans must stop putting tax increases on the fiscal cliff negotiating table, and start demanding that Democrats put forth serious proposals to reduce spending. So far Democrats have offered nothing specific. Vague numbers, illusory cuts that are years away, and useless rhetoric about raising taxes will not make a dent in the fact that we are headed for a fifth straight year of trillion dollar annual deficits. Our national debt has skyrocketed by more than $5.5 trillion since President Obama took office, and all we’re getting from the White House is another campaign for tax increases that will pay for just over a week’s worth of our federal government.

“It is foolish for Republicans to continue opening the door to job-killing tax hikes while Democrats refuse to explain how they propose to reform mandatory spending – mostly entitlements – that makes up almost two-thirds of the federal budget. I’ve heard enough of Democrats claiming a balanced approach. This is more of the same tax-and-spend gamesmanship that has pushed our national debt to $16.3 trillion, just below the debt limit that the president wants us to raise yet again. There is no ground on which House Republican leaders should compromise until Democrats are finally ready to give up their spending addiction.”   

Dr. John Fleming is a physician and small business owner and represents the 4th Congressional District of Louisiana. He is Chairman of the Natural Resources Subcommittee on Fisheries, Wildlife, Oceans and Insular Affairs and is a member of the House Armed Services Committee.

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