Library of Congress

Program for Cooperative Cataloging

The Library of Congress > Cataloging, Acquisitions > PCC > SACO > Joining the SACO Program

Any institution that currently participates as an independent contributor to one of the other PCC component programs is automatically considered to be a SACO member and does NOT need to submit a formal SACO application. SACO participation has become an institution-based program. To further clarify eligibility, institutions participating in NACO funnels are required to submit a completed SACO membership application and appoint an institutional SACO liaison, much as NACO membership requires. Any institution is eligible to become a full-fledged SACO member. To enjoy full SACO membership, please submit the SACO membership application.

What are the program requirements?

  • Submit a completed Web-based SACO membership application with an institutional agreement/commitment to an annual numerical contribution goal of 10-12 proposals. This numerical goal includes a combination of new or changed LCSH headings and/or new or changed LC Classification numbers.
  • Participation in a SACO funnel is an option for institutions that may not be able to meet the annual numerical contribution goal.
  • Catalogers at all institutions are expected to have a basic knowledge of the procedures and guidelines contained in the Subject Cataloging Manual: Subject Headings (SCM), familiarity with LCSH and with the following tools: Free-Floating Subdivisions: An Alphabetical Index, MARC 21 Authority Format, and standard reference sources.
  • In order to prevent duplication of effort participants should have access to the online Library of Congress authority files, both for name authorities and subject authorities, for searching purposes.

There are no membership fees to join the SACO Program. The only program “costs” are the time and resources expended to assure that the heading proposed is not a duplicate, that the necessary research has been performed and recorded, and that all elements in the proposal form have been filled in correctly. There are complete guidelines on submitting proposals on the SACO website, and SACO staff members in the Cooperative Programs Section of the Library of Congress are only an email message away, should questions arise.