Library of Congress

Program for Cooperative Cataloging

The Library of Congress > Cataloging, Acquisitions > PCC > Reports & News Archive

The PCC Reports and News Collection includes:

  • PCC Program Annual Reports for the current year and the previous two years
  • PCC Standing Committee Reports for the current year and the previous two years
  • PCC Meeting Summaries (ALA, PCC Policy Committee, PCC Operations Committee) for the current year and the previous two years
  • All PCC Standing Committee Task Group Reports
  • All PCC Task Group Reports
  • Current PCC Governance Documents
  • PCC Documents of historical interest

Discussion Papers

PCC Programs Annual Reports

See all CONSER Program Reports and Meeting Summaries

PCC Standing Committee Reports

Standing Committee on Automation

Annual and Quarterly Reports

Standing Committee on Standards

Annual and Quarterly Reports

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Standing Committee on Standards Task Groups

Standing Committee on Training

Annual and Quarterly Reports

PCC Meeting Summaries

ALA -- PCC Participants' Meeting

ALA—CONSER-at-Large Meetings

ALA—BIBCO-at-Large Meetings

ALA—SACO-at-Large Meetings

PCC Policy Committee

PCC Operations Committee

BIBCO Operations Committee

CONSER Operations Committee

PCC Standing Committee Task Group Reports

BIBCO Standard Record Task Group Final Reports

CONSER Task Groups

PCC Governance Documents

Historical PCC Documents

PCC International Outreach

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