Gregg Harper

Mississippi's 3rd District

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  • Follow @greggharper on Twitter »
  • Glad to have y'all in the office, @bigfootduncan. I just hope that @m_wisemangovt behaves himself while he's in town next week!!!
  • Just reintroduce my bill terminating the obsolete EAC and eliminating the Presidential Election Campaign Fund. #113Congress
  • In a planning meeting this a.m. with @HouseCommerce lawmakers to discuss our committee's agenda for the #113Congress.
  • .@TheHill on my legislation scratching a decades-old auto regulation from the federal code --
  • Wow. NFL playoffs at it's finest. #BALvsDEN
  • Yes, sir! Enjoy the weekend. RT @MichaelWatsonMS: @GreggHarper Always good to see you at the State Capitol! Thanks for stopping by to visit.
  • .@WCBITV: President Signs Harper Bill -
  • .@AP: President signs bill co-authored by Rep. Harper -
  • Any law that seeks to limit the rights of law-abiding citizens from owning firearms is a step towards an out-right ban.
  • As an attorney, citizen, and your member of Congress, I will not stand for new attempts to further restrict your constitutional rights.
  • Thanks, Andrew! RT @AndrewPowaleny: Congratulations, @GreggHarper and @RepTimMurphy for having both their bills signed into law today.
  • RT @HouseCommerce: POTUS signs @GreggHarper bill, H.R. 5859, to reduce red tape & peel back an outdated and unnecessary rule http:// ...
  • Proud to announce that my legislation removing an obsolete federal auto dealer mandate has been signed into law.
  • RT @MSEMA: Flash Flood Warning for Adams County until 12:45pm #mswx
  • Re: Second Amendment rights, I firmly believe that law-abiding American citizens have the right to own firearms.
  • Heading to #MEC Capital Day later this morning.
  • Great @AP photo taken in the Senate chamber during yesterday's opening session in Jackson.
  • RT @RepPhilGingrey: @HouseCommerce: War on coal claims more casualties
  • Hope you can attend, folks! RT @FragileXnews: @GreggHarper invites you to join us for #FragileX #Advocacy Day #NFXFAD
  • .@RepFredUpton has announced that the @HouseCommerce Committee will conduct it's organizational meeting on January 22, 2013, at 10:00 a.m.
  • UMMC's School of Medicine expansion will improve patient access and grow Mississippi's economy. #4jobs
  • RT @gopconference: Watch @WaysandMeansGOP Chairman @RepDaveCamp deliver the Weekly #GOP Address ->
  • My number one priority as your representative is to rein in the out-of-control debt. #113Congress
  • Now that the #113Congress has convened, here's what to expect.
  • Gator. Orange. Sugar. And Fiesta. Even the Famous Idaho Potato. Lot's of great bowl games, folks. Which one has been your favorite so far?
  • Heads up! If you're not receiving my eNewsletter, you can sign up here--
  • Thanks for having me on, JT! RT @thejtshow: @sawmill67 oh yes... he is all over the tweet scene
  • Empowering innovators and harnessing our domestic energy capabilities will help reduce our dependence on foreign oil. #113Congress
  • .@StarkvilleDaily: US Congressmen prepare for new term -- #113Congress
  • Enjoyed the visit! RT @clc7287: @GreggHarper We greatly appreciate your hospitality during our trip to DC!
  • The #113Congress must advance ideas that stabilize fuel prices and build a steady supply of American energy.
  • I will continue to advocate for sound federal policies that balance necessary reforms with healthy government oversight.
  • For the 113th Congress, I'll remain on the influential @HouseCommerce Committee and return to the select @HouseAdmnGOP.
  • We can solve these problems, but solving them does not mean raising taxes.
  • Sidney and I are so humbled by the trust that our friends and neighbors have placed in our family to represent their conservative values.
  • On my way to take the Oath of Office for the 113th Congress.
  • For four years, I've fought to reform entitlements and cut spending. This bill accomplishes neither of these goals.
  • RT @GOPLeader: The House of Representatives has just passed a Congressional pay freeze with H.R. 6726 in a 287-129 vote.
  • Re: the pay raise talk - I've never voted for a pay raise, nor will I accept this one. I will support the bill to reverse the pres. order.
  • @WACarter17 I've never voted for a pay raise, nor will I accept this one.
  • Happy New Year, folks!
  • The president wants more taxes for more spending. #SpendingIsTheProblem
  • I'm hopeful that the President and Harry Reid...will decide to put the politics aside and come up with a solution. MPB:
  • RT @AndrewPowaleny: @GreggHarper will be on @FoxBusiness at 8PM EST discussing @lisapjackson's departure from the @EPAgov.
  • Joining guest host Tom Sullivan on Neal Cavuto's show to discuss Lisa Jackson's resignation. Tune in at the top of the hour.
  • The House will return to Washington for legislative business on Sunday, December 30.
  • RT @PhilBryantMS: This evening I declared a State of Emergency for several Mississippi counties:
  • Merry Christmas, all! Philippians 2:8-11
  • May you find the peace that passes all understanding and may God bless you and your family in the coming year.
  • The Senate has approved my bill that removes a dated federal automobile regulation, advancing the legislation to the president.
  • RT @gopconference: The president's rhetoric on cutting spending is just that—rhetoric. Take a look ->
  • .@HouseCommerce chairman, @RepFredUpton, on our committee's contributions to the "Spending Reduction Act." -
  • RT @GOPLeader: The President has a decision to make: support these measures or be responsible for the largest tax hike in American history.
  • House will also vote to cut $300 billion in mandatory spending over 10 years and $19 billion from domestic accounts over the next 6 months.
  • Hopping on the phone with JT over at @supertalk at the top of the hour. #StopTheTaxHike
  • Central Electric Power Association will receive a $1M loan from USDA to build a retail facility on Choctaw tribal land in Neshoba County.
  • The House is set to consider a bill today that makes permanent $3.9 trillion in tax reductions.
  • As the severe storms move towards Mississippi, remember that @MSEMA will have realtime weather and emergency updates.
  • RT @PhilBryantMS: On Friday morning at 9:30, Mississippi will observe a moment of silence in remembrance of those who died in Connecticu ...
  • RT @WaysandMeansGOP: Plan B = A Permanent $3.9 Trillion Tax Cut for Families and #smallbiz #StopTheTaxHike
  • Norquist endorses Boehner's plan to avoid tax increase. #StopTheTaxHike
  • RT @GOPWhip: Tomorrow, Sen. Daniel Inouye will lie in state in the US Capitol Rotunda for public viewing:
  • Reminder: Taxes are set to increase for EVERYONE in January, regardless of income. House Republicans want to #StopTheTaxHike.
  • .@HouseCommerce Committee Marks 217th Anniversary - Read more:
  • Thanks for your help! RT @sasharma22: Done with my last day working for @GreggHarper in DC. It was an amazing experience. Time to go home.
  • Federal deficit for the first two months of the fiscal year? $292 billion. #SpendingIsTheProblem
  • CBO says the federal government is spending $4.8 billion per day. And some people think we have a tax problem? #SpendingIsTheProblem
  • RT @GOPWhip: Here’s how @BarackObama’s #SmallBiz tax hike hurts middle class employees WATCH: #FiscalCliff
  • Enjoyed speaking at the opening of the Iron Horse this morning. Great to see folks investing in downtown Jackson.
  • This debate is not about winning a public relations campaign. This is about enacting the best policies.
  • It's nearly impossible for lawmakers to have an honest conversation with a @WhiteHouse that contradicts its own ideas.
  • How would you fix the fiscal cliff? Share your views by completing this quick survey.
  • .@WhiteHouse contradicts itself on GOP economic reforms.
  • Great news from @PhilBryantMS today regarding VT Halter Marine's expansion. Jobs in south Mississippi help grow our state's economy.
  • RT @MSEMA: Watch the U.S. House of Representatives committee on Transportation and Infrastructure hearing live. The topic... ...
  • House leaders wrote a letter to the @WhiteHouse today offering another plan to avert the fiscal cliff. Letter:
  • Let’s be clear: Congress must significantly cut federal spending.
  • I will continue to stand for Mississippians who are being crushed by a weak economy and out of control federal programs.
  • There is a responsible way to resolve this issue, and it’s already been authored and passed by the GOP-led House.
  • Man. RT @MarshallRamsey: Today is the last day of The Marshall Ramsey Show. I have appreciated the opportunity to be a part of @SuperTalk.
  • Fiscal cliff discussions continue on Capitol Hill as House Republicans complete organizational meetings.
  • Raising your taxes and spending more borrowed money will not fix this problem.
  • Mississippi-raised motivational speaker, Zig Ziglar, passed away yesterday. America lost an inspirational leader.
  • RT @SpeakerBoehner: FYI @WhiteHouse: House GOP voted to stop #my2k tax rate hikes & defend #smallbiz jobs. What spending will Dems c ...
  • Looking forward to visiting with @MarshallRamsey this afternoon on @SuperTalk. Catch the interview live around 4:45 p.m. Central.
  • RT @SpeakerBoehner: New @TheWinstonGroup survey shows strong support for GOP approach to averting #fiscalcliff #4jobs
  • Happy Thanksgiving! Sidney and I cannot thank you enough for the honor of serving each of you in Congress.
  • As you pause on this pleasant day, I encourage you to give thanks for the countless sacrifices continuously made by our military families.
  • House Republicans have fought for economic policies that would reverse the fiscal cliff.
  • Last week, CBO renewed its projection that fiscal cliff will push the economy back into a recession.
  • Federal lawmakers returned to Washington Tuesday to attend to a full docket of pending year-end business. More:
  • Three congressional committees will meet today regarding the Benghazi terrorist attack. The American people deserve answers.
  • Thanks for having me on! RT @duvaliermalone: @GreggHarper thanks so much for joining Growth Talk tonight!
  • Joining @DuvalierMalone to kickoff his new radio show at 8:15 p.m. Central. Listen online:
  • RT @RepAlanNunnelee: ICYMI: My column w @GreggHarper and @CongPalazzo: Keeping our Pledge
  • Always a pleasure, Lewis. RT @LewisMaynard: It was good seeing Congressman @GreggHarper again.
  • Honored to stand with my colleagues, @RepAlanNunnelee and @CongPalazzo, in keeping our pledge to Mississippians.
  • Lot's of competitive conference games today. Which one has you the most fired up?
  • Special thanks to East Mississippi Electric Power Association for inviting me to share a legislative update during their annual meeting.
  • Looking forward to speaking at East Mississippi Electric Power Association’s annual meeting in Meridian this morning.