
Frelinghuysen Urges Senate Passage of Budget Control Act

Washington, D.C. -- Moments after the House of Representatives approved legislation designed to prevent a U.S. default on its obligations and cut federal spending, U.S. Representative Rodney Frelinghuysen urged the Senate to approve the Budget Control Act.

“Throughout its history, America has always paid its bills.  Default on our obligations, by not raising the debt limit, would be irresponsible,” Frelinghuysen said.  “Of course, I want deeper spending cuts and greater deficit and debt reduction and this bill is insufficient in that regard.  However, given the stubborn insistence of the President and his Congressional allies on a debt limit increase coupled with new taxes and still more spending, I cannot see how we achieve greater savings at this time.   Time is running short.  The Senate should act now to pass the Budget Control Act and a Balance Budget Amendment to the Constitution.”

Frelinghuysen voted in favor of the “Cut, Cap and Balance Act” last week and has indicated that he will support a Balanced Budget Amendment to the Constitution when it is offered in the House. 

“The $14.3 trillion national debt and is utterly unsustainable.  The debt has reached 100% of the size of our economy, up from 42% in 1980,” he said.  “If left unchecked, it will saddle future generations with a stagnant economy and a lack of jobs and opportunity.  Our efforts this week to raise the debt ceiling only while addressing the debt crisis is as a much moral as an economic decision. “

“The Nation stands at the brink of the financial unknown.  Enough is enough.  The Senate needs to act now!
