Scott Garrett

New Jersey's 5th District


On January 4, 2007, Congressman Scott Garrett was sworn in to his third term in the United States House of Representatives, representing New Jersey�s Fifth Congressional District. He was first elected to Congress in 2002.

Scott Garrett serves on the House Financial Services and Budget Committees. He is a member of the Financial Services Subcommittees on Capital Markets, Insurance, and Government Sponsored Enterprises; Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit; and Housing and Community Opportunity.

Scott Garrett was also elected unanimously to represent the Northeast on the House Republican Policy Committee, which develops legislative ideas and vision for the Republican agenda in the House of Representatives.

He is a leading advocate of tax relief and pro-growth economic policies that return the focus to the family budget, authoring and supporting initiatives that keep more of your money in your pocket. Scott Garrett has been working to improve accountability and transparency in budget procedures and other government practices to ensure that government is responsive to your needs.

As a lifelong resident of North Jersey, Scott Garrett is also a leading proponent of preserving open space and protecting such natural treasures as the Highlands, the Musconetcong River, and the Wallkill River National Wildlife Refuge.

His agenda for the 110th Congress is:

Security: Keeping homeland secure through risk-based grant distribution. Keeping communities safe by giving first responders the tools they need. Keeping borders secure. Keeping families financially secure through tax relief and pro-growth policies that support a flourishing economy.

Reform: Demanding reform in the budget process to put the family budget first. Demanding reform in the ways of Washington to put the American people first. Demanding reform in education to put parents and teachers first. Demanding entitlement reform to ensure a bright future for our children and grandchildren.

Service: Working to bring constituent services to hometowns all across the Fifth District. Working to keep in close contact with Fifth District residents through town hall meetings, newsletters, local business tours, and other visits. Working to bring more Fifth District tax dollars back to North Jersey and secure Federal assistance for critical local projects.

More details on Scott Garrett�s legislative initiatives can be found at

Prior to his election to Congress, Scott Garrett served in the New Jersey General Assembly from 1990 to 2002, as the senior Assemblyman for the 24th Legislative District, Assistant Majority Leader, and Chairman of the Banking and Insurance Committee. During his tenure, he also served on the Education, Transportation, Agriculture & Natural Resources Committees, as well as the Joint Committee on Public Schools.

While in the Assembly, Scott Garrett was recognized both nationally and statewide for his leadership. He received the Proactive Policy of the Year Award from the New Jersey Business and Industry Association for auto insurance reform that was described as �the most important legislation of the decade.� He also earned the Legislative Leadership Visionary Award from the National Association of the Self-Employed and was named Legislator of the Year by both the Building Officials Association of New Jersey and the National Association of Small Business Owners.

Scott Garrett has long been a leader in our community. He participates in numerous volunteer and charitable organizations. He is past president of Big Brothers, Big Sisters and sat on the Sussex County Board of Agriculture.

Scott Garrett was born in Bergen County on July 9, 1959. After graduating from High Point Regional High School, he went on to graduate cum laude from Montclair State University and earn his J.D. from Rutgers University Law School.

Scott Garrett now resides in Wantage Township in Sussex County with his wife, Mary Ellen, and their two daughters, Jennifer and Brittany.
Contact Information
DC Office 2232 Rayburn HOB
Washington, DC 20515
Phone (202) 225-4465
Fax (202) 225-9048
Committee Assignments
Financial Services