Hunter and Chaffetz on Crushing the Status Quo

Reps. Ducan Hunter (CA) and Jason Chaffetz (UT) published a piece today at Townhall. Their post, entitled "Crushing the Status Quo With Policies That Work":

When talking about jobs, the real solution rests with small business -- the foundation of the American economy.  These are the jobs that will help revive our economy and provide sustainable employment to millions of Americans for years to come.  We can start by reducing the multitude of economic burdens facing these businesses so they can expand and begin hiring workers again.  In the process, we should rescind the unspent portions of the stimulus bill and apply existing or repaid bailout funds to reduce the federal debt.

It is also important that we work to restore our nation’s industrial base and return the five million manufacturing jobs that have been lost to China and other trading partners in the last ten years.  This sector of our economy currently employs 14 million Americans and indirectly supports another 8 million workers.  Restoring lost manufacturing jobs over time would provide new opportunities to workers and give the economy a much needed shot in the arm.

Read the rest at Townhall.