John Campbell

California's 45th District

Rep. Campbell: "Sequestration is Not a Game"

September 14, 2012
Speaking on the floor of the House, Rep. John Campbell (R-CA) asks President Obama to propose something more than political talking points to replace the automatic, across the board Sequestration cuts. Debating H.R. 6365, the National Security and Job Protection Act, a bill that would require the President to present a targeted plan to reduce the deficit in place of Sequestration, Campbell explains, "This is not a game. We saw this week with the reprehensible assassination of Ambassador Stevens that our national defense is not a game. And, our economy is not a game, as millions of people who are out of work can attest. This is a real proposal. We're asking the President for a real proposal and not a political talking point. We need to solve this problem." Connect with Congressman John Campbell: