Gary Miller

California's 31st District

From Twitter
  • Follow @repgarymiller on Twitter »
  • I will continue to focus on policies that will spur job creation and restore economic prosperity to the Inland Empire and our nation.
  • I am humbled and honored to represent California's 31st District in the 113th Congress.
  • RT @FinancialCmte: 113th Congress convenes @ noon. @RepHensarling officially becomes committee chair & we prepare to welcome 8 new ...
  • I am shocked and saddened by the awful news from Newtown, CT. My prayers are with all those impacted by this horrific crime. #prayfornewtown
  • Interested in attending a U.S. Service Academy? Please join me for a Service Academy Night on Thursday, Oct. 25th:
  • This week, I was honored to be named a Guardian of Small Business by the NFIB. Check out my full statement here:
  • Their service to our nation will not be forgotten, and I hope that the extremists behind this heinous act will be quickly brought to justice
  • My thoughts and prayers go out to the loved ones of the brave Americans killed in the deplorable attack on our consulate in Libya.
  • Today, we honor the memory of those who lost their lives on 9/11 and those who have since made the ultimate sacrifice to keep us free.
  • HR 8, the Job Protection and Recession Prevention Act passes House 256-171 #stopthetaxhike
  • Just voted to #stopthetaxhike on all American taxpayers and job creators #4jobs
  • Just voted a few minutes ago to #auditthefed. HR 459, which passed the House in a 327-98 vote, will help Congress hold the Fed accountable.
  • I am deeply saddened by the news from Aurora, CO. My thoughts and prayers are with the victims of this horrific crime and their families.
  • Check out this video of my exchange with Fed Chair Bernanke yesterday on CA's housing market:
  • For regular updates on legislative activity in the House, subscribe to my e-newsletter, Capitol Connection:
  • The health law's 22 tax increases and individual and employer mandates are bad for patients and taxpayers. #fullrepeal #4jobs
  • A few minutes ago, I voted for a #fullrepeal of Obamacare.
  • Happy Independence day! Thank you to all those who have served our great nation and everyone who is currently protecting our freedom.
  • Signed a letter today w/ colleagues urging Prez and Sec. of State to protect 2nd amendment during U.N. Arms Trade Treaty talks next week
  • Just voted to reauthorize surface transportation programs w/ substantial reforms to fast track highway projects + support good paying jobs!
  • Check out my statement on the Supreme Court's health care ruling:
  • Today we honor those who have fallen in defense of our nation. Words will never be able to express our gratitude for their service.
  • ICYMI: My May column on the broken promises of the President's health care law:
  • With the national debt continuing to climb, our country can't afford to continue this Administration's spending and borrowing spree.
  • Check out my April column on President's FY 2013 budget:
  • American Energy Production Means More American Jobs:
  • Since the $1.2 trillion stimulus was signed into law, unemployment has averaged at 9.3% and over a million jobs have been lost #stimulusFAIL
  • The President said unemployment would be at 6% today if the stimulus passed, but it has been above 8% for 36 straight months #stimulusFAIL
  • Check out my opening statement from today's @transportgop hearing on CA's high speed rail project:
  • In case you missed it, here is my December column, "America Can't Wait for Job Creation":
  • Here's the video of my opening statement to Secretary Donovan at today's @FinancialCmte hearing:
  • Today I spoke with HUD Secretary Donovan on the impact of the Tehachapi power lines project on Chino Hills homeowners:
  • My statement on the failure of the 'Super Committee' to reach an agreement to cut spending:
  • Pleased to to hear that the Supreme Court will review challenges to the Democrats' unconstitutional health care law:
  • On this day we honor and remember those who have given up so much to protect our freedom. Thank you for your service and your sacrifice
  • As Veterans Day approaches, check out my November column on honoring all those who have bravely served our nation:
  • Today I voted to stop the federal government from dictating where employers can create jobs in the U.S.: #4jobs
  • We are also grateful on this day for our Armed Forces and first responders who put their own lives at risk to keep us safe every day.
  • Ten years ago our nation's strength was tested, and our resolve was challenged. We will never forget the thousands who were lost.
  • My full statement on the August jobs report:
  • We must move away from failed stimulus spending policies and eliminate burdensome, unnecessary regulations that hinder job creators.
  • Disappointing August job #s - 0 net jobs, 9.1% unemployment rate. We must remove barriers to economic growth and job creation #4jobs
  • Tonight the House passed legislation that, while not perfect, takes positive steps to get our fiscal house in order:
  • RT @GOPLeader: Please retweet this & join me in welcoming back @Rep_Giffords. We are glad to have you back with us in Congress. #Welcome ...
  • My statement on House passage of the Budget Control Act:
  • Welcome to all my new followers. To learn more about my views and legislative priorities, please visit
  • On this #memorialday, we honor and remember all those brave men and women who have made the ultimate sacrifice in service to our nation.
  • RT @GOPLeader: 1st action newly elected #GOP Majority took was to #repeal #ObamaCare. RT this to show support for repeal
  • The House passed a 3-week CR that includes $6 billion in spending cuts. Check out my statement on the vote here:
  • This week the House will vote on my bill 2 eliminate an unaccountable govt program and save taxpayers $1 billion
  • RT @SpeakerBoehner: Dems come up $2B short of the $6.5B cuts they touted When will Dems get serious about cutting s ...
  • I look forward to casting my vote this week to repeal this job-crushing 1099 reporting mandate (via @heritage):
  • Check out my statement on the President's proposed budget for FY 2012 here:
  • At Fin. Services Cmte hearing, I stressed the need to curb govt spending & eliminate onerous federal regulations:
  • Check out my full statement on the House vote to repeal ObamaCare and its job-destroying mandates and tax hikes :
  • Check out my op-ed in the San Gabriel Valley Tribune on closing the birthright citizenship loophole :
  • This week I joined @SteveKingIA in introducing a bill to end birthright citizenship for anchor babies. This bill simply makes sense.
  • RT @GOPLeader: Congratulations to @SpeakerBoehner. Please RT this & join me in congratulating the 112th Congress' Speaker of the House
  • Today I'll be sworn in to the 112th Congress. I am humbled by the responsibility of representing the people of CA's 42nd District.
  • @AJRichterScale Solution is attrition through enforcement. Check out my bill, H.R. 994.
  • Check out my op-ed in the Washington Times, "Obama's immigration two-step".
  • @KimberTrent Several of my colleagues and I are fighting hard! It's going to be a close vote.
  • @DesertScene Thanks!
  • @granpaowndog My solution is attrition through enforcement. Look at my bill, H.R. 994.
  • The House is voting on amnesty legislation tonight. I am fighting hard against this bill!
  • Dems vote to raise taxes on half of all small business income. Not a solution for economic recovery & job creation.
  • Deportations of non-criminal illegal aliens plummeted last year. All immigration laws need to be enforced.
  • Here's a clip of the questions I asked during the Housing Subcommittee hearing today:
  • highlights CIS study and my thoughts on sanctuary cities receiving federal dollars.
  • Sanctuary cities defy immigration law yet receive millions of dollars for jailing illegal aliens. Find out more:
  • The SBE Council has designated me as a Champion of the Entrepreneur for my pro-small biz voting rec. Details:
  • I'm honored to announce that Keith and Jennifer McNichols of Chino Hills are my 2010 Angels in Adoption!
  • I got an A in English!
  • Introduced a shared equity homeownership bill. Many families face foreclosure threat - time to get creative!