
Capitol Connection Newsletter

Washington, Sep 21, 2012 -

House Disapproves Administration Move to Weaken Welfare Reform
This week, the House voted to block the Obama Administration’s dismantling of welfare reform. In 1996, an overhaul of our nation’s welfare system was enacted into law that ensured those truly in need received assistance, while reducing long-term dependency on government aid by encouraging self-sufficiency. The reforms were tremendously successful, reducing welfare caseloads by half and reducing child poverty rates within just a few years of implementation. However, the Obama Administration has recently taken action to undo a key aspect of welfare reform. Specifically, the Department of Health and Human Services issued a memo that permits states to seek waivers from the reform law’s requirements that states verify that a certain percentage of individuals receiving assistance are working, searching for work,  enrolled in job training or vocational education programs, or engaging in other specific work activities. The law’s work requirements have been an essential element to helping those in need while breaking the cycle of dependency on government assistance. On Thursday, the House passed H.J. Res. 118, which expresses Congress’ disapproval of the regulatory effort to weaken welfare reform and prevents the Administration from issuing waivers from the law’s work requirements. Congressman Miller will work to protect the successful reforms and pursue policies that will help our economy grow and create new jobs for American workers.

Legislation Supporting Domestic Energy Production Passes House
With energy prices soaring and continuing turmoil in the Middle East, it is imperative that the U.S. continue to develop resources here at home. Unfortunately, the Obama Administration has continued to pursue policies and issue regulations that are hindering efforts to develop American energy. Today, the House passed H.R. 3409 which will support U.S. energy production and protect American jobs. Specifically the legislation would prevent the Interior Department from issuing any regulations that would adversely impact employment in coal mines or reduce the amount of coal available. The bill would also prevent the Environmental Protection Agency from implementing costly rules to regulate greenhouse gases to address climate change, and require the agency to analyze the economic impacts of its rules on American manufacturing, energy prices, global competitiveness and job creation. H.R. 3409 also includes provisions to establish minimum federal standards for regulating coal ash, while leaving regulations and enforcement to the individual states. Finally, the legislation blocks the EPA’s attempts to undermine the states’ role in setting water quality standards. Congressman Miller supports this legislation that will ease regulatory obstacles that are hindering efforts to utilize America’s energy resources.

Congressman Miller to Host Service Academy Night
Congressman Miller will host a Service Academy Night in the East Room of the Nixon Library on October 25, 2012 at 7:00 PM.  Representatives from each of the five Military Academies will be present to speak to students and answer questions about the Academies and the application process. Current high school students interested in attending a U. S. Service Academy for the 2013-2014 academic school year must submit their nomination application to Congressman Miller by November 1, 2012. Applicants from California’s 42nd Congressional District must have a formal recommendation from Congressman Miller to attend the U.S. Military Academy, the U.S. Naval Academy, the U. S. Air Force Academy, and the U. S. Merchant Marine Academy.  For more information or to RSVP for the Service Academy Night, please contact the Brea District Office at (714) 257-1142.
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