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John Kline Supports Free Trade Agreements Directly Impacting Minnesota's Economy

WASHINGTON – Congressman John Kline voted today for free trade agreements (FTAs) with Colombia, Panama, and South Korea. The bipartisan legislation, which passed the House of Representatives today, will level the playing field for American companies, boost demand for American products, give consumers more choices, create $13 billion in new sales opportunities, and support up to 250,000 new American jobs.

“The free trade agreements the House passed today will directly affect workers, small businesses, and consumers in Minnesota’s 2nd district – and help create new opportunities for American businesses to expand,” said Kline. “While I am pleased Congress is advancing more pro-growth legislation that will directly affect our economy, it’s unfortunate it took so long for the President to send these agreements to Congress, unnecessarily delaying the creation of Americans jobs.”

  • Exports directly support 59,040 jobs in Minnesota (22,595 of those in the 2nd district alone). The new FTAs will open new markets, incentivizing local companies to grow and hire. (U.S. Chamber of Commerce)
  • Manufacturing exports brought more than $17.2 billion into the Minnesota economy in 2010 – nearly 10 percent of Minnesota’s gross domestic product. (Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development)
  • FTAs will benefit Minnesota’s small and medium businesses, which account for 6,027 of Minnesota’s exporting firms, and generated nearly one-fifth (19.8 percent) of our state’s total merchandise exports in 2008. (U.S. Department of Commerce)

“Free trade agreements expand opportunities for American businesses and level the playing field for our workers and industries,” said Kline. “They also bring economic and social opportunities to all of our trading partners. These free trade agreements are long overdue and I am pleased Washington is willing to come together to put Americans back to work.”

In his fifth term, Congressman John Kline is the Chairman of the House Education and the Workforce Committee. He also serves on the House Armed Services Committee.

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