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Publications by Preservation Directorate Staff

The table below lists publications created by the staff of the Preservation Directorate. The list contains items that were published prior to and during employment at the Library of Congress. This list was created to show the type of research that is being conducted by staff at the Library of Congress and will hopefully be of help to those doing further research into preservation issues.

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Jump to year of publication:

2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 |2000
1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993 | 1992 | 1991 | 1990
1989 | 1988 | 1987 | 1986 | 1985 | 1984 | 1983 | 1982 | 1981 | 1980


Drewes, J., [et al.], Contributor, Book Industry Study Group. Digital Book Printing for Dummies. Special edition. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Publishing, 2010.

Lev-Alexander, N. “Long-term Preservation at the Library of Congress.”  Papyrus 11, no. 1 (2010): 21-22.

Motylewski, K. “Library Seeks to Build Consensus on Preservation in 21st Century.”  Library of Congress Gazette 21, no. 41 (2010) 3, 6.

Van der Reyden, D. “The Science-Based Fight Against 'Inherent Vice.'” International Preservation News
50 (2010): 5-10. [PDF: 2.2 MB / 44 p. (entire issue)] http://www.ifla.org/files/pac/ipn/50-may-2010.pdf External Link

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Brostoff, L. B., C. I. Maynor, and R. J. Speakman. “Preliminary Study of a Georgia O’Keeffe Pastel Drawing using XRF and µXRD.” Powder diffraction 24, no. 2 (2009): 116–123.

Brostoff, L., J. J. González, P. Jett, and R. E. Russo. “Trace Element Fingerprinting of Ancient Chinese Gold with Femtosecond Laser Ablation–inductively Coupled Mass Spectrometry.” Journal of Archaeological Science 36 (2009): 461–466.

Brostoff, L., Y. Junchang, P. Jett, and M. Taube. “A Technical Study of Silver Samples from Xi’an, Shaanxi Province, China, Dating From the Warring States Period to the Tang Dynasty.” Proceedings of Metallurgy and Civilisation, the 6th International Conference on the Beginnings of the Use of Metals and Alloys. BUMA VI. University of Science and Technology, Beijing, China, Sept. 15-20,2006.

Christens–Barry, W., K. Boydston, F. G. France, K. Knox, R. L. Easton and M. B. Toth. “Camera System for Multispectral Imaging of Documents: Digital Imaging Sensors and Applications.” In IS&T/SPIE 21st Annual Symposium Electronic Imaging, Science and Technology, 18–22, January 2009, 1–10. SPIE Proceedings, vol. 7249. Bellingham, WA: SPIE, 2009.

Christoffersen, R., J. F. Lindsay, S. K. Noble, M. A. Meador, J. J. Kosmo, J. Anneleise Lawrence, L. Brostoff, A. Young, and T. McCue. “Lunar Dust Effects on Spacesuit Systems: Insights from the Apollo Spacesuits.” NASA Technical Publication: 2009–214786: 1–41.

Emery, D., F. G. France, and M. B. Toth. “Management of Spectral Imaging Archives for Scientific Preservation Studies.” In Archiving 2009: Preservation Strategies and Imaging Technologies for Cultural Heritage Institutions and Memory Organizations: Final Program and Proceedings, W. LeFurgy, general chair, 137–141. Springfield, VA: Society for Imaging Science and Technology, 2009.

France, F. G. “Best Practice and Standards in Environmental Preservation for Cultural Heritage Institutions: Goals, Knowledge, Gaps.” In Advances in Paper Conservation Research: Developing Conservation Research at the British Library: British Library Conference Centre, 23–24 March 2009. [PDF: 1.6 MB / 11 p.] http://www.bl.uk/aboutus/stratpolprog/ccare/events/France.pdf External Link

France, F. G., E. F. Hansen, and M. B. Toth. “Creating a Composite Cultural Heritage Digital Object.” In Digital Humanities 2009: Conference Abstracts, University of Maryland, College Park, June 22-25, 2009: 113-115. College Park, MD: Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities, 2009.

France, F. G., and M. Kullman. “Recycled Paper Research at the Library of Congress.” International Preservation News 48 (2009): 10-16. [PDF: 1006 KB / 40 p. (entire issue)] http://www.ifla.org/files/pac/ipn/48-august-2009.pdf External Link

Hobaica, S. C. “VOC Testing for Books, Papers and Cellulose Acetate Laminated Documents.” In Advances in Paper Conservation Research Conference: British Library Conference Centre, 23–24 March 2009. [PDF: 17.5 KB / 4 p.] http://www.bl.uk/aboutus/stratpolprog/ccare/events/Hobaica.pdf External Link

Munn, J. “Side–stitched Books of China, Korea and Japan in Western Collections.” Journal of the Institute of Conservation 32, no.1 (March, 2009): 103–127.

Pearlstein, E., L. Brostoff, and K.Trentelman. “A Technical Study of the Rosebud Winter Count.” Plains Anthropologist 54, no. 209 (2009): 3–17.

Peckham, S. and L. Blaser. “Sharing Information about Environmental Monitoring: Proceedings of the AIC Archives Discussion Group.” Book and Paper Group Annual 27 (2009): 103–118.

Robertson, Holly. “Report on the 23rd Annual NARA Preservation Conference — Digitizing for Preservation and Access: Past is Prologue.” Newsletter — IFLA Preservation and Conservation Section no. 26 (May, 2009): 7-8. http://www.ifla.org/files/preservation-and-conservation/newsletters/s19-newsletter-2008-11.pdf External Link

She, J., and M. B. Chace. “Creating Metadata for a Digital Database.” In Proceedings of DigCCurr2009: Digital Curation: practice, promise, and Prospects, 2009. http://www.ils.unc.edu/digccurr2009/abstracts.html#she External Link

Vogt–O’Connor, D. Foundation Grants for Preservation in Libraries, Archives, and Museums, 2nd ed. New York: Foundation Center and the Library of Congress, 2009.

Vogt–O’Connor, D. “Lighting.” In Archival and Special Collections Facilities Guidelines for Archivists, Librarians, Architects, and Engineers. Edited by M. F. Pacifico and T. P. Wilsted, 75-94. Chicago: Society of American Archivists, 2009.

Wade, J., C. Stephens, T. Barett, P. Whitmore, J. Mazurek, and M. Schilling. ”Composition and Condition of Naturally Aged Papers.” Journal of the American Institute for Conservation 47, no. 3: 201-216.

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Adams, J. “Fort Meade is Cool, CALM, and Collected.” Library Services Journal 1, no. 3 (Fall 2008): 21–27. [PDF: 2.1 MB / 7 p.] http://www.loc.gov/preservation/resources/care/misc/fortmeade.pdf

Albro, S. and J. Biggs. “Solutions for Treating Iron–Gall Ink Artifacts.” Library of Congress Information Bulletin: Conservation Corner 67, no. 6 (June 2008): 115. http://www.loc.gov/loc/lcib/0806/conservation.html

Albro, S., J. L. Biggs, C. Dekle, M. E. Haude, C. Karnes, and Y. Khan. “Developing Guidelines for Iron–Gall Ink Treatment at the Library of Congress.” Book and Paper Group Annual 27 (2008): 129–165.

Blaser, L. and S. M. Peckham. “The Archives Discussion Group 2008: Sharing Information about Environmental Monitoring.” Book and Paper Group Annual 27 (2008): 99–117.

Brostoff, L., C. I. Maynor, and R. J. Speakman. “Preliminary Study of a Georgia O’Keeffe Pastel Drawing Using XRF and µXRD.” In Advances in X–ray Analysis, Vol. 52, Proceedings of the 2008 Denver X–ray Conference. Newtown Square, PA: International Centre for Diffraction Data, 2008. CD–ROM.

Dekle, C., and M. Haude. “Iron–gall Ink Treatment at the Library of Congress: Old Manuscripts–New Tools.” Book and Paper Group Annual 27 (2008): 15–26

France, F. G., and E. F. Hansen. “A Summit of Research Scientists: Fostering and Understanding Collaboration: Conservation, Consensus and Collaboration.” In Productive Affinities: Successful Collaborations Between Museums and Academia, Chicago, October 29–31, 2008, 32–33. Chicago, IL: Art Institute of Chicago, and Northwestern University.

Haley, A. “A Vietnam Nurse’s Story: Rhona Prescott.” Library Services Journal 1, no. 1 (Spring 2008): 2–8.

Hansen, E. F., C. Rodriguez–Navarro, and K. Van Balen. “Lime Putties and Mortars: Insights into Fundamental Properties.” Studies in Conservation 53, no. 1 (2008): 9–23.

Hemmenway, D. and Y. R. Khan. “Treating the Second Anglo–Afghan War Album: Negotiations Between Book and Photograph Conservation.” In 15th Triennial Conference, New Delhi, 22–26, September 2008, ICOM Committee for Conservation, Preprints, vol. 2. Edited by J. Bridgland, 684–690. New Delhi: Allied Publishers, 2008.

Khan, Y., and S. Lewincamp. “Characterization and Analysis of Early Qur’an Fragments at the Library of Congress.” In Contributions to the Symposium on the Care and Conservation of Middle Eastern Manuscripts, 55–65. Melbourne: University of Melbourne, 2008.

Kreuger, H. H. “Conservation of the Library of Congress’ Gandhara Scroll: A Collaborative Process.” Book and Paper Group Annual 27 (2008): 29–34.

Leuschke, R., R. Donlin, M. Claus, M. Nugent, D. van der Reyden, and B. Hannaford. “Haptic Characteristics of Document Conservation Tasks.” In Proceedings 2008 Haptics Symposium, 383–386. Reno NV: 2008. [PDF: 890 KB / 6 p.] http://brl.ee.washington.edu/BRL_Pubs/Pdfs/Rep211.pdf External Link

Murray, R. J. “The FRBR–Theoretic Library: The Role Of Conceptual Data Modeling in Cultural Heritage Information System Design.” In iPRES 2008: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Preservation of Digital Objects, British Library, London, 29–30 September, 2008, 163–168. London: British Library, 2008.

Paterson, D. “An Investigation and Treatment of an Uncommon Ethiopian Binding and Consideration of its Historical Context.” Book and Paper Group Annual 27 (2008): 55–62.

Peach, K. “CAMEO.” Newsletter - IFLA, Preservation and Conservation Section no. 25 (November 2008): 9-10. http://www.ifla.org/files/preservation-and-conservation/newsletters/ s19-newsletter-2008-11.pdf External Link

Stephens, C. E., T. Barrett, P. M. Whitmore, J. A. Wade, J. Mazurek, and M. Schilling. “Composition and Condition of Naturally Aged Papers.” Journal of the American Institute for Conservation 47, no 3 (2008): 201–215.

Wade, J. A. “Constraints on the Central American Slab Fluid Composition from Arc Melt Inclusions and Phenocrysts.” PhD diss., Boston University, 2008.

Wade, J. A., T. Plank, E. H. Hauri, K. Ruggensack, K. A. Kelley, and M. M. Zimmer. “Prediction of Arc Magma Water Contents by Direct Measurement of H2O in Clinopyroxene.” Geology 36, no. 10 (2008): 799–802.

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Albro, S. R. “Alla ricerca della carta di Fabriano nella Biblioteca del Congress. [Searching for Fabriano Paper in the Library of Congress]” In L’Impiego delle Tecniche e dell’Opera dei Cartai Fabrianesi in Italia e in Europa: Atta delle giornate Europee di Studio Fabriano, 16–17 giugno 2006. Edited by G. Castagnari, 193–236. Fabriano, Italy: Cartiere Miliani Fabriano, 2007.

Arnaud, C. H., J. Adams, G. J. Van Berkel, F. Fernandez, C. Petucci, R. Zenobi, Z. Takats, A. Lundgren, J. Wiseman, K. Boscacci, R. G. Cooks, C. N. McEwen, and R. J. Cody. “Taking Mass Spec into the Open: Open–air Ionization Methods Minimize Sample Prep and Widen Range of Mass Spectrometry Applications, based on interviews with J. Adams, G. J. Van Berkel, F. Fernandez, C. Petucci, R. Zenobi, Z. Takats, A. Lundgren, et al” C&EN: Chemical & Engineering News 85, no. 41 (2007): 13–18. http://pubs.acs.org/cen/coverstory/85/8541cover.html External Link

Benjamin, E. R., T. Plank, J. A. Wade, K. A. Kelley, E. H. Hauri, and G. E. Alvarado. “High Water Contents in Basaltic Magmas from Irazu Volcano, Costa Rica.” Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 168 (2007): 68–92.

Biggs, J. L., Y. R. Khan, S. R. Albro, C. Dekle, M. E. Haude, and C. Karnes. “Treatment Trees for Iron–Gall Ink On Paper: Using Flow Charts to Develop Treatment Protocols.” In Edinburgh Conference Papers 2006. Edited by S. Jaques, 211–218 . Leigh [England]: Institute of Conservation, 2007.

Blood, K. and L. Stiber Morenus. “A Technical Study of Joseph Pennell’s Pastels and Charcoals.” In Edinburgh Conference Papers 2006. Edited by S. Jacques, 25–32. Leigh [England]: Institute of Conservation, 2007.

Brostoff, L., J. J. González, P. Jett, Y. Junchang and R. E. Russo. “Laser ablation Inductively Coupled Mass Spectrometry (LA–ICP–MS) Methodology for Trace Element Analysis of Archaeological Metals: Problems and Solutions.” In Proceedings of ICOM–CC Working Metal Group, Metal ’07, Amsterdam, NL, Sept. 17–21, 2007, Book 1. Edited by C. Degrigny, R. van Langh, I. Joosten and B. Ankersmit, 30–37. Amsterdam: Rijksmuseum, 2007.

Connelly Ryan, C. , E. Eusman, L. Stiber Morenus, H. Krueger, and H. Wanser. “Optimizing Ink Corrosion Treatment Protocols at the Library of Congress.” In Edinburgh Conference Papers 2006. Edited by S. Jacques, 195–202. Leigh [England]: Institute of Conservation, 2007.

France, F. G. “The Colour of Our Past.” In 85th World Conference of the Textile Institute: Concept to Consumer. 2 vols. Red Hook, NY: Curran Associates, 2007.

France, F. G. “Managing Digital Image Repositories as Key Tools in the Preservation of Cultural Objects.” In Archiving 2007: Final Program and Proceedings, May 21–24, Arlington, Virginia, 117–121. Springfield, VA: IS&T, 2007.

France, F. G. “Weaving Independence from a Distant Cottage Industry.” In Textile Narratives + Conversations: Textile Society of America: 10th Biennial Symposium Edited by C. Bier and A. S. Perlman. Earleville, MD: Textile Society of America, 2007. CD–ROM

Grabow, N., J. C. Smith, C. Grissom, and L. B. Brostoff. “Effectiveness of Organic Coatings on Silver Exposed to Hydrogen Sulfide.” In Proceedings of the ICOM–CC Working Metal Group, Metal ’07, Amsterdam, NL, Sept. 17–21, 2007, Book 5. Edited by R. van Langh, I. Joosten and B. Ankersmit, 44–50. Amsterdam: Rijksmuseum, 2007.

Hauri, E., A. Shaw, G. Gaetani, T. Plank, K. Kelley, J.A. Wade, and J. O’Leary. “Sudbuction Factory: Understanding the Role of Water Flux in Arc Magmas.” NSF–MARGINS Newsletter 18 (2007).

Murray, R. J. “Statistical Studies of Microfilm Digitization Service Output: A Survey of Vendor Capability.” In Archiving 2007: Final Program and Proceedings, May 21–24, 2007, Arlington, Virginia, 43. Springfield, VA: IS&T, 2007.

Peckham, S. and L. Blaser. “Localized & Overall Flattening Issues.” Book and Paper Group Annual 25 (2007): 43–48.

Van der Reyden, D. “The Preservation Directorate at 40.” Library of Congress Information Bulletin 66, no. 5 (2007): 95–99. http://www.loc.gov/loc/lcib/0705/directorate.html

Van der Reyden, D. “Future Directions in the Preservation of Document Collections (Or: Coming of Age in the Digital Era while Avoiding a Preservation Mid–life Crisis).” AIC News 32, no. 6 (2007): 1. [PDF: 658 KB / 24 p.] http://www.conservation-us.org/_data/n_0001/resources/live/07_nov_aicnews.pdf External Link

Van der Reyden, D. “Preservation in the Digital Age: A Discussion about Conservation in Libraries and Archives: Dialogue with Jeffrey Levin and James Druzik.” Getty Conservation Institute Newsletter 22, no 3 (2007): 10–15. http://www.getty.edu/conservation/publications/newsletters/22_3/dialogue.html External Link

Youket, M., and N. Olson. “Compact Disc Service Life Studies by the Library of Congress.” In Archiving 2007: Final Program and Proceedings, May 21, 24, 2007, Arlington, Virginia, 99–104. Springfield, VA: IS & T, 2007.

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Brostoff, L. Lunder Conservation Center Interview Video Archive, Smithsonian American Art Museum, 2006. [Video: 2 min 8 sec] http://americanart.si.edu/lunder/video.cfm?key=37&subkey=1337

Drewes, J. M. “Alkaline Paper Versus Acidic Paper in Current Pubishing: A Preliminary Analysis.” Collections Management 31, no. 1/2 (2006): 207–212.

Grossman, A. K. “Keeping It Together: Conservation, Context, and Cultural Materials.” In The Object in Context: Crossing Conservation Boundaries, Contributions to the Munich Congress, 28 August–1 September 2006. Edited by D. Saunders, J. H. Townsend and S. Woodcock, 1–6. London: International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works.

Junchang, Y., P. Jett, L. Brostoff ,and M. Taube. “A Technical Study of Silver Samples from Xi’an, Shaanxi Province, China, Dating from the Warring States Period to the Tang Dynasty.” In Proceedings of Metallurgy and Civilisation: The 6th International Conference on the Beginnings of the Use of Metals and Alloys. BUMA VI, University of Science and Technology. Beijing, China, Sept. 15–20, 2006.

Khan, Y. “Articulating Preservation: Conservation Activities at the Library of Congress.” In Proceedings of the 2004 International Symposium for Conservation of Paper and Textiles, National Center for Research and Preservation of Cultural Properties, 127–140. Tainan: National Center for Research and Preservation of Cultural Properties, 2006.

Kruger, A. “…the Shuffle of Things: Property, Properties, and Propriety.” Book and Paper Group Annual 25 (2006): 1–6.

Murray, R. J. “Managing A Quality Digitization Practice in Cultural Heritage Institutions: Statistical Quality Control Tools And Techniques.” In Archiving 2006: Final Program and Proceedings, May 23–26, 2006, 96–104. Springfield, VA: IS&T, 2006.

Van der Reyden, D. “Displays: The Role of Preservation in Exhibitions at the Library of Congress.” In Proceedings of the International Symposium, The 3–D’s of Preservation: Disasters, Displays, Digitization. Edited by Corine Koch, 71–96. International Preservation Issues, no. 7. Paris: International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions, Core Activity on Preservation and Conservation, 2006. [PDF: 1.23 MB / 144 p.] http://archive.ifla.org/VI/4/news/ipi7-en.pdf# External Link

Vogt–O’Connor, D. Foundation Grants for Preservation in Libraries, Archives, and Museums. New York: Foundation Center and the Library of Congress, 2006.

Vogt–O’Connor, D. “NARA’s Oldest Partners: Affiliated Archives.” Prologue 38, no. 2 (2006): 44–52.

Vogt–O’Connor, D., and M. L. Ritzenthaler. Photographs: Archival Care and Management. Chicago: Society of American Archivists. 2006.

Wade, J. A., T. Plank, W. G. Melson, G .J. Soto, and E. H. Hauri. “The volatile content of magmas from Arenal volcano, Costa Rica.” Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 147 (2006): 94–120.

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Breighner, M., W. Payton, and J. M. Drewes. Risk and Insurance Management for Manual for Libraries. Chicago: American Library Association, 2005.

Chace, M. “Report of the ATLA Representative to NISO.” In Summary of Proceedings, 59. Edited by B. Kemmis and J. West, 292–295. Chicago : American Theological Library Association, 2005.

Chemello, C G., L. B. Brostoff, R. H. Cunningham, and H. F. Beaubien. “Characterization of Metal Corrosion Products from Kaman–Kalehoyuk Turkey by Energy Dispersive X–ray Spectroscopy (EDS) and X–ray Diffraction (XRD): Part 1. Five Copper Alloy Fibulae.” Anatolian Archaeological Studies, Vol. XIV, Kaman–Kalehoyuk 14 (Japanese Institute of Anatolian Archaeology, The Middle Eastern Cultural Center in Japan, 2005): 211–222.

Drewes, J. M. “Putting Disaster Preparedness at the Top of the To Do List.” MLA Forum 4, no. 2 (2005). http://www.mlaforum.org/volumeIV/issue2/article1.html External Link

France, F. G. “Scientific Analysis in the Identification of Textile Materials.” In Scientific Analysis of Ancient and Historic Textiles: Informing Preservation, Display and interpretation: Postprints. Edited by R. Janaway and P. Wyeth, 3–11. London: Archetype Publications, 2005.

France, F. G. “Andean to Banners.” In 1th International Wool Research Conference: 4th–9th September 2005, University of Leeds: Proceedings. Leeds, UK: Department of Colour and Polymer Chemistry, University of Leeds, 2005. CD ROM.

France, F. G., V. Roussakis, P. Lissa, M. Xanena, P. Santillan, M. Campero de Larran, G. Dona, and C. Ammrati. “Textile Treasures of Llullaillaco.” In Recovering the Past: The Conservation of Archaelogical and Ethnographic Textiles: 5th Biennial North American Textile Conservation Conference, Mexico City, Mexico, November 9–11, 2005, 31–34.

Grossman, A. “Care and Conservation of Manuscripts at the Library of Congress: An Overview. In Care and Conservation of Manuscripts 8: Proceedings of the Eighth International Seminar Held at the University of Copenhagen, 16th–17th October 2003” Edited by G. Fellows–Jensen and P. Springborg, 208–216. Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum Press, 2005.

Hansen, E .F. “Technology Used in the Production of Ancient Maya Lime Mortars and Plasters.” In International Building Lime Symposium Preprints, March 2005, Orlando, Florida: Contemporary and Historic Uses of Lime in Mortars, Plasters and Stuccos. Arlington, VA: National Lime Associates, 2005. CD–ROM.

Hansen, E. F., K. Van Balen, and C. Rodriguez–Navarro. “Variations in Lime Mortars Properties Resulting from the Use of Freshly Slaked Quicklime, Aged Slaked Lime and Commercial Dry Hydrated Lime.” In International Building Lime Symposium Preprints, March 2005, Orlando, Florida: Contemporary and Historic Uses of Lime in Mortars, Plasters and Stuccos. Arlington, VA: National Lime Association, 2005. CD–ROM.

Jett, P., L. Brostoff and L. Dussubieux. “Technical Study and Elemental Analysis of Chinese Gold from the Late Eastern Zhou Period.” In Scientific Research on the Sculptural Art of Asia: Proceedings of the Third Forbes Symposium at the Freer Gallery of Art, Freer Gallery of Art, September 29–October 1, 2005, Washington, D.C.. Edited by J. Douglas, P. Jett, and J. Winter, 2005.

Karnes, C., and K. Jennings. “Contemporary Artist Perspectives on Coating, Laminating, and Face Mounting.” In Coatings on Photographs: Materials, Techniques and Conservation, 1st ed. Edited by C. McCabe, 3–12. Washington DC: American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works: Photographic Materials Group, 2005.

Peckham, S. “Hazardous Holdings: AIC Archives Discussion Group, June 12, 2005. AIC Newsletter 30, no. 5, (September 2005): 1, 11–13” [PDF: 507 KB / 32 p.]
 External Link

Peckham, S. and L. Blaser. “Archives Conservators Discussion Group 2005: Hazardous Holdings.” Book and Paper Group Annual 24 (2005): 73–83.

Rodriguez–Navarro, C., E. Ruiz–Agudo, M. Ortega–Huertas, and E. Hansen. “Nanostructure and Colloidal Behavior of Ca(OH)2: Implications for the Conservation of Cultural Heritage.” Langmuir 21 (2005): 10948–10957.

Shahani, C. J. “Accelerated Aging of Paper: Can It Really Foretell the Permanence of Paper.” Preservation Research and Testing Series: no. 9503. Washington, DC: Preservation Directorate, Library of Congress, 2005.

Shahani, C. J., B. Manns, and M. Youket. “Longevity of CD Media: Research at the Library of Congress.” In Preservation of Electronic Records: New Knowledge and Decision–Making: Post Prints of a Conference, Symposium 2003, 197–206. Ottawa: Canadian Conservation Institute, 2005.

Thomas, D. “The National Digital Newspaper Program.” International Preservation News 35 (2005): 30–31.

Vogt–O’Connor, D. “Planning a Microfilming Project for Preservation and Access: 19/25.” Conserve O Grams – Technical Leaflet Series. Section 19: Archival and Manuscript Collections and Rare Books. Washington, DC: National Park Service, 2005. [PDF: 232 KB / 6 p.] http://www.nps.gov/history/museum/publications/conserveogram/19-25.pdf

Wade, J. A., T. Plank, R. J. Stern, D .L. Tollstrup, J. B. Gill, J. C. O’Leary, J. Eiler, R .B. Moore, J. D. Woodhead, F. Trusdell, T. P. Fischer, and D. R. Hilton. “The May 2003 Eruption of Anatahan Volcano, Mariana Islands: Geochemical Evolution of a Silicic Island Arc Volcano.” Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 146 (2005): 139–170.

Yeh, M. B., and J. Munn. “An Evaluation of Xuan Paper Permanence and Discussion of Historical Chinese Paper Materials.” In Scientific Research on the Pictorial Arts of Asia: Proceedings of the Second Forbes Symposium at the Freer Gallery of Art. Edited by P. Jett, J. Winter, and B. McCarthy, 65–74. Washington, DC: Archetype Publications, 2005.

Zimmermann, C. “Jeanette Adams Appointed Senior Chemist in PRESERV.” Library Services News 13, no. 2 (2005): 18.

Zimmermann, C., and C. Karnes. “Saving the ’Silent Avenger.” Library Services News 13, no. 4 (2005): 1,5.

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Bertonaschi, J. “Report: Topics in Conservation Science, Part 2.” Guild of Book Workers Newsletter 153 (April, 2004): 11–14.

Bertonaschi, J. “Report: Topics in Conservation Science, Part 1.” Guild of Book Workers Newsletter 152 (February, 2004): 14–16.

Boone,T., L. Kidder,and J. Munn. “Endpaper Project 2004.” Hand Papermaking 19, no. 2 (2004): 11–18.

Chace, M. “Report of the ATLA Representative to NISO.” In Summary of Proceedings, 58. Edited by J. West, 256–259. Chicago : American Theological Library Association, 2004.

Ellingson, L.A., T. J. Shedlosky, G. P. Bierwagen, E. Rene de la Rie, and L. B. Brostoff. “The Use of Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy in the Evaluation of Coatings for Outdoor Bronze.” Studies in Conservation 49, no. 1 (2004): 53–62.

Eusman, E. “Conservation Corner: The Drawing That Became a Photograph.” Library of Congress Information Bulletin 63, no. 8 (2004): 160–161. http://www.loc.gov/loc/lcib/0408/conserve.html

Eusman, E., Ryan, C. C., and J. Baldwin. “Investigating a Mechanized Mass Treatment for Research Collections: The 2002–2004 Paper–Strengthening Pilot Program at the Library of Congress.” AIC News 29, no. 3 (2004): 1–6.

France, F. G. “Preservation of Textile Cultural Heritage.” In Quality Textiles for Quality Life: Proceedings of the Textile Institute 83rd World Conference, May 23–27, 2004, 4 vols. Edited by College of Textiles, Donghua University, 1583–1587. Manchester, UK: Textile Institute and Shanghai, China: Donghua University, 2004.

Grossman, A. “Conservation Corner: Document Tells the Story of a Community.” Library of Congress Information Bulletin 63, no. 9 (2004): 176–179. http://www.loc.gov/loc/lcib/0409/conserve.html

Haley, A. “Library of Congress Helps Rebuild National Library of Irak. [Sic]” International Preservation News 32 (2004): 21–24.

Hansen, E .F., and C. Castellanos. “Consideraciones para la Definición de Estrategias para la Conservación de Relieves y Frisos en Estuco en la Región Maya.” In 18th Simposio de Arqueológicas en Guatemala, 2004. Edited by J. R. Laporte, B. Arroyo, and J. E. Meija, 593–601. Guatemala: Museo Nacional de Investigaciones Arqueología y Etnología, Ministerio de Cultural y Deportes, Instituto Antropología e Historia de Guatemala, Asociación Tikal, 2004.

Hansen, E. F. “Stucco Facades in the Ancient Maya Region and Current Approaches to their Restoration.” International Journal for Restoration 10 (2004): 661–663.

Haude, M. E. “Conservation Corner: Preserving a 1942 Military Globe.” Library of Congress Information Bulletin 62, no. 2 (2004): 33–35. http://www.loc.gov/loc/lcib/0402-3/globe.html

Moore, M. G., and J. M. Drewes. “The World Wide Web as a Preservation Resource.” In Promoting Preservation Awareness in Libraries: A Sourcebook for Academic, Public, School, and Special Collections. Edited by J. M. Drewes and J. A. Page, 79–84. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2004.

Murray, R. J. “JPEG 2000 in Practice: The Effect of Image Content and Imaging System Characteristics.” In Final program and proceedings of IS&T’s 2004 Archiving Conference: April 20–23, 2004, Hyatt Regency Hotel, San Antonio, Texas, vol. 1, 266–274. Springfield, VA: Society for Imaging Science and Technology, 2004.

Robb, A., and M. Roosa. “Care, Handling, and Storage of Photographs.” Revised and updated by A. Robb. International Preservation Issues: no. 5. Paris: International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions, 2004.

Shpargel, S. “Collections Management through the Climate Notebook.” Topics in Photographic Preservation 10 (2004):108–125.

Sierra, M. L. “Desacidificacion masiva en la Biblioteca del Congreso de los Estados Unidos.” R&R: Restauracion & Rehabilitacion 89 (2004): 56–63.

Song, M. and J. Munn. “Permanence, Durability and Unique Properties of Hanji.” Book and Paper Group Annual 23 (2004): 127–136.

Stiber Morenus, L. “Joseph Pennell and the Art of Transfer Lithography.” Print Quarterly (Sept. 2004): 248–265.

Vogt–O’Connor, D., and D. Nathanson. “Caring for Cellulose Nitrate Film: 14/8: .” Conserve O Grams – Technical Leaflet Series. Section 14: Photographs. Washington, DC: National Park Service, 2004. [PDF: 249 KB / 4 p.] http://www.nps.gov/history/museum/publications/conserveogram/14-08.pdf

Zeter, M., J .M. Drewes, and M. Arthur. “Paving the Way for Print Repositories through Electronic Access.” Serials Librarian 46, no. 3 (2004): 263–269.

Zimmermann, C. “Caring for the Nation’s Photographs.” Library Services News 12, no. 4 (2004): 1,7.

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Boone, T. “Conservation Corner: Preserving Pith Paintings.” Library of Congress Information Bulletin 62, no. 5 (2003). http://www.loc.gov/loc/lcib/0305/conserve.html

Brostoff, L. Coating Strategies for the Protection of Outdoor Bronze Art and Ornamentation. PhD. diss, University of Amsterdam, 2003.

Chace, M. “Report of the ATLA Representative to NISO.” In Summary of Proceedings, 57. Edited by J. West, 254–256. Chicago : American Theological Library Association, 2003.

Connell, J. J., Jr. “Serials and Miscellaneous Publications of the Underground Movements in Europe During World War II: Located in the Rare Book Reading Room of the Library of Congress.” Washngton, DC: Rare Book and Special Publications Division, Library of Congress, 2003.

Deeb, M. J., Albin, M., and A. Haley. “The Library of Congress and the U.S. Department of State Mission to Baghad: Report on the National Library and the House of Manuscripts, October 27–November 3, 2003.” http://www.loc.gov/rr/amed/iraqreport/iraqreport.html

Drewes, J. M. “The Urge to Preserve: Cuban Collaborations.” World Libraries 13, no. 1 (2003): 91–100.

Elert, K., Rodriguez, C., Hansen, E., and E. Sebastian. “über das Einsumpfen von Kalk: Warum sind historische Kalkmörtel so unterschiedlich erhalten?” Restauro 7 (2003): 502–509.

Eusman, E. “Conservation Corner: 100 Fragments of the American West.” Library of Congress Information Bulletin 62, no. 6 (2003): 126–129. http://www.loc.gov/loc/lcib/0306/conserve.html

France, F G “Creating a Standard Vocabulary for Defining Levels of Deterioration.” In Development of a Web–accessible Reference Library of Deteriorated Fibers Using Digital Imaging and Image Analysis: Proceedings of a Conference, April 3–6, 2003. Edited by J. Merritt, 77–86. Harpers Ferry, WV: Harpers Ferry Center, National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior, 2003. http://www.nps.gov/hfc/products/cons/con-fiber.htm

France, F. G. “Beneath the Grime: Measuring the Effects of Preservation Treatments for Textiles.” In Textile Speciality Group Postprints, 45–52. Washington, DC: Textile Specialty Group, American Institute for Conservation, 2003.

Grossman, A. “Report on the Eighth International Seminar on the Care and Conservation of Manuscripts.” Papier Restaurierung 4 (2003): 44–45.

Hansen, E .F., Doehne, E., J. Fidler, W. Martin, J. Larson, M. Matteini, C. Price, C. Rodriguez– Navarro, R. de Tagle, J. M. Teutonico, and N. Weiss. “A Review of Selected Inorganic Consolidants and Protective Treatments for Porous Calcareous Materials.” Reviews in Conservation 4 (2003): 13–25.

Hansen, E. F., K. Van Balen, K. Elert, C. Rodriguez–Navarro, and S. Simon. “ Preservation of Lime Mortars and Plasters Project. The GCI Project Bibliographies Series” Los Angeles, CA?: Getty Conservation Insitute, 2003 [PDF 944 KB / 100 p.] http://www.getty.edu/conservation/publications/pdf_publications/lmpbib_alpha.pdf External Link

Hobaica, S C. “Stability of Polyaniline in Air and Acidic Water.” Journal of Polymer Science. Part B: Polymer Physics 41 (2003): 807–822.

Krueger, H. “Magnesium Reconsidered.” Book and Paper Group Annual 22 (2003): 33–39.

Patino, L. C., M. A. Velbel, J. R. Price, and J. A. Wade. “Trace Element Mobility During Spheroidal Weathering of Basalts and Andesites, Hawaii and Guatemala.” Chemical Geology 202, no. 3–4 (2003): 343–364.

Robb, A. “Recent Developments in Using, Storing, and Transporting Cellulose Nitrate Still Picture Film.” Topics in Photographic Preservation 10 (2003): 100–107.

Stiber Morenus, L. “In Search of a Remedy: History of Treating Iron Gall Ink at the Library of Congress.” Book and Paper Group Annual 22 (2003): 119–125.

Wanser, H. E. “Conservation Corner: The Challenge of Caring for Asian Maps.” Library of Congress Information Bulletin 62, no. 12 (2003): 315–316. http://www.loc.gov/loc/lcib/0312/conserve.html

Wanser, H. E. “Conservation Corner: Treatment and Preparation of Waldseemüller’s Map.” Library of Congress Information Bulletin 62, no. 9 (2003): 194–197. http://www.loc.gov/loc/lcib/0309/conserve.html

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Chace, M. “Report of the ATLA Representative to NISO.” In Summary of Proceedings, 56. Edited by J. West, 299–303. Chicago : American Theological Library Association, 2002.

Elert, K., C. Rodriguez–Navarro, E. S., E. Hansen,, and O. Cazalla. “Lime Mortars for the Conservation of Historic Buildings.” Studies in Conservation 47 (2002): 62–75.

Eusman, E. “Effects of Aqueous Treatment on Iron Gall Ink – Monitoring Iron Migration with the Iron (II) Indicator Test.” In The Broad Spectrum. Edited by H.K . Stratis and B. Salvesen, 122–127. London: Archetype Publications, 2002.

France, F. G., S. Thomassen–Krauss, A. Nunez, and W. N. Marmer. “Analysis of Soiling and Trace Contaminants of the Star–Spangled Banner.” In Strengthening the Bond: Science & Textiles: Preprints, North American Textile Conservation Conference 2002, April 5 and 6, 2002. Compiled by V. J. Whelan. Philadelphia, PA: North American Textile Conservation Conference, 2002.

Gibson, G. D. “Bibliography on the Preservation of Magnetic Media.” Preservation Research and Testing Series; no. 9. Washington: Preservation Directorate, Library of Congress, 2002.

Grossman, A. “Conservation of a 14th/15th Century Parchment Scroll: Preservation, Continuity, and Innovation.” Papier Restaurierung 2 (2002): 81–92.

Heller, D., and M. Youket. “A Tale of Two Facsimiles: Incorporating Digital Technology in Conservation Treatments.” Book and Paper Group Annual 21 (2002): 91–94.

Munson, M., J. G. Holt, S. Peckham, T. Kennedy, and C. Grundy. “Guidelines for the Care of Works on Paper with Cellulose Acetate Lamination.” Edited by M. Munson, with contributions by J. G. Holt, S. Peckham, T. Kennedy and C. Grundy. Washington, D.C.: Artwork Preservation Project, Department of Anthropology, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, 2002. http://anthropology.si.edu/conservation/lamination/lamination_guidelines.htm

Robb, A. “Responding to Biological Hazards: Effects of Chlorizne Dioxide, Ethylene Oxide, Foam and Irradiation on People and Cultural Property.” Book and Paper Group Annual 21 (2002): 31.

Ruzicka, G. Disaster Recovery: Salvaging books. Translated by A. Haley and A. Torres as: Recuperación de siniestros: Rescate de libros. Philadelphia: Conservation Center for Art and Historic Works, 2002.

Shahani, C.J., and G. Harrison. “Spontaneous Formation of Acids in the Natural Aging of Paper.” In Works of Art on Paper: Books, Documents and Photographs. Edited by V. Daniels, A. Donnithorne, and P. Smith, 189–192. London: International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works, 2002.

Vogt–O’Connor, D., S. R. Floray, T. Horton, T. Knapp, and J. Pasiuk. “Handling and Shipping Cellulose Nitrate Film: 2/20.” Conserve O Grams – Technical Leaflet Series. Section 2: Security, Fire, and Curatorial Safety. Washington, DC: National Park Service, 2002. [PDF: 263 KB / 6 p.] http://www.nps.gov/history/museum/publications/conserveogram/02-20.pdf

Wade, J. A. Element Mobility and Secondary Mineral Formation During the Early Stages of Alteration in Rocks from the Tecuamburro Volcanic Complex, Southeast Guatemala. MS thesis, Michigan State University, 2002.

Wanser, H.E. “Caring for Maps on Paper.” Portolan 54 (2002): 20–32.

Zimmermann, C. “Dianne van der Reyden New Chief of Conservation. PRD Chief Irene Schubert Retires from LC.” Library Services News 10, no. 3 (2002): 14–15.

Zimmermann, C. “Preservation Forms Irradiation Response Team.” Library Services News 10, no. 2 (2002): 1,6.

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Albro, S. R. “Works of Art and Manuscripts on Paper.” In Conservation Resources for Art and Antiques, 1st ed., 23–31. Washington, DC: Washington Conservation Guild, 2001.

Chace, M. “Report of the ATLA Representative to NISO.” In Summary of Proceedings, 55. Edited by M. T. Collins, 331–333. Chicago : American Theological Library Association, 2001.

Drewes, J. M. “Understanding Property Insurance Values (Valuing Library Collections).” URMIA Journal (2001)

Drewes, J. M., and G. Guzi. “Bridges over Troubled Waters: Techniques for Managing the Impact of E–Serials – to Bind or not to Bind.” Serials Librarian 40, no. 3 (2001): 409–415.

Mueller, U., and E . F. Hansen. “Use of Digital Image Analysis in Conservation of Building Materials.” In Proceedings of the 8th Euroseminar on Microscopy Applied to Buildings Materials. Edited by B. Georgali and E. E. Toumbakari, 603–610. Athens: Cosmosware, 2001.

Robb, A. “What Women Have Done: Pictorial Photographs from the Frances Benjamin Johnston Collection: A Conservator’s View.” In Ambassadors of Progress: American Women Photographers in Paris, 1900–1901, p. 129. France: Musée d’Art Américain in association with the Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. Hanover; London: distributed by University Press of New England, 2001.

Robb, A. “Conservation Corner: Albums, Photos, Glass Plate Negatives.” Library of Congress Information Bulletin 60, no. 5 (2001). http://www.loc.gov/loc/lcib/0105/conservation_corner.html

Robb, A. “The Effect of Relative Humidity on Ink Jet Prints.” In Conference Proceedings: Preservation and Conservation Issues Related to Digital Printing, 26–27 October 2000, Rutherford Conference Center, London, 72–76. London: Institute of Physics, 2001.

Robb, A., and J. M. Drewes. “The Use of Handheld Computers in Preservation and Conservation Settings.” Book and Paper Group Annual 19 (2001): 123–129.

Shahani, C. J., S. B. Lee, F. H. Hengemihle, G. Harrison, P. Song, M. L. Sierra, C. C. Ryan, and N. Weberg. Accelerated Aging of Paper. 2000, rev. 2001. Washington, DC: Preservation Research and Testing Division, Library of Congress, 2001.

Shpargel, S., and I. Brückle. “Photo Buttons on the Mend: Repairing Large Splits in Photo Buttons.” Topics in Photographic Preservation 9 (2001): 44–60.

Stiber Morenus, L., and J. Munn. “Conservation Corner: Breathing New Life into Japanese Treasures.” Library of Congress Information Bulletin 60, no. 9 (2001). http://www.loc.gov/loc/lcib/0109/conserve.html

Vogt–O’Connor, D. “Selection of Materials for Scanning.” In Handbook of Digital Projects: A Management Tool for Preservation and Access, 1st edition, Chapter 4. Edited by M. Sitts. Andover, MA: Northeast Document Conservation Center, 2001. http://www.nedcc.org/resources/digitalhandbook/iv.htm External Link

Vogt–O’Connor, D. “How to Preserve Acidic Wood Pulp Paper: 19/24:” Conserve O Grams – Technical Leaflet Series. Section 19: Archival and Manuscript Collections and Rare Books. Washington, DC: National Park Service, 2001. [PDF: 28 KB /4 p.] http://www.nps.gov/history/museum/publications/conserveogram/19-24.pdf

Wanser, H. E. “Conservation Corner: Washington’s First Inaugural Address.” Library of Congress Information Bulletin 60, no. 2 (2001): 32–33. http://www.loc.gov/loc/lcib/0102/conservation_corner.html

Zimmermann, C. “PRD Staff Enjoy Diverse Assignments during Temporary Dislocation.” Library Services News 9, no. 5 (2001): 29–30.

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Albro, S. R. “Il Restaurao dei disegni progettuali per il Duomo di Spoleto di Giuseppe Valadier.” In Contributi e testimonianze: Fondazione per la conservazione e il restauro de beni librari. Edited by Maria Cristina Misiti. Spoleta, Italy: Accademia Spoletina, 2000.

Brostoff, L., T. J. Shedlosky, and E. René de la Rie. “External Reflection Study of Copper–Benzotriazole Films on Bronze in Relation to Pretreatments of Coated Outdoor Bronzes.” In Tradition and Innovation: Advances in Conservation, Preprints, IIC 18th International Congress, 10–14 October, 2000, Melbourne, Australia. Edited by A. Roy and P. Smith, 29–31. London: International Institute for Conservation, 2000.

Chace, M. “Report of the ATLA Representative to NISO.” In Summary of Proceedings, 54. Edited by M. T. Collins, 341–343. Evanston, Illinois : American Theological Library Association, 2000.

Downey, A., and M. Schobert. Salvaging Art on Paper. Philadelphia: Conservation Center for Art and Historic Artifacts. Translated by Haley, A. and A. Torres as: El rescate de obras de arte creadas sobre paper. Philadelphia: Conservation Center for Art and Historic Artifacts, 2000.

Drewes, J. M. “Cuba Paradigms: The Johns Hopkins University Experience.” Book and Paper Group Annual 19 (2000): 21–24.

Eusman, E. “Ploos van Amstel’s Mark.” Print Quarterly 17 (2000): 248–261.

Eusman, E., and C. Mensch. “Ink on the Run: Measuring the Migration of Iron in Iron Gall Ink.” In The Iron Gall Ink Meeting, Newcastle upon Tyne, 4th & 5th September 2000: Postprints, 115–123. Newcastle upon Tyne: University of Northumbria, 2000.

French, Y. “Conservation Corner: Jefferson’s Books at Jefferson’s Library.” Library of Congress Information Bulletin 59, no. 4 (2000). http://www.loc.gov/loc/lcib/0004/conservation.html

Hansen, E. Ancient Maya Burnt Lime Technology: Cultural Implications of Technological Styles. PhD. diss., University of California, Los Angeles, 2000. (UMI Microform 9993031)

Hansen, E. F., A. de Tagle, E. Erder, S. Baron, S. Connell, C. Rodriguez–Navarro, and K. Van Balen. “Effects of Aging on Lime Putty.” In International RILEM Workshop on Historic Mortars: Characteristics and Tests. Edited by. P. Bartos, C. Groot and J. J. Hughes, 197–206. France: RILEM, 2000.

Harris, K. E. “A Paper Chase: Saving the Written Word at the Library of Congress.” In Preservation Management: Between Policy and Practice. Edited by Y. de Lusenet, 36–46. Amsterdam: European Commission on Preservation and Access, 2000.

Harris, K. E., and S. E. Schur. Caring for America’s Library: A Brief History of Preservation and Conservation at the Library of Congress. Washington, DC: Preservation Directorate, Library of Congress, 2000.

Haspo, B., and C. Zimmermann. “Beatriz Haspo’s Conservation Internship Extended.” Library Services News 9, no. 1 (2000): 16–17.

Hodson, J. “HTML Editors Demonstrated.” Library of Congress Gazette 11, no. 22 (2000): 8.

Karnes, C., J. Ream, and E. Wendelin. “Wallpapers at Winterthur: Seeing Them in a New Light.” Book and Paper Group Annual 19 (2000): 45–52.

Roosa, M. “Conservation Corner: New Web Site Tells Preservation Story.” Library of Congress Information Bulletin 59, no. 5 (2000). http://www.loc.gov/loc/lcib/0005/conserv.html

Roosa, M. “Conservation Fellow Gets Panoramic View of Library’s Photograph Collections.” Library Services News 8, no. 2 (2000): 19, 22.

Roosa, M. “Conservation Corner: A Sound Future for Recordings.” Library of Congress Information Bulletin 59, no. 8/9 (2000). http://www.loc.gov/loc/lcib/00089/cons_corner.html

Shedlofsky, T. J., and L. B. Brostoff. “The Application of Digital Image Analysis to Performance Assessment of Coatings for Outdoor Bronze and Copper.” In Abstracts of Paper Presented at the 28th Annual Meeting, 8–13 June 2000, Philadelphia, PA, 12–13. Washington, DC: American Institute for Conservation, 2000.

Sullards, M. C., and J. Adams Reiter. “Primary and Secondary Locations of Charge Sites in Angiotensin II (M + 2H)2+ Ions Formed by Electrospray Ionization.” Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry 11 (2000): 40–53.

Sullards, M. C., D. V. Lynch, E. M. Schmelz, E. Wang, A. H. Merrill, Jr., and J. Adams. “Structure Determination of Soybean and Wheat Glucoceramides by Tandem Mass Spectrometry.” Journal of Mass Spectrometry 35 (2000): 347–353.

Vogt–O’Connor, D. “Safe Techniques for Archival Surveying and Assessment: 2/12.” Conserve O Grams – Technical Leaflet Series. Section 2: Security, Fire, and Curatorial Safety. Washington, DC: National Park Service, 2000. [PDF: 62 KB / 4 p.] http://www.nps.gov/history/museum/publications/conserveogram/02-12.pdf

Vogt–O’Connor, D. “A Precarious Balance: Collections Access and Intellectual Property Rights.” CRM: Cultural Resource Management 23, no. 5 (2000): 61–65. [PDF: 114 KB / 5 p.] http://crm.cr.nps.gov/archive/23-05/23-05-18.pdf

Vogt–O’Connor, D. “Intellectual Property Rights Action Chart.” CRM: Cultural Resource Management 23, no. 5 (2000). [PDF: 27 KB / 1 p.] http://crm.cr.nps.gov/archive/23-05/23-05-23.pdf

Vogt–O’Connor, D. “National Archives and Records Administration Numbered Memos on Security; Records of Concern; Mold; Integrated Pest Management.” National Archives and Records Administration, 2000.

Vogt–O’Connor, D. “Managing Digital Projects for Preservation and Access: 19/22.” Conserve O Grams – Technical Leaflet Series.Section 19: Archival and Manuscript Collections and Rare Books. Washington, DC: National Park Service, 2000. [PDF: 48 KB / 4 p.] http://www.nps.gov/history/museum/publications/conserveogram/19-22.pdf

Vogt–O’Connor, D. “ Planning Digital Projects for Preservation and Access: 19/21.” Conserve O Grams – Technical Leaflet Series.Section 19: Archival and Manuscript Collections and Rare Books. Washington, DC: National Park Service, 2000. [PDF: 64 KB 4 p.] http://www.nps.gov/history/museum/publications/conserveogram/19-21.pdf

Wanser, H. E. “Conservation Corner: Preserving Lafayette’s 1824 Maps.” Library of Congress Information Bulletin 60, no. 4 (2000): 77–79. http://www.loc.gov/loc/lcib/0104/preserving_lafayette_maps.html

Wootton, M., T. Boone, and A. Robb. “The Structure’s the Thing! Problems in the Repair of Nineteenth–Century Stiff–Paged Photograph Albums.” In Conservation of Scrapbooks and Albums: Postprints of the Book and Paper Group. Photographic Materials Group joint session at the 27th Annual Meeting of the American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works, June 11, 1999, St. Louis, Missouri, 37–44. Washington, DC: American Institute for Conservation, 2000.

Zimmermann, C. “The Conservation Division Intern Class of 2000.” Library Services News 9, no. 1 (2000): 13–14.

Zimmermann, C. “PRD’s Digital Reformatting Program.” Library Services News 8, no. 6 (2000): 5–6.

Zimmermann, C. “Conservation Treatment of Jefferson Collection for Bicentennial Exhibit.” Library Services News 8, no. 4 (2000): 9.

Zimmermann, C. “New Preventive Conservation Internship.” Library Services News 8, no. 3 (2000): 14.

Zimmermann, C., and C. J. Shahani. “Preservation Directorate Develops a New Method for Testing the Longevity of Paper.” Library Services News 9, no. 5 (2000): 14–15.

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Chace, M. “Report of the ATLA Representative to NISO.” In Summary of Proceedings, 53. Edited by M. T.Collins, 343–344. Evanston, Illinois : American Theological Library Association.

Chace, M. “Report of the ATLA Representative to NISO.” In Summary of Proceedings, 53. Edited by M. T. Collins, 345–347. Evanston, Illinois : American Theological Library Association, 1999.

Drewes, J. M. “The Cuba–U.S. Exchange Program.” International Leads 31, no. 2 (1999): 11.

Krueger, H. K., and M. Roosa. “Conservation Corner: Preserving Original Herblock.” Library of Congress Information Bulletin 59, no. 10 (1999). http://www.loc.gov/loc/lcib/0010/cons.html

Krueger, H. K., and M. Roosa. “Conservation Corner: Rejuvenating Political Cartoons.” Library of Congress Information Bulletin 58, no. 10 (1999). http://www.loc.gov//loc/lcib/9910/preserve.html

Peckham, S. “Sealing Odd–shaped, Fragmentary Paper Pieces in a Mylar (Polyester) Encapsulation.” Book and Paper Group Annual 18 (1999): 71.

Roosa, M. “Conservation Corner: Preservation on ’John Bull & Uncle Sam’.” Library of Congress Information Bulletin 58, no. 11 (1999). http://www.loc.gov/loc/lcib/9911/bsconsv.html

Roosa, M. “Conservation Corner: Mexican 1500s Choral Book Poses Questions” Library of Congress Information Bulletin 58, no. 12 (1999). http://www.loc.gov/loc/lcib/9912/cons.html

Roosa, M. “Conservation Corner: Piecing Together Fragments of History.” Library of Congress Information Bulletin 58, no. 7 (1999). http://www.loc.gov/loc/lcib/9907/jeffpres.html

Roosa, M. “Conservation Corner: Naxi Manuscripts Pose Preservation Challenges.” Library of Congress Information Bulletin 58, no. 6 (1999). http://www.loc.gov/loc/lcib/9906/naxi2.html

Roosa, M. “Conservation Corner: Washingtoniana II Project Preserves Architectural Legacy.” Library of Congress Information Bulletin 58, no. 9 (1999). http://www.loc.gov/loc/lcib/9909/consv.html

Roosa, M. “Conservation Corner: George Washington Diaries Reclaimed.” Library of Congress Information Bulletin 58, no. 8 (1999). http://www.loc.gov/loc/lcib/9908/george.html

Van der Reyden, D. “Built to last.” New York Times Magazine. Dec 5, 1999. http://www.nytimes.com/1999/12/05/magazine/built-to-last.html?sec=&spon= External Link

Vogt–O’Connor, D. “An Archival Glossary for the Millennium.” CRM: Cultural Resource Management 22, no. 2 (1999): 46–52. [PDF: 214 KB / 7 p.] http://crm.cr.nps.gov/archive/22-2/22-02-19.pdf

Vogt–O’Connor, D. “Archival Preservation at the NPS.” CRM: Cultural Resource Management 22, no. 7 (1999).[PDF: 39 KB / 7 p.] http://crm.cr.nps.gov/archive/22-7/22-07-o4.pdf

Vogt–O’Connor, D. “Archives at the Millennium.” CRM: Cultural Resource Management 22, no. 2 (1999): 3. [PDF: 131 KB / 1 p.] http://crm.cr.nps.gov/archive/22-2/22-02-1.pdf

Vogt–O’Connor, D. “Archives: A Primer for the 21st Century.” CRM: Cultural Resource Management 22, no. 2 (1999): 4–8. [PDF: 34 KB / 5 p.] http://crm.cr.nps.gov/archive/22-2/22-02-2.pdf

Vogt–O’Connor, D. “Is the Record of the 20th Century at Risk?” CRM: Cultural Resource Management 22, no. 2 (1999): 21–24. [PDF: 187 KB / 4] http://crm.cr.nps.gov/archive/22-2/22-02-9.pdf

Vogt–O’Connor, D. “Tips on How to Research in an Archive.” CRM: Cultural Resource Management 22, no. 2 (1999): 44–45. [PDF: 191 KB / 2 p.] http://crm.cr.nps.gov/archive/22-2/22-02-18.pdf

Vogt–O’Connor, D. “Health and Safety Risks of Asbestos: 2/11.” Conserve O Grams – Technical Leaflet Series. Section 2: Security, Fire, and Curatorial Safety. Washington, DC: National Park Service, 1999. [PDF: 482 KB / 4 p.] http://www.nps.gov/history/museum/publications/conserveogram/02-11.pdf

Zimmermann, C. “Sunny South: Rare Periodical Saved from Extinction.” Library Services News 7, no. 3 (1999): 8–9.

Zimmermann, C. “Facilitative Leadership Brings Changes to Photoduplication Service.” Library Services News 7, no. 6 (1999): 18–19.

Zimmermann, C. “The 1999 Conservation Division Intern Program.” Library Services News 7, no. 7 (1999): 9,17.

Zimmermann, C., and C. J. Shahani. “Aging Library Materials Challenge Preservation Research and Testing Division.” Library Services News 7, no. 3 (1999): 10–11.

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Albro, S. R. and H.H. Krueger. “The History, Examination and Conservation Treatment of the Jamestown Records of the Virginia Company of London.” In IPC Conference Papers London 1997: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference of the Institute of Paper Conservation. Edited by J. Eegan, 70–82. Leigh, [England]: Institute of Paper Conservation, 1998.

Biggs, J. L. “Conserving George Romney’s Drawings at the Folger Shakespeare Library.” In Designs from Fancy: George Romney’s Shakespearian Drawings. By Y. Romney Dixon, 128–146. Washington, DC: Folger Shakespeare Library, 1998.

Boone, T., L. Kidder, and S. Russick. “Bookkeeper Spray for Use in Single Item Treatments.” Book and Paper Group Annual 17 (1998): 29–43.

Brostoff, L., and E. René de la Rie. “Chemical Characterization of Metal/Coating Interfaces from Model Samples for Outdoor Bronzes by Reflection–Absorption Infrared Spectroscopy (RAIR) and Attenuated Total Reflection Spectroscopy (ATR).” In Metal 98. Proceedings of the International Conference on Metals Conservation, ICOM–CC Metals Working Group, 27–29 May 1998, Draguignan, France. Edited by W. Mourey and L. Robbiola, 320–328. London: James & James, 1999.

Chace, M. “Report of the ATLA Representative to NISO.” In Summary of Proceedings, 52. Edited by M. Tacke, 331–333. Evanston, Illinois : American Theological Library Association, 1998.

Eusman, E. “Inktvraat beter in Beeld.” Kunstlicht 4, no. 19 (1998): 18–22.

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Hansen, E. F. “Protection of Objects from Environmental Deterioration by Reducing Their Exposure to Oxygen.” In Oxygen Free Museum Cases, Chapter 2. Edited by S. Maekawa, 7–17. Los Angeles: Getty Conservation Institute, 1998.

Hansen, E. F., and C. Rodriguez–Navarro. “Los Comienzos de la Tecnología de la Cal en el Mundo Maya: Innovación y Continuidad desde el Preclásico Medio al Clásico Tardío en Nakbe, Petén, Guatemala.” In Investigaciones Arqueológicas y Ecológicas en la Cuenca Mirador, 1998: Informe de la Temporada de Campo. Edited by R. D. Hansen and J. Valle, 1998.

Hansen, E. F., and M. H. Bishop. “Factors Affecting the Retreatment of Previously Consolidated Matte Painted Wooden Objects.” In Painted Wood: History and Conservation, 484–497. Los Angeles: J. Paul Getty Trust, 1998

Haude, M. E. “Identification of Colorants on Maps from the Early Colonial Period of New Spain (Mexico).” Journal of the American Institute for Conservation 37 (1998): 240–270. http://cool.conservation-us.org/jaic/articles/jaic7-03-001_indx.html External Link

Hedberg, J., Drewes, J. M., and F. A. Dykas. “Fitting Preservation into Your Life: Preservation Basics for Serialists.” Serials Librarian 34, no. 304 (1998): 323–331.

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Trinckley, M. Hurricane! Are You Ready for the Big One? A Primer for Libraries, Museums and Archives. Translated by: Haley, A. and A. Torres 2001 as: Huracan! Como sobrevivir la gran tormenta: Un texta basico para bibliotecas, museos y archivos. Atlanta: SOLINET. Columbia, SC: Chicora Foundation; and Atlanta, GA: Southeastern Library Network, 1998.

Vogt–O’Connor, D. “Information Ecosystem Bibliography.” CRM: Cultural Resource Management 21, no. 6 (1998). [PDF: 174 KB / 4 p.] http://crm.cr.nps.gov/archive/21-6/21-6-14.pdf

Vogt–O’Connor, D. “The Information Ecosystem.” CRM: Cultural Resource Management 21, no. 6 (1998). [PDF: 228 KB / 4 p.] http://crm.cr.nps.gov/archive/21-6/21-6-1.pdf

Vogt–O’Connor, D., and D. Nathanson. “Caring for Color Photographs: 14/6.” Conserve O Grams – Technical Leaflet Series. Section 14: Photographs. Washington, DC: National Park Service, 1998. [PDF: 594 KB / 4 p.] http://www.nps.gov/history/museum/publications/conserveogram/14-06.pdf

Vogt–O’Connor, D., and D. Nathanson. “Caring for Photographs: Special Monochrome Processes: 14/7.” Conserve O Grams – Technical Leaflet Series. Section 14: Photographs. Washington, DC: National Park Service, 1998. [PDF: 582 KB / 4 p.] http://www.nps.gov/history/museum/publications/conserveogram/14-07.pdf

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Albro, T .C., II. “A Delicate Balance: Conservation Treatment and the Demands of a Modern Research Library.” In International Conference on Conservation and Restoration of Archive and Library Materials, Erice (Italy), CCSEM, 22nd–29th April 1996, Preprints, Vol. 1, 73–76. Rome: Istituto centrale per la patologia del libro, 1997.

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Brostoff, L, T .J. Shedlosky, and E. René de la Rie. “Research into Protective Coating Systems for Outdoor Bronze Sculpture and Ornamentation, Phase III.” PTTPublications No. 1997–03. NCPTT: Natchitoches, Louisiana, 1999.

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Brostoff, L., and E. René de la Rie. “Research into Protective Coatings Systems for Outdoor Bronze Sculpture and Ornamentation.” In Metal 95: Proceedings of the International Conference on Metals Conservation, ICOM–CC Metals Working Group, 25–28 September 1997, Semur–en–Auxois, France. Edited by I. D. MacLeod, et al., 242–244. London: James & James, 1997.

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Clark, B. and J. M. Drewes. “Effective Graphics for Displays and Handouts.” In Promoting Preservation Awareness in Libraries: A Sourcebook for Academic, Public, School, and Special Collections. Edited by J. M. Drewes and J. A. Page, 313–328. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1997.

Drewes, J. M. “Library exhibits: Evaluation via Observation.” In Promoting Preservation Awareness in Libraries: A Sourcebook for Academic, Public, School, and Special Collections. Edited by J. M. Drewes and J. A. Page, 113–119. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1997.

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Grossman, A. “The Gantse Megillah: Conservation of a 14–15th Century Parchment Esther Scroll.” Book and Paper Group Annual 16 (1997): 21–32.

Hansen, E .F., M. Derrick, and A. Wallert. “An Organic Colorant Used in Painted Ancient Maya Architectural Sculpture at Nakbe, Petén, Guatemala.” Materials Issues in Art and Archaeology 5 (1997): 287–300.

Hansen, E. F., C. Rodriguez–Navarro, and R. D. Hansen. “Incipient Maya Burnt–Lime Technology: Characterization and Chronological Variations.” Materials Issues in Art and Archaeology 5 (1997): 207–216.

Haude, M. E. “Identification and Classification of Colorants Used during Mexico’s Early Colonial Period.” Book and Paper Group Annual 16 (1997): 33–42.

Kaufman, D., and J. M. Drewes. “Using Student Employees to Focus Preservation Awareness Campaigns.” In Promoting Preservation Awareness in Libraries: A Sourcebook for Academic, Public, School, and Special Collections. Edited by J. M. Drewes and J. A. Page, 123–127. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1997.

Library of Congress, Preservation Directorate. “Digitizing Library Collections for Preservation and Archiving: A Handbook for Curators.” Prepared by W. R. Nugent, M. A. Eastham, Forecast Technology Inc. for the Preservation Directorate, Library of Congress. Preservation Research and Testing Series: no. 9705. Washington, DC: Preservation Directorate, Library of Congress, 1997.

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Ridout, A. and J .M. Drewes. “The Library Lock–In.” In Promoting Preservation Awareness in Libraries: A Sourcebook for Academic, Public, School, and Special Collections. Edited by J. M. Drewes and A. Ridout, 190–195. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1997.

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Vogt–O’Connor, D. “Legal Issues.” In Museum Handbook, Part 3, Museum Records, Chapter 2. Washington, DC: National Park Service, 1997–2000.

Vogt–O’Connor, D. “Management of Cellulose Nitrate and Cellulose Ester Film.” In Museum Handbook, Part 1, Museum collections, Appendix M. Washington, DC: National Park Service, 1997–2000. [PDF: 209 KB / 39 p.] http://www.nps.gov/history/museum/publications/MHI/AppendM.pdf

Vogt–O’Connor, D. “Curatorial Care of Photographic Collections.” In Museum Handbook, Part 1, Museum Collections, Appendix R. Washington, DC: National Park Service, 1997–2000. [PDF: 267 KB / 49 p.] http://www.nps.gov/history/museum/publications/MHI/Appendix%20R.pdf

Vogt–O’Connor, D. “Museum Archives and Manuscript Collections.” In Museum Handbook, Part 2, Museum Records, Appendix D. Washington, DC: National Park Service, 1997–2000.

Vogt–O’Connor, D. “Evaluating and Documenting Museum Collections for Use.” In Museum Handbook, Part 3, Museum Records, Chapter 1. Washington, DC: National Park Service, 1997-2000. [PDF: 398 KB / 60 p.] http://www.nps.gov/history/museum/publications/MHIII/mh3ch1.pdf

Vogt–O’Connor, D. “Caring for Photographs: Special Formats: 14/5.” Conserve O Grams – Technical Leaflet Series. Section 14: Photographs. Washington, DC: National Park Service, 1997. [PDF: 700 KB / 4 p.] http://www.nps.gov/history/museum/publications/conserveogram/14-05.pdf

Vogt–O’Connor, D. “Emergency Planning.” In Museum Handbook, Part 1, Museum collections, Chapter 10. Washington, DC: National Park Service, 1997.

Vogt–O’Connor, D. “What People Are Doing: U.S. Information Agency Lectures on Archives in Bolivia.” CRM: Cultural Resource Management 20, no. 7 (1997). [PDF: 52 KB / 3 p.] http://crm.cr.nps.gov/archive/20-7/20-7-17.pdf

Vogt–O’Connor, D. “Publications.” In Museum Handbook, Part 3, Museum Records, Chapter 3. Washington, DC: National Park Service, 1997–2000. [PDF: 298 KB / 106 p.] http://www.nps.gov/history/museum/publications/MHIII/mh3ch3.pdf

Vogt–O’Connor, D. Report on Funding Possibilities for National Park Service Education Program. Washington, DC: National Park Service, 1997.

Vogt–O’Connor, D. “Caring for Photographs: General Guidelines: 14/4.” Conserve O Grams – Technical Leaflet Series. Section 14: Photographs. Washington, DC: National Park Service, 1997. [PDF: 682 KB / 4 p.] http://www.nps.gov/history/museum/publications/conserveogram/14-04.pdf

Vogt–O’Connor, D. “Bibliographical Research.” In Museum Handbook, Part 3, Museum Records, Chapter 9. Washington, DC: National Park Service, 1997.

Vogt–O’Connor, D. “Two–Dimensional Reproductions.” In Museum Handbook, Part 3, Museum Records, Chapter 4. Washington, DC: National Park Service, 1997–2000. [PDF: 398 KB / 86 p.] http://www.nps.gov/history/museum/publications/MHIII/mh3ch4.pdf

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Adams, J., F. H. Strobel, A. Reiter, and M. C. Sullards. “The Importance of Charge Separation Reactions in Tandem Mass Spectrometry of Doubly Protonated Angiotensin II Formed by ESI: Experimental Considerations and Structural Implications.” Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry 7 (1996): 30–41.

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Connell, J. J., Jr. “Foreign Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century Newspapers: Original Copy, Facsimile, and Photostat Held by the Library of Congress: A Checklist.” Washington, DC: Serial and Government Publications Division, Library of Congress, 1996.

Crawford, C. P. “A Method for Making Foldable Encapsulations for Storage of Folded Objects.” Book and Paper Group Annual 15 (1996): 41–42.

Gibson, G. D, C. Zimmermann and T. Erb. “Cylinder Audio Recordings: An Annotated Bibliography,” with the assistance of C. Zimmermann and T. Erb. Preservation Research and Testing Series: no. 9604. Washington, DC: Preservation Directorate, Library of Congress, 1996.

Hansen, E. F. “The Effects of Solvent Quality on the Properties of Polymers Used in Conservation.” Materials Issues in Art and Archaeology 4 (1996): 807–812.

Hansen, E. F., J. Griswold, L. Harrison, and W. Ginell. “Desalination of Highly Deteriorated Limestone: A Preliminary Evaluation of Preconsolidants.” In Preprints of the 11th Triennial Meeting, Edinburgh, ICOM Committee for Conservation, vol. 2, 798–804. London: James & James, 1996.

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Munn, J., T. Wallis, and M. Wootton. “Observations Concerning the Characteristics of Handmade Paper: The Library of Congress Endpaper Project.” Book and Paper Group Annual 15 (1996): 179–197.

Schmelz, E .M.; D. L. Dillehay, S. K. Webb, A. Reiter, J. Adams, and A. H. Merrill, Jr. “Sphingomyelin Consumption Suppresses Aberrant Colonic Crypt Foci and Increases the Proportion of Adenomas versus Adenocarcinomas in CF1 Mice Treated with 1,2–Dimethylhydrazine: Implications for Dietary Sphingolipids and Colon Carcinogenesis.” Cancer Research 56 (1996): 4936–4941.

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Van der Reyden, D. “Identifying the Real Thing.” Prepared for the School for Scanning, sponsored by the National Park Service and managed by the Northeast Document Conservation Center. [PDF: 139 KB / 15 p.] http://www.si.edu/mci/downloads/RELACT/identifying_the_real_thing.pdf

Van der Reyden, D., H. Tennison, and F.W. Tsai. “Publish, Then Perish: The Reclamation of a Collection of Scientific Illustrations.” Restaurator 17 (1996): 104–115.

Van der Reyden, D., H. Tennison, F. W. Tsai, and H. Wanser. “An ’Angel Project’ of Dinosaur Proportions.” Book and Paper Group Annual 15 (1996): 145–160.
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Vogt–O’Connor, D. “ Handling Archival Documents and Manuscripts: 19/17.” Conserve O Grams – Technical Leaflet Series. Section 19: Archival and Manuscript Collections and Rare Books. Washington, DC: National Park Service, 1996. [PDF: 1.16 MB / 4 p.] http://www.nps.gov/history/museum/publications/conserveogram/19-17.pdf

Vogt–O’Connor, D. “Exhibitions in Cyberspace: Museum Exhibitions Documentation at the Millennium.” Art Documentation (September 1996).

Vogt–O’Connor, D. “Housing Archival Paper–Based Materials: 19/16.” Conserve O Grams – Technical Leaflet Series. Section 19: Archival and Manuscript Collections and Rare Books. Washington, DC: National Park Service, 1996. [PDF: 1.5 MB / 4 p.] http://www.nps.gov/history/museum/publications/conserveogram/19-16.pdf

Vogt–O’Connor, D. “How to Care for Bound Archival Materials: 19/18.” Conserve O Grams – Technical Leaflet Series. Section 19: Archival and Manuscript Collections and Rare Books. Washington, DC: National Park Service, 1996. [PDF: 1.14 MB / 4 p.] http://www.nps.gov/history/museum/publications/conserveogram/19-18.pdf

Vogt–O’Connor, D. “Care of Archival Compact Disks: 19/19.” Conserve O Grams – Technical Leaflet Series. Section 19: Archival and Manuscript Collections and Rare Books. Washington, DC: National Park Service, 1996. [PDF: 1.06 KB / 4 p.] http://www.nps.gov/history/museum/publications/conserveogram/19-19.pdf

Vogt–O’Connor, D. “Care of Archival Digital and Magnetic Media: 19/20.” Conserve O Grams – Technical Leaflet Series. Section 19: Archival and Manuscript Collections and Rare Books. Washington, DC: National Park Service, 1996. [PDF: 1.1 MB / 4 p.] http://www.nps.gov/history/museum/publications/conserveogram/19-20.pdf

Vogt–O’Connor, D. “Storing Archival Paper–Based Materials: 19/15.” Conserve O Grams – Technical Leaflet Series. Section 19: Archival and Manuscript Collections and Rare Books. Washington, DC: National Park Service, 1996. [PDF: 1.12 MB / 4 p.] http://www.nps.gov/history/museum/publications/conserveogram/19-15.pdf

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Albro, S. R. and T.C. Albro, II. “The Examination and Conservation Treatment of the 1531 Huexotzinco Codex = Examen y tratamiento del conservación del Códice de Huexotzinco de 1531.” In Códice de Huexotzinco, text by J. R. Hébert … [et al], 64–77 (in Spanish); pp. 137–149 (in English). Mexico: Coca–Cola; Washington: Library of Congress, 1995.

Biggs, J. L. “Analysis and Treatment of a Painting on Vellum with the Aid of a Video–Microscopy System.” Book and Paper Group Annual 14 (1995): 1–7.

Connell, J. J., Jr. “An Annotated List of Selected Newspaper Reference Works Located in the Library of Congress. First Supplement: Including an Appendix of Primary Source Material Held in the Library’s Reading Rooms.” Washington, DC: Serial and Government Publications Division, Library of Congress, 1995.

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France, F. G., and I. L. Weatherall. “Torsional Properties of Wool Fibres.” In 9th International Wood Textile Research Conference: Abstracts, 609–618. Biella, Italy: International Wool Secretariate, 1995.

Harris, K. E. “A Review of Recent Research Findings on Preservation and Conservation of Library and Archival Materials.” In Proceedings of the Pan–African Conference on Preservation and Conservation of Library and Archival Materials. Edited by J. M. Arnault, V. Kremp, and M. Musembi, 113–123. The Hague: IFLA Headquarters, 1995.

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Hodson, J. “Online Reference News.” Action for Libraries (May 1995): 2.

Krueger, H. “The Core Collection of the Manuscript Division at the Library of Congress.” Book and Paper Group Annual 14 (1995): 9–17.

Shahani, C. J. “Effect of Some Deacidification Agents on Copper–Catalyzed Degradation of Paper.” Preservation Research and Testing Series: no. 9501. Washington, DC: Preservation Directorate, Library of Congress, 1995.

Shahani, C. J., F. H. Hengemihle, and N. Weberg. “The Effect of Fluctuations in Relative Humidity on Library and Archival Materials and Their Aging within Contained Micro–Environments.” In Proceedings of the Pan–African Conference on Preservation and Conservation of Library and Archival Materials. Edited by J. M. Arnault, V. Kremp, and M. Musembi, 61–70. The Hague: IFLA Headquarters, 1995.

Stiber, L. S., E. Eusman, and S. R. Albro. “The Triumphal Arch and the Large Triumphal Carriage of Maximilian I: Two Oversized, Multi Block, 16th–Century Woodcuts from the Studio of Albrecht Durer.” Book and Paper Group Annual 14 (1995): 63–85. http://cool.conservation-us.org/coolaic/sg/bpg/annual/v14/bp14-07.html External Link

Strobel, F. H., and J. Adams. “How to Measure the Kinetic Energy Distribution of the Precursor Ion Main Beam in MIKES Experiments.” Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry 6 (1995): 1232–1242.

Sullards, M. C., and J. Adams. “On the Use of Scans at a Constant Ratio of B/E for Studying Decompositions of Peptide Metal(II)–Ion Complexes Formed by Electrospray Ionization.” Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry 6 (1995), 608–610.

Van der Reyden, D. “Preservation Responsibilities.” Materials Issues in Art and Archaeology 4 (1995): 63–71. [PDF: 57 KB / 10 p.] http://www.si.edu/mci/downloads/RELACT/preservation_responsibilities.pdf

Van der Reyden, D. “Genuine Vegetable Parchment Paper: Effects of Accelerated Aging on Some Physical and Chemical Properties.” Materials Issues in Art and Archaeology 4 (1995): 271–284.

Van der Reyden, D. “Paper Documents.” In Storage of Natural History Collections: A Preventive Conservation Approach. Edited by C.L. Rose, C.A. Hawks, and H.H. Genoway, 327–354. Pittsburgh, PA.: Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections, 1995. [PDF: 473 KB / 41 p.] http://www.si.edu/mci/downloads/RELACT/paper_documents.pdf

van der Reyden, D., and D. Vogt–O’Connor. “Rescuing Records: Recognizing the Problems of Preserving Documents in Research Collections.” [Video] Script by D. van der Reyden and D. Vogt–O’Connor. Production by Cinemasound, 1995 [PDF: 294 KB / 11 p.] http://www.si.edu/mci/downloads/RELACT/video_script_english.pdf

Vogt–O’Connor, D. “What in the World is the World Wide Web?” CRM: Cultural Resource Management 18, no. 9 (1995). [PDF: 57 KB / 2 p.] http://crm.cr.nps.gov/archive/18-9/18-9-1.pdf

Vogt–O’Connor, D. “Preservation Reformatting: Selecting a Copy Technology: 19/11.” Conserve O Grams – Technical Leaflet Series. Section 19: Archival and Manuscript Collections and Rare Books. Washington, DC: National Park Service, 1995. [PDF: 1.07 KB / 4 p.] http://www.nps.gov/history/museum/publications/conserveogram/19-11.pdf

Vogt–O’Connor, D. “Museum Information Standards in the 21st Century.” CRM: Cultural Resource Management 18, no. 2 (1995): 17–18. [PDF: 54 KB / 2 p.] http://crm.cr.nps.gov/archive/18-2/18-2-6.pdf

Vogt–O’Connor, D. “Council for the Preservation of the Anthropological Record and the World Wide Web.” CRM: Cultural Resource Management 18, no. 9 (1995). [PDF: 64 KB / 2 p.] http://crm.cr.nps.gov/archive/18-9/18-9-14.pdf

Vogt–O’Connor, D. “Cultural Tourism and the Landmark Trust.” CRM: Cultural Resource Management 18, no. 6 (1995): 12–15. [PDF: 266 KB / 4 p.] http://crm.cr.nps.gov/archive/18-6/18-6-3.pdf

Vogt–O’Connor, D. “Finding Funds for NPS Museum Collections.” CRM: Cultural Resource Management 18, no. 4 (1995): 9–13. [PDF: 72 KB / 5 p.] http://crm.cr.nps.gov/archive/18-4/18-4-2.pdf

Vogt–O’Connor, D. “World Wide Web Resources.” CRM: Cultural Resource Management 18, no. 9 (1995). [PDF: 70 KB / 4 p.] http://crm.cr.nps.gov/archive/18-9/18-9-10.pdf

Vogt–O’Connor, D. “Reformatting for Preservation and Access: Prioritizing Materials for Duplication: 19/10.” Conserve O Grams – Technical Leaflet Series. Section 19: Archival and Manuscript Collections and Rare Books. Washington, DC: National Park Service, 1995. [PDF: 904 KB / 4 p.] http://www.nps.gov/history/museum/publications/conserveogram/19-10.pdf

Vogt–O’Connor, D. “Archival Certification and the National Park Service.” CRM: Cultural Resource Management 18, no. 2 (1995): 13. [PDF: 56 KB / 2 p.] http://crm.cr.nps.gov/archive/18-2/18-2-4.pdf

Vogt–O’Connor, D. “Contracting for Reformatting of Photographs: 19/12.” Conserve O Grams – Technical Leaflet Series. Section 19: Archival and Manuscript Collections and Rare Books. Washington, DC: National Park Service, 1995. [PDF: 51 KB / 3 p.] http://www.nps.gov/history/museum/publications/conserveogram/19-12.pdf

Vogt–O’Connor, D. “Preservation Reformatting: Inspection of Copy Photographs: 19/13.” Conserve O Grams – Technical Leaflet Series. Section 19: Archival and Manuscript Collections and Rare Books. Washington, DC: National Park Service, 1995. [PDF: 547 KB / 3 p.] http://www.nps.gov/history/museum/publications/conserveogram/19-13.pdf

Vogt–O’Connor, D., and D. van der Reyden. “Conserve O Grams – Technical Leaflet Series: Caring for Blueprints and Cyanotypes: 19/9.” Section 19: Archival and manuscript collections and rare books. Washington, DC: National Park Service, 1995. [PDF: 656 KB / 3 p.] http://www.nps.gov/history/museum/publications/conserveogram/19-09.pdf

Vogt–O’Connor, D., and D. van der Reyden. “Judging Permanence for Reformatting Projects: Papers and Inks: 19/14.” Conserve O Grams – Technical Leaflet Series. Section 19: Archival and Manuscript Collections and Rare Books. Washington, DC: National Park Service, 1995. [PDF: 903 KB / 4 p.] http://www.nps.gov/history/museum/publications/conserveogram/19-14.pdf

Vogt–O’Connor, D., and J. Redding. Guide to Photographic Collections at the Smithsonian Institution. 4 vols. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1989–1995.

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Albro, S. R. “Consolidation/Fixing/Facing.” In Paper Conservation Catalog, Chapter 17., chapter editor, S. Albro. Washington, DC: American Institute of Conservation, Book and Paper Group, 1984–1994. I

Bottini A. G., J. G. Priest, R. Murray, P. D. Wiley, K. Moore, B. Smith, and D. B. Crandall. “Development of a User–Defined Surgical Database Using a Personal Computer Network.” Military Medicine 159, no. 8 (1994): 571–6.

Brostoff, L. “Investigation into the Interaction of Benzotriazole with Copper Corrosion Minerals and Surfaces.” MS thesis, University of Cincinnati, 1994.

Brostoff, L. “Investigation of Interfacial Effects Between a Model Dicyandiamide Cured Epoxy Resin and Silver.” MS thesis, University of Cincinnati, 1994.

Chace, M. “Report of the ATLA Representative to NISO.” In Summary of Proceedings, 48. Edited by M. D. Gray, 79–82. Evanston, Illinois : American Theological Library Association, 1994.

Hansen, E .F., and P. Volent. “Technical Note on Solvent Sensitivity Testing of Objects for Treatment in a Vapor–Saturated Atmosphere.” Journal of the American Institute for Conservation 33 (1994): 315–316.

Hansen, E. F., and C. Reedy. Art and Architectural Conservation Research Priorities. Washington, D.C.: American Institute for Conservation, 1994.

Hansen, E. F., R. D. Hansen, and M. Derrick. “Los Análysis de los Estucos y Pinturas Arquitectónicos de Nakbe: Resultados Preliminares de los Estudios de los Métodos y Materiales de Producción.” In 8th Simposio de Arqueológicas en Guatemala. Edited by J. P. LaPorte and H. L. Escobedo, 1994, 456–470. Guatemala: Museo Nacional de Arqueologia y Etnologia, 1995.

Hodson, J. “Online Reference News.” Action for Libraries (June 1994): 5.

Hodson, J. “Internet Notes.” Action for Libraries (January 1994): 3–4.

Hodson, J. “Lurking on the LISTSERVs.” Action for Libraries (December 1994): 3–4.

Hodson, J. “BCR Internet Survey.” Action for Libraries (February 1994): 1.

Hodson, J. “Online Reference News.” Action for Libraries (November 1994): 5.

Hodson, J. “Online Reference News.” Action for Libraries (March 1994): 4.

Hodson, J. “Online Reference News.” Action for Libraries (July 1994): 6.

Hodson, J. “Slip and PPP Offer Lower Cost, Practical Options to Connect to Internet.” Action for Libraries (May 1994): 4–5.

Hodson, J. “Online Reference News.” Action for Libraries (February 1994): 2.

Hodson, J. “OCLC Reference News.” Action for Libraries (March 1994): 3.

Hodson, J. “Online news.” Action for Libraries (April 1994): 4–5.

Hodson, J. “Internet News.” Action for Libraries (June 1994): 6.

Hoffman, C., D. van der Reyden, and M. Baker. “Vergleichende Untersuchung des Einflusses von fünf verschiedenen Bleichmethoden auf die optischen und mechanischen Eigenschaften von Baumwollfilterpapier.” In Zum Thema Papier und Graphik, edited by M. Koller and P. Ranier, 90-96. Vienna: Mayer, 1994.

Khan, Y. “A Treatment of a Publisher’s Paste–up.” Paper Conservator 18 (1994): 71–76.

Reiter, A., J. Adams, and H. Zhao. “Intrinsic (Gas–Phase) Binding of Co2+ and Ni2+ by Peptides: A Direct Reflection of Aqueous–Phase Chemistry.” Journal of the American Chemical Society 116 (1994): 7827–7838.

Teesch, L M., and J. Adams. “Gas–Phase Chemistry of Alkali Adducts of Simple and Complex Molecules.” In Experimental Mass Spectrometry. Edited by D. H. Russell. New York: Plenum Press, 1994.

Van der Reyden, D. “Case Studies in Photography Conservation Including a Survey of 15,000 Photographs.” In The Imperfect Image: Photographs, Their Past, Present and Future, Conference Proceedings, 347–361. Windermere, England: Low Wood Conference Centre, 1994.

Van der Reyden, D. “Maximizing Minimum Resources for Paper–Based Archives, Library, and Research Collections.” In Preventive Conservation for Practice, Theory and Research: Summaries of the Posters at the Ottawa Congress on Preventive Care, 12–16 September 1994, 18–34. Ottawa: International Institute for Conservation, 1994.

Van der Reyden, D. “A Sticky Problem: Technical Study and Treatment of a Sam Francis ‘Gouache’ Stuck between Glass.” In Modern Works, Modern Problems. Edited by A. Richmond, 139–147. London: Institute of Paper Conservation, 1994.

Van der Reyden, D. “Material Care and Material Science: Preservation of Paper–Based Research Collections.” Grapevine (1994): 1–2.

Vogt–O’Connor, D. “Why Keep Archives?” CRM: Cultural Resource Management 17, no. 9 (1994): 9–11. [PDF: 65 KB / 3 p.] http://crm.cr.nps.gov/archive/17-9/17-9-3.pdf

Vogt–O’Connor, D. “Digitization and Archival Information.” CRM: Cultural Resource Management 17, no. 7 (1994): 21–24. [PDF: 32 KB / 3 p.] http://crm.cr.nps.gov/archive/17-8/17-8-8.pdf

Vogt–O’Connor, D. “Archival and Manuscript Materials at the NPS.” CRM: Cultural Resource Management 17, no. 5 (1994).

Vogt–O’Connor, D., and K. Stevens. ANCS [Automated National Catalog System] User Manual. Washington, DC: National Park Service, 1994.

Zimmermann, C. “Material Published by Members of the Library of Congress Preservation Directorate: A Bibliography.” Washington: Library of Congress, Preservation Directorate, 1994.

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Adams, J., and Q. Ann. “Structure Determination of Sphingolipids by Mass Spectrometry.” Mass Spectrometry Reviews 12 (1993): 51–85.

Adams, J.; Songer, M.J. “Charge–Remote Fragmentations in Bioanalytical Mass Spectrometry.” Trends in Analytical Chemistry 12 (1993): 28–36.

Albro, S. R. “The Oztoticpac Lands Map: Examination and Conservation Treatment of a Rare 16th–century Mexican Map on Amate Paper from the Library of Congress.” In ICOM Committee for Conservation, 10th Triennial Meeting, Washington, DC, USA, 22–27 August 1993, Preprints vol. 2. Edited by J. Bridgland, 429–434. Paris, France: International Council of Museums, Committee for Conservation, 1993.

Ann, Q., and J. Adams. “Structure–Specific Collision–Induced Fragmentations of Ceramides Cationized with Alkali Metal Ions.” Analytical Chemistry 65 (1993): 7–13.

Ann, Q., and J. Adams. “Collision–Induced Decompositions of Sphingomyelins for Structural Elucidation.” Biological Mass Spectrometry 22 (1993): 285–294.

Chace, M. “Report of the ATLA Representative to NISO.” In Summary of Proceedings, 47. Edited by J. Juhnke, 75–77. Evanston, Illinois : American Theological Library Association, 1993.

Drewes, J. M. “A Widening Circle: Preservation Literature Review, 1992.” Library Resources & Technical Services 37, no. 3 (1993): 315–322.

Hansen, E .F., S. Walston, and M. H. Bishop, editors. Matte Paint: Its Technology and History, Analysis, Properties, Deterioration and Treatment with Special Emphasis on Ethnographic Objects. Los Angeles: Getty Conservation Institute and the International Institute for Conservation, 1993.

Hansen, E. F., M. Bishop, P. Volent, and R. Lowinger. “The Conservation of Matte Paint Surfaces in Ethnographic and Contemporary Art.” In Postprints of the Paintings Specialty Group Session, 21st Annual Meeting of the AIC, Denver, 1993, 67–71. Washington, D.C, American Institute for Conservation, 1993.

Hansen, E. F., R. Lowinger, and E. T. Sadoff. “Consolidation of Porous Paint in a Vapor Saturated Atmosphere: A Technique for Minimizing Changes in the Appearance of Matte, Powdering Surfaces.” Journal of the American Institute for Conservation 32, no. 1 (1993): 1–14. http://cool.conservation-us.org/jaic/articles/jaic32-01-001_indx.html External Link

Hodson, J. “Reference Systems and Services Update.” Action for Libraries (July 1993): 4–5.

Hodson, J. “Reference Systems and Services Update.” Action for Libraries (August 1993): 2–3.

Hodson, J. “Reference Systems and Services Update.” Action for Libraries (December 1993): 4–5.

Hodson, J. “Reference Systems and Services Update.” Action for Libraries (September 1993): 4–5.

Hodson, J. “Reference Systems and Services Update.” Action for Libraries (October 1993): 2–3.

Meier Husby, B., J. Munn, T. Wallis, and M. Wootton. “Quality Materials: Handmade Paper, Taking a Closer Look.” Book and Paper Group Annual 12 (1993): 61–65.

Reiter, A., H. Zhao, and J. Adams. “Intrinsic Specificity of Ca2+–Protein Binding Sites.” Organic Mass Spectrometry 28 (1993): 1596–1601.

Reiter, A., L. M. Teesch, H. Zhao, and J. Adams. “Gas–Phase Fragmentations of Anionic Complexes of Ser– and Thr–Containing Peptides.” International Journal of Mass Spectrometry and Ion Processes127 (1993): 17–26.

Robb, A., and M. Fischer. “Guidelines & Care of Film–Base Photographic Materials.” Topics in Photographic Preservation 5 (1993): 117–123.

Van der Reyden, D. “A Primer on Disaster Preparedness, Management and Response: Paper–Based Materials: Selected Reprints issued by the Smithsonian Institution, National Archives and Records Administration, Library of Congress, and the National Park Service.” Washington, D.C., 1993. http://www.archives.gov/preservation/emergency-prep/disaster-prep-primer.html

Van der Reyden, D., A. R. deTorres, L. Van Zelst, and D. Kresh. Seminario sobre Conservación Preventiva en América Latina, 19–20, 1993, Washington. D.C. = Seminar on Preventive Conservation in Latin America, August 19–20, 1993, Washington, D.C. Washington, DC : APOYO, 1993.

Van der Reyden, D., M. Baker, and C. Hofmann. “Effects of Aging and Solvent Treatments on Some Properties of Contemporary Tracing Papers.” Journal of the American Institute for Conservation 31 (1992): 177–206. http://cool.conservation-us.org/jaic/articles/jaic32-03-008_indx.html External Link

Van der Reyden, D., M. Baker, and E. Mosier. “Pigment–Coated Papers I: History and Technology and Pigment–Coated Papers II: The Effects of Solvent Treatments on Selected Examples.” In 0th Triennial Meeting, Washington, DC, USA, 22–27 August 1993, 491–506. Paris: ICOM Committee for Conservation, 1993. [PDF: 266 KB / 39 p.] http://www.si.edu/mci/downloads/RELACT/coat_special_papers.pdf

Vogt–O’Connor, D. “Care and Security of Rare Books: 19/2.” Conserve O Grams – Technical Leaflet Series. Section 19: Archival and Manuscript Collections and Rare Books. Washington, DC: National Park Service, 1993. [PDF: 920 KB / 4 p.] http://www.nps.gov/history/museum/publications/conserveogram/19-02.pdf

Vogt–O’Connor, D. “What Makes a Book Rare?: 19/1” Conserve O Grams – Technical Leaflet Series. Section 19: Archival and Manuscript Collections and Rare Books. Washington, DC: National Park Service, 1993. [PDF: 51 KB / 3 p.] http://www.nps.gov/history/museum/publications/conserveogram/19-01.pdf

Vogt–O’Connor, D., and D. van der Reyden. “Use and Handling of Rare Books: 19/3.” Conserve O Grams – Technical Leaflet Series. Section 19: Archival and Manuscript Collections and Rare Books. Washington, DC: National Park Service, 1993. [PDF: 547 / 3 p.] http://www.nps.gov/history/museum/publications/conserveogram/19-03.pdf

Zhao, H., A. Reiter, L.M. Teesch, and J. Adams. “Gas–Phase Fragmentation of Anionic Complexes Between Peptides and Alkaline Earth Metal Ions: Structure–Specific Side–Chain Interactions.” Journal of the American Chemical Society 115 (1993): 2854–2863.

Zhao, H., and J. Adams. “Mechanisms of Fragmentation of Cationic Peptide Ions.” International Journal of Mass Spectrometry and Ion Processes 125 (1993): 195–205.

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Ann, Q., and J. Adams. “Structure Determination of Ceramides and Neutral Glycosphingolipids by Collisional Activation of (M + Li)+ Ions.” Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry 3 (1992): 260–263.

Ann, Q., M. Ou, R. Madigan, and J. Adams. “Structure–Specific Fragmentations of 2,2,4–Trisubstituted 1,2–Dihydroquinazolines.” Organic Mass Spectrometry 27 (1992): 916–918.

Antoine, M., and J. Adams. “Implication of the Charge Site in Charge–Remote Fragmentations.” Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry 3 (1992): 776–778.

Chace, M. “Report of the ATLA Representative to NISO.” In Summary of Proceedings, 46. Edited by S. Sponberg, 79–80. Evanston, Illinois : American Theological Library Association, 1992.

Connell, J. J., Jr. “An Annotated List of Selected Newspaper Reference Works Located at the Library of Congress.” Washington, DC: Serial and Government Publications Division, Library of Congress, 1992.

Drewes, J. M. “Meeting Reports, ALA LIRT Midwinter Forum.” Conservation Administration News (CAN) No. 50 (1992).

Drewes, J. M. “Converging Concepts.” Library Instruction Round Table News (June 1992).

Drewes, J. M. “Sense of Hidden Identity in Malory’s ’Morte d’Arthur.’” In Sir Thomas Malory Views and Reviews. Edited by D. T. Hanks, Jr, 17–25. AMS Studies in the Middle Ages, no. 19. New York: AMS Press, 1992.

Drewes, J.M. “Library Instruction and Preservation: A Report from the Midwinter Program.” Library Instruction Round Table News (March 1992).

Hansen, E. F., and C. Sussman. Bibliography on the Deterioration of Silk. Los Angeles: Getty Conservation Institute, 1992.

Hansen, E. F., and H. Sobel. “Effect of the Environment on the Degradation of Silk: A Review.” In Postprints of the Textile Specialty Group Session, 20th Annual Meeting of the AIC, Buffalo, 1992. Washington, D. C.: American Institute for Conservation, 1992.

Hansen, E. F., S. N. Lee, and H. Sobel. “The Effect of Relative Humidity on Some Physical Properties of Modern Vellum: Implications for the Optimum Display and Storage Conditions for Parchment.” Journal of the American Institute for Conservation 31, no. 3 (1992): 325–342. http://cool.conservation-us.org/jaic/articles/jaic31-03-005_3.html External Link

Stiber, L., and E. O’Loughlin. “A Closer Look at Pressure–Sensitive Adhesive Tape: Update on Conservation Strategies.” In Conference Papers Manchester 1992. Edited by S. Fairbrass, 280–287. England: Institute of Paper Conservation, 1992.

Stiber, L., and E. O’Loughlin. “Hinge, Tape and Adhesive Removal.” In Paper Conservation Catalog, Chapter 15. Chapter editor A. Seibert. Washington, DC: American Institute for Conservation of historic and Artistic Works, Book and Paper Group, 1992.

Teesch, L. M., and J. Adams. “Metal Ions as Special Reagents in Analytical Mass Spectrometry.” Organic Mass Spectrometry 27 (1992): 931–943.

Van der Reyden, D. “Recent Scientific Research in Paper Conservation.” Journal of the American Institute for Conservation 31, no. 1 (1992): 117–139. http://cool.conservation-us.org/jaic/articles/jaic31-01-014_indx.html External Link

Van der Reyden, D. “A Load to Bear: Papier–Mache Furniture, Its Conservation and Care.” Antiques Show Magazine 10 (1992): 29–34. [PDF: 162 KB / 16 p.] http://www.si.edu/mci/downloads/RELACT/papier_mache.pdf

Van der Reyden, D., C. Haufmann, and M. Baker. “Some Effects of Solvents on Transparent Papers and the Effects of Three Humidification, Flattening and Drying Techniques on the Optical and Mechanical Properties of New and Aged Transparent Papers.” In Conference Papers Manchester 1992. Edited by S. Fairbrass, 234–256. England: Institute of Paper Conservation, 1992.

Van der Reyden, D., C. Haufmann, C., M. Baker, and M. Mecklenburg. “Modern Transparent Papers : Materials, Degradation, and the Effects of Some Conservation Treatments.” Materials Issues in Art and Archaeology 3 (1992): 379–395.

Van der Reyden, D., E. Mosier, and M. Baker “The Technology and Treatment of an Embossed, Chromolithographic ’Mechanical’ Victorian Valentine Card.” Book and Paper Group Annual 11 (1992).

Van der Reyden, D., T. Schaeffer, V. Blyth–Hill, and M. Baker. “Effect of Aqueous Light Bleaching on Subsequently Aging of Paper.” Journal of the American Institute for Conservation 31 (1992): 289–311. http://cool.conservation-us.org/jaic/articles/jaic31-03-003.html External Link

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Ann, Q., and J. Adams. “Anomalous Kinetics in Fragmentations of N,N–Dimethylformamide Radical Cations.” International Journal of Mass Spectrometry and Ion Processes 107 (1991): R1–R5.

Chace, M. “Preservation Microfiche: A Matter of Standards,” Library Resources & Technical Services 35 (1991): 186–190.

Contado, M. J., and J. Adams. “Collision–Induced Dissociations and B/E Linked Scans for Structural Determination of Modified Fatty Acid Esters.” Analytica Chimica Acta 246 (1991): 187–197.

Contado, M. J., J. Adams, N. J. Jensen, and M. L. Gross. “A Charge–Remote Allylic Cleavage Reaction: Mechanistic Possibilities.” Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry 2 (1991): 180–183.

Cristol, D., C. Chiu, S. Peckham, and J. Stoll. “Color Bands Do Not Affect Dominance in Captive Flocks of Wintering Dark–eyed Juncos.” Condor 94 (1992): 537–539.

Gibson, G. D. “Preservation and Conservation of Sound Recordings.” In Conserving and Preserving Materials in Nonbook Format. Edited by K.L. Henderson and W.T. Henderson, 27–44. Urbana–Champaign, IL: University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign, Graduate School of Library and Information Science, 1991.

Hansen, E . F., M. R. Derrick, M. R. Schilling, and R. Garcia. “The Effects of Solution Application on Some Mechanical and Physical Properties of Thermoplastic Amorphous Polymers Used in Conservation: Poly(vinyl acetates).” Journal of the American Institute for Conservation 30 (1991): 203–213. http://cool.conservation-us.org/jaic/articles/jaic30-02-008_indx.html External Link

Hansen, E. F., and H. Sobel. “Factors to be Considered in Determining the Optimum Relative Humidity for the Display and Storage of Parchment.” In Postprints of the Book and Paper Group Specialty Session, 29th Annual Meeting of the AIC, Albuquerque, 1991. Washington, D.C.: American Institute for Conservation, 1991.

Hansen, E. F., and S. Derelian. “Conservation I: Effects of Wet Cleaning on Silk Tapestries.” Museum Management and Curatorship 10, no. 1 (1991): 93–96.

Reedy, C., and E. F. Hansen. “Research Priorities and Field Trials in Paper Conservation.” In Postprints of the Book and Paper Group Specialty Session, 19th Annual Meeting of the AIC, Albuquerque, 1991. Washington, D.C.: American Institute for Conservation, 1991.

Teesch, L. M., and J. Adams. “Fragmentations of Gas–Phase Complexes Between Alkali Metal Ions and Peptides: Metal Ion Binding to Carbonyl Oxygens and Other Neutral Functional Groups.” Journal of the American Chemical Society 113 (1991): 812–820.

Teesch, L. M., R. C. Orlando, R. C., and J. Adams. “Location of the Alkali Metal Ion in Gas–Phase Peptide Complexes.” Journal of the American Chemical Society 113 (1991): 3668–3675.

Van der Reyden, D. “Comite de Materiales.” APOYO 2, no. 1 (Feb. 1991).

Van der Reyden, D., C. Haufmann, and M. Baker. “Comparison and Evaluation of Bleaching Procedures: The Effect of Five Bleaching Methods on the Optical and Mechanical Properties of New and Aged Cotton Linter Paper, Before and After Accelerated Aging.” Book and Paper Group Annual 10 (1991): 109–127.

Van der Reyden, D., T. Schaeffer, and M. Baker. “Effect of Aging on an Aqueously Light Bleached, Mixed Pulp Paper.” Book and Paper Group Annual 10 (1991): 205–215.

Zimmermann, C. “Bibliography on Mass Deacidification.” Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress, Preservation Office, 1991.

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Adams, J. “Charge–Remote Fragmentations: Analytical Applications and Fundamental Studies.” Mass Spectrometry Reviews 9 (1990): 141–186.

Albro, S. R., and T. C. Albro, II. “The Examination and Conservation Treatment of the Library of Congress 1531 Huejotzingo Codex.” Journal of the American Institute for Conservation 29, no. 2 (1990): 97–115. http://cool.conservation-us.org/jaic/articles/jaic29-02-001_6.html External Link

Hansen, E .F., E. T. Sadoff, and R. Lowinger. “A Review of Problems Encountered in the Consolidation of Painted Ethnographic Objects and Potential Remedies.” In ICOM Committee for Conservation, 9th Triennial Meeting, Dresden, German Democratic Republic, 26–31 August 1990, Preprints. Edited by K. Grimstead, 163–168. Los Angeles: ICOM Committee for Conservation, 1990.

Hansen, E. F., and N. Agnew. “Consolidation with Moisture-Curable Isocyanates: Polyureas and Polyurethanes.” In ICOM Committee for Conservation, 9th Triennial Meeting, Dresden, German Democratic Republic, 26-31 August 1990, Preprints. Edited by K. Grimstead, 557-562. Los Angeles: ICOM Committee for Conservation, 1990.

Hobaica, S. C., and Stein, F. P. “The Effect of Pressure on the Constant Pressure Heat Capacity of Chlorotrifloromethane.” Fluid Phase Equilibria 61 (1990).

Teesch, L. M., and J. Adams. “Intrinsic Interactions Between Alkaline Earth Metal Ions and Peptides: A Gas–Phase Study.” Journal of the American Chemical Society 112 (1990): 4110–4120.

Van der Reyden, D., M. Baker, and N. Ravenel. “FTIR Analysis of Coated Papers.” Book and Paper Group Annual 8 (1990): 1–12.

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Adams, J., and M.L. Gross. “Charge–Remote Fragmentations of Closed–Shell Ions: A Thermolytic Analogy. ” Journal of the American Chemical Society 111 (1989): 435–440.

Brostoff Malikayil, L., and T.J. Vitale. “A Study into the Effects of Solvents on Paper.” In Abstracts: Papers Presented at the AIC Seventeenth Annual Meeting, May 31–June 4, 1989, 57. Washington, DC: American Institute for Conservation, 1989.

Chace, M. “Standards and Specifications.” In Preservation Microfilming: Planning & Production, 16 –31. Chicago: Association for Library Collections and Technical Services, American Library Association, 1989.

Contado, M. J., J. Adams, and M. L. Gross. “Structure Elucidation of Prostaglandins by Collisional Activation Mass Spectrometry.” Advances in Mass Spectrometry 11B (1989): 1034–1035.

Drewes, J. M. “Computers, Planning for Disaster.” Law Library Journal 81, no. 103 (1989): 103–116.

France, F. “The Torsional Properties of Wool Fibres. MS Thesis, University of Otago, 1989”

Hansen, E .F., and W. Ginell. “The Use of Parylene–C in the Conservation of Silk.” In Historic Textile and Paper Materials II. Edited by S. H. Zeronian and H. L. Needles, 108–132. Washington, DC: American Chemical Society, 1989.

Hansen, E. F., and A. G. Taketomo. “A Technical Note on the Casting of Unsupported Polymeric Films.” Studies in Conservation 34, no. 4 (1989): 147–151.

Harnly, M. W., C. Mear, J. E. Ruggles, C. A. Baker, L. Carlson, and L. E. Hall. “Washing.” In Paper Conservation Catalog, Chapter 16. Chapter editors S. R. Albro, M. Mickelson, and K. Nicholson. Washington, D.C.: American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works,, Book and Paper Group, Washington, D.C, 1989.

Smith, C., with S. Bertalan, A. Dwan, J. English, C. Nicholson, S. R. Rodgers, K. Schenck, L. Stiber, and S. Wagner. “Adhesives.” In Paper Conservation Catalog, Chapter 46. Chapter editors C. Maynor and D. van der Reyden. Washington, DC:, American Institute for the Conservation, Book and Paper Group, 1989.

Van der Reyden, D., H. Burgess, and K. Keyes. “Bleaching.” In Paper Conservation Catalog, Chapter 19. Chapter editor D. van der Reyden . Washington, DC: American Institute for the Conservation of Art and Historic Artifacts, Book and Paper Group,1984–1994.

Vogt–O’Connor, D.. “The American Album.” In Images of America: A Panorama History in Photographs, 13–15. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Press, 1989.

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Adams, J., and M. L. Gross. “Structural Determination of Modified Fatty Acids by Collisional Activation of Cationized Molecules.” Organic Mass Spectrometry 12 (1988): 307–316.

Stiber, L. “The Delamination of the Washington & Lee Ledger: Part I: An Overview of Cellulose Acetate Lamination.” In Early Advances in Conservation. Edited by Vincent Daniels, 27–40. British Museum Occasional Paper; no. 65. London: British Museum, 1988.

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Van der Reyden, D. “Technology and Treatment of a Folding Screen: Comparison of Oriental and Western Techniques.” In The Conservation of Far Eastern Art: Preprints of the Contributions to the Kyoto Congress 19–23 September 1988. Edited by J. S. Mills, P. Smith, and K. Yamasaki, 64–68. London: International Institute for Conservation, 1988. [PDF: 80 KB / 9 p.] http://www.si.edu/MCI/downloads/RELACT/folding_screens.pdf

Van der Reyden, D., M. Mecklenburg, M. Baker, and M. Hamill. “Update on Current Research into Aqueous Light Bleaching at the Conservation Analytical Laboratory.” Book and Paper Group Annual 7 (1998): 73–106.

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Adams, J., and M. L. Gross. “Mass Spectrometry for Collisional Activation of Alkali Metal–Cationized Fatty Acids: A Method for Determining Double Bond Location.” Analytical Chemistry 59 (1987): 1576–1582.

Adams, J., L. J. Deterding, and M. L. Gross. “Tandem Mass Spectrometry for Determining Structural Features of Fatty Acids. ” Spectroscopy: International Journal 5 (1987): 199–228.

Gibson, G. D. “Decay and Degradation of Disk and Cylinder Recordings in Storage.” In Archiving the Audio–Visual Heritage: A Joint Technical Symposium, 47–53. Berlin (West): Stiftung Deutsche Kinemathek, 1988.

Vogt–O’Connor, D. Smithsonian Archives Photo Survey: A Panorama Historic in Photographs. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Archives Photo Survey Project, 1987.

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Adams, J., and M. L. Gross. “Energy Requirements for Remote Charge Site Ion Decompositions and Structural Information from Collisional Activation of Alkali Metal Cationized Fatty Alcohols.” Journal of the American Chemical Society 108 (1986): 6915–6921.

Adams, J., M. David, and R. W. Giese. “Pentafluorobenzylation of O4–Ethylthymidine and Analogues by Phase–Transfer Catalysis for Determination by Gas Chromatography with Electron Capture Detection.” Analytical Chemistry 58 (1986): 345–348.

Munn, J. “The Renaissance of Linen/Flax Paper.” Hand Papermaking 1, no.1 (Spring 1986): 10–11.

Murray, R. J. “Evolutionary Forces in Audiovisual Communications.” Journal of Biological Photography 54, no. 3 (1986): 91–106.

Van der Reyden, D. and D. Williams. “The Technology and Conservation Treatment of a 19th Century Papier–Mâché Chair.” In Preprints of Papers Presented at the Fourteenth Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois. Edited by G. Brown, 21–25, 125–142. Washington, American Institute for Conservation, 1986. [PDF: 162 KB / 16 p.] http://www.si.edu/mci/downloads/RELACT/papier_mache.pdf External Link

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Adams, J., and R. W. Giese. “Cinnamoylation of the Sugar Hydroxyls of 3–Methylthymidine: Formation of a Relatively Stable Ester Derivative.” Journal of Chromatography 347 (1985): 99–107.

Albro, S. R. “A Method for Temporarily Facing a Varnished Map During Aqueous Treatment.” Book and Paper Group Annual 4 (1985): 89–93.

Fisher, D. H., J. Adams, and R. W. Giese. “Trace Derivatization of Cytosine with Pentafluorobenzoyl Chloride and Dimethylsulfate.” Environmental. Health Perspectives 62 (1985): 67–71.

Mickelson, M., D. Hamburg, D. van der Reyden, and P. Mohr. “Backing Removal.” In Paper Conservation Catalog, Chapter 24. Washington, D.C.: American Institute for Conservation, 1985.

Stiber, L. “Conservation Problems Concerning a Collection of Composite Artifacts: 18th–Century European Prints Modified for Transillumination.” In Papers Presented at the Art Conservation Training Programs Conference, May 2 and 3, 1985, 4–16. Newark, Delaware: University of Delaware, 1985.

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Adams, J., and C. S. Giam. “Chromatographic Retention of Azaarenes on Florisil.” International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry 18 (1984): 195–207.

Adams, J., and C. S. Giam. “Polynuclear Azaarenes in Wood Preservative Wastewater.” Environmental Science and Technology 18 (1984): 391–394.

Adams, J., and C. S. Giam. “Localized Adsorbate–Adsorbent Interactions on Florisil.” Journal of Chromatography 285 (1984): 81–89.

Hamburg, D., D. van der Reyden, and T. Vitale. “Humidification.” In Paper Conservation Catalog, Chapter 22. Washington, DC: , American Institute for the Conservation, Book and Paper Group, 1984–1994.

Van der Reyden, D. “Oriental Paper Conservation Techniques Used by K. Masuda.” Washington Conservation Guild Newsletter 8, no. 4.

Van der Reyden, D. “Photographic Conservation at the Public Archives of Canada as Presented by Klaus Hendriks.” Washington Conservation Guild Newsletter 8, no. 1 (January 1984).

Vitale, T., D. Hamburg, and D. van der Reyden. “Drying/flattening.” In Paper Conservation Catalog, Chapter 22. Washington, D.C: American Institute for Conservation, 1984.

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Adams, J. “Adsorptivities of Azaarenes on Florisil.” PhD diss. Texas A&M University, 1983.

Adams, J., K. C. Donnelly, and D. C. Anderson. “Hazardous Waste Streams.” In Hazardous Waste Land Treatment. Edited by K. W. Brown, G. B. Evans Jr. and B. D. Frentrup, 127–182. Butterworth: Woburn, Massachusetts, 1983.

Van der Reyden, D. “Wax Pick Testing: A Preliminary Study.” In Papers presented at the Art Conservation Training Programs Conference, March 26–27, 1981, 62–73. New York: Conservation Center, Institute of Fine Arts, New York University, 1983.


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Vogt–O’Connor, D. The Administration of Photographic Collections: A Speech Outline. Oakland, CA: Oakland Museum, 1980.

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