DATABASES: Library of Congress E-Resources Online Catalog

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Database Title: U.S. Congressional Serial Set
Alternate Title(s): United States Congressional Serial Set
Coverage: 1817 to 1982
Description: The United States Congressional Serial Set contains all the Reports, Documents, and Journals of the US Senate and House of Representatives from the 15th Congress to the 97th Congress 1817 - December 23, 1982. The database, constitutes a rich collection of full text primary source material on U.S. political, social, cultural, military and ethnic history, as well as international relations, explorations, genealogy, commerce, and industrial development. For more information on the U.S. Congressional Serial Set, visit the GPO site U.S. Congressional Serial Set. Documents before 1817 may also be found in the American State Papers provided by the Library of Congress American Memory. Also see the Library of Congress print and microform holdings of the Checklist of United States Public Documents .
Provider: Readex
Topics: Digital Collections
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Notes (Public) The use of this material for commercial purposes is not allowed. Do not store or use any portion of the material in a searchable database without written permission of NewsBank.
Notes (Staff) Remote access is not allowed. Only available in the Jefferson, Madison, and Adams Buildings.

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