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Forbes Statement on General Petraeus’ Report on Iraq

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General Petraeus' Report to Congress

A Case Study: War in Iraq by Congressman Forbes
Washington, D.C., Sep 10, 2007 - Congressman J. Randy Forbes (VA-04) released the following statement today on the joint House Armed Services Committee and House Foreign Affairs Committee Hearing on “The Status of the War and Political Developments in Iraq,” with testimony from General David H. Petraeus, Commanding General, Multi-National Force Iraq, and Ambassador Ryan Crocker, United States Ambassador to Iraq:

“General Petraeus, regarded by many as one of the most respected military leaders in the country, today personally delivered a ‘Report to Congress on the Situation in Iraq,’ which he wrote himself and did not clear with anyone in the Pentagon, the White House, or Congress before his oral testimony. The General’s report left no question that ‘a premature drawdown of our forces would likely have devastating consequences.’ He went on to emphasize that the security in Iraq is improving and that ‘the Iraqis are slowly taking on more of the responsibility for protecting their citizens.’ Accordingly, he is recommending a reduction in U.S. forces of several brigades over the next few months.”

After listening to the testimony, Congressman Forbes noted that the General’s recommendation was supported by Admiral William Fallon, Commander of the U.S. Central Command, and the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Forbes also said, “word of these troop reductions is good news for the men and women serving in Iraq and their families and should be encouragement for all of the United States.”

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