UK Guardian: Pedophiles Need Support

As in the Guardian article, throughout the Gawker piece passive language was used to soft peddle child rape. The Gawker piece also constantly claimed that sex between adults and children is just a "choice." The pedophile quoted in the Gawker piece even maintained that the sex he had with his seven-year-old niece was consensual. Gawker simply takes his word for it without protest. 4 Jan 2013, 10:59 AM PDT

NYT: Shame on Time Warner for Dropping Al Jazeera

As predicted, with the twisted used of words as lovely as "tolerance" and "diversity," the elite media, in the form of the "New York Times," is pushing hard and attempting to shame cable outlets into carrying Al Jazeera, a television network that fronts for an ideology about as hostile to tolerance and diversity as we've seen since the Third Reich. 4 Jan 2013, 8:59 AM PDT

'Baltimore Sun': Marginalize Beck, Mainstream Al-Jazeera

Even if they won't say so out loud, this, I think, reflects the thinking of many among our elite journalist overlords: Conservatism must be silenced and marginalized, but an openly anti-American, anti-Semitic network that became our mortal enemy in Afghanistan and Iraq must be mainstreamed -- you know, all in the name of diversity. 4 Jan 2013, 8:03 AM PDT

Al Gore Race-Baits $100 Million from 21st Century Axis Sally

Forget the fact that a former vice president of the United States sold out to an openly anti-American cable network embraced by terrorists; forget the fact that Mr. Global Warming sold out to a network funded solely with oil money… In order to personally pocket a reported $100 million, Gore resorted to racial blackmail. 4 Jan 2013, 7:12 AM PDT

MSNBC's Matthews: Fiscal Conservatism Like Being a Southern 'Segregationist'

During a year-in-review show on Monday, Dec.31, Matthews chimed in with Former Newsweek editor Howard Fineman in a discussion of why Mitt Romney lost his bid to take the White House last November wherein Fineman said one of Romney's problems was that Romney was "Grover Norquist-ing himself" by hewing too closely to a fiscally conservative message on taxes and the budget. 4 Jan 2013, 3:47 AM PDT

Congressional Leaders Still Not Ready for Television Era

"But the carrots and sticks they wielded in the House and senate have largely disappeared, and more and more, the job of a congressional leader has become a communications/public relations/management position. How can an inside political player compete with a polished president in the modern era?" 3 Jan 2013

Two Americas: Gregory Not Charged, Iraq Vet Jailed

The terrible massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary has not only exposed the media's hypocrisies and biases with respect to gun control, it is also a revealing look at their priorities. There is no question Sandy Hook deserved every bit of media attention it received -- that's not my point. But what about the 532 homicides that occurred in Chicago last year? 3 Jan 2013

Ezra Klein and the 'Rotten' 112th Congress

It's no surprise to see Ezra Klein attacking the record of the 112th Congress. He's a partisan, left-wing Democrat who spent the 111th Congress promoting Obamacare--a policy that most Americans continue to oppose and that brought Democrat one-party rule to an end. But in Klein's over-the-top, dishonest attack on the outgoing 112th as the "rottenest Congress in history," he demonstrates a level of intellectual corruption that is symptomatic not just of left-wing columnists but also the warped thinking of the media in general. 3 Jan 2013

Current TV Chose Al Jazeera over Beck; Time-Warner Drops

"Glenn Beck’s The Blaze approached Current about buying the channel last year, but was told that 'the legacy of who the network goes to is important to us and we are sensitive to networks not aligned with our point of view,' according to a person familiar with the negotiations." 3 Jan 2013

Liberal Paper Endorses Boehner for Speaker to Continue Purge of 'Tea Party Extremists'

The Globe’s editorial board said Boehner “did the right thing” by violating the “Hastert Rule” and allowing the “fiscal cliff” deal to come to the House floor for a vote on Tuesday evening. Former Speaker of the House Denny Hastert had a “majority of the majority” rule that he wouldn’t bring legislation to the floor without support of a majority of Republicans. When Nancy Pelosi was the Speaker, she largely followed the same rule with her Democrats. 3 Jan 2013

CNN Host: Obama 'Appropriately' Chastised 'Nasty' Congress

"The president has come out and said, and you know, chastised congress... I would say appropriately, I mean guys, you can't spend the money and then say you don't want to pay it back. But, said to them, 'I'm not going to negotiate on it.' Is this just going to embolden them to be even nastier and make an even bigger stink?" 2 Jan 2013

Al Jazeera Buys Al Gore's Current TV

"Al Jazeera may absorb some Current TV staff members, according to the people, who insisted on anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly. But Current’s schedule of shows will most likely be dissolved in the spring." 2 Jan 2013

American Journalist Missing In Syria

"An American journalist has been missing in Syria since he was kidnapped more than one month ago, his family said Wednesday, less than two years after he was held by government forces in Libya while covering that country's civil war." 2 Jan 2013

Andrew Sullivan Ditches 'Daily Beast,' Heads Out as Independent

Now that he'll be a total independent and beholden to no editorial oversight whatsoever, Sullivan will enjoy the room necessary to blossom even more as the media's wicked id, the raging conspiracy theorist and bigot who attacks the Right in ways the media doesn't dare, but still enables by propping Sullivan up. 2 Jan 2013

Baltimore Sun: CNN's 'Utterly Lost Its Grip'

"[T]he two acted like a couple of adolescents celebrating how naughty they had been the night before. And this went on a long, long time, with video highlights and Cooper letting Griffin plug her next junky special." 2 Jan 2013

CNN Debases Itself with New Year's Eve 'Crotch Kiss'

This isn't one of those situations where a broadcaster was caught off guard during live television, either. During previous CNN New Years Eve telecasts, Griffin's pulled vulgar stunts. Last year she ripped off her blouse; the year prior she dropped the F-bomb. In other words, CNN actually hires Griffin to behave in this way. 2 Jan 2013

Fiscal Cliff: Media Spins Fiscal Insanity into Obama Victory

Like Obama, though, the media simply doesn’t care about the deficit. If it did, The Narrative today wouldn’t center on portraying Obama's political victory as something that's good for America and our economy. Instead, a responsible media would be talking about how projected revenues from this new tax increase will do less than nothing to reduce the deficit. 2 Jan 2013

Press Mum as Renditions Continue Under Obama

During the Bush Administration, mainstream media outlets hammered President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney for their "rendition" policy that allowed suspected terrorists to be detained overseas in foreign countries and interrogated at the direction of the US government. Hollywood even made a movie about it, so you know it was important. 2 Jan 2013

New York Times: Throw Off Bondage of 'Evil' Constitution

The biggest liberal newspaper in the country has printed a column from a top progressive scholar calling on the American people to ignore the Constitution with its “evil provisions,” revealing the far-left agenda for what it is and making sense of several major actions of the Obama administration. 1 Jan 2013

Gunowners Organize Boycott of Journal News

On December 22, the Journal News in upstate New York published an online map complete with the addresses and names of all those who had permits to own handguns in Westchester and Rockland counties – a targeting effort aimed at gunowners in the aftermath of the school shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary in Connecticut. Now, the New York State Rifle & Pistol Association is calling for a boycott on the Journal News’ advertisers. 1 Jan 2013

The Atlantic Frets About Obama Assassination

Yesterday, President Obama delivered a bizarre statement to the press at the White House. Flanked by ordinary Americans – whom he uses as a backdrop to his highly-partisan politics on a regular basis nowadays – Obama dropped this doozy: “I’m going to be president for the next four years. I hope.” 1 Jan 2013

Georgetown Univ. Law Prof. in the NYT: 'Give Up on the Constitution'

In a NY Times op-ed, Georgetown University constitutional law professor Louis Michael Seidman called for politicians and judges to engage in “constitutional disobedience.” According to the Georgetown University academic, the Constitution, “with all its archaic, idiosyncratic and downright evil provisions”, is the “culprit” behind our broken system of government. 1 Jan 2013

Disarmed Russian Columnist Warns Americans: 'Never Give Up Your Guns'

Stanislav Mishin is a Russian who knows his history -- particularly the history of how the Russian people were robbed of freedom once they were disarmed by Lenin & Co. after the Russian revolution in 1917. He knows how the newly born Soviet Union then acted with impunity toward defenseless citizens, carrying out "mass deportations, mass murder, [and even] mass starvation." 1 Jan 2013

Media Must Share Blame for Fiscal Cliff Crisis

As Americans ponder how our politicians could have allowed “fiscal cliff” negotiations to drag on into the final day, it is clear that the mainstream media shares a significant part of the blame. There is no way that the impasse could have lasted this long if President Barack Obama felt a sense of responsibility to lead his government and his party--but instead he is able to enjoy the role of critic and spectator, thanks to media indulgence. 31 Dec 2012

Politico: Breitbart Leads the Opposition

The left-leaning, DC-based Politico news outlet has named--or blamed--Breitbart News as the leader of the opposition to Speaker of the House John Boehner: "The main anti-Boehner grumbling is coming from conservative media outlets like Breitbart and Hot Air, and outside groups such as American Majority Action." 31 Dec 2012

How Liberals Skew the Gun Debate

Along with a news-free interview with President Obama, this weekend's Meet the Press on NBC also gave us two fine examples of how the gun-banners in the Old Media establishment skew the debate, not to mention how clear it is that they simply have no grasp of the issues – perhaps purposefully so. 30 Dec 2012

NPR's Words of the Year Target Republicans, of Course

National Public Radio, continuing the mainstream media practice of year-end lists that target Republicans, discussed contenders for the American Dialect Society's "Words of the Year" today, including three neologisms that targeted Republicans and the Romney/Ryan campaign in particular--and none against Democrats. 28 Dec 2012

Matt Lauer 'Freaked Out' Over Ann Curry Fans' Hostility

Matt Lauer's tenure at NBC's Today show seems destined to end on the most sour note possible. Not only is he finding himself increasingly unhappy on the job, he's also now being slammed by fans on the street whenever he and his morning show co-hosts try to do on location segments. 28 Dec 2012


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