
Boustany- "This Bill Will Hike Health Care Costs, Hurt Doctor-Patient Relationship"

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Representative Charles W. Boustany, Jr., R-Southwest Louisiana, today urged his Congressional colleagues to oppose a massive health care overhaul measure unveiled by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-San Francisco) and House Democratic leaders today.

Democratic leaders in the House propose a plan that would significantly increase health care costs for millions of Americans and prevent millions from keeping their current insurance if they like it,” Boustany said.  “The American people deserve an honest answer about what programs Democrats plan to cut to pay for a new, government-run bureaucracy.  A $500 billion cut to Medicare could be devastating for seniors who depend on Medicare for quality health care.  Written behind closed doors, this nearly 2,000 page bill does more harm than good.
Boustany, a former cardiothoracic surgeon, outlined Republican solutions to lower health care costs in this address following the President’s address to Congress last month.

Boustany supports providing patients and doctors with more information and more choices about health insurance and services.  By increasing choices and competition and making insurance companies more accountable to patients, the resulting lower costs will allow more families to develop a quality doctor-patient relationship.
