
Lamborn Statement on State of the Union Address

“The President’s rhetoric on jobs is encouraging, given that more than one in ten Americans is out of work and struggling to pay the bills. His talk of cutting federal spending is also welcome. However, I am concerned the president used the word "invest" as a euphemism for "spend."  My Republican colleagues and I will not allow this president to continue his failed economic policies.  More government spending will only take money out of the private sector and hurt our nation’s job creators.

The U.S. has one of the worst budget deficits in the developed world. Our federal debt is increasing by $54,373 every second. At this dangerous rate, our debt will be $18.6 trillion at the end of the president's term — an unimaginable explosion of 75% above and beyond the debt accumulated by all of his 43 predecessors combined.

“I look forward to working with the president to cut spending and grow our economy. But he must back up his rhetoric with action. That means he must work with Republicans to cut spending and eliminate intrusive regulations that are disrupting job creation throughout the economy.” -- Doug Lamborn (CO-05)

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