
Jobs Report: We Need New Leadership


Congressman Doug Lamborn (CO-05) issued the following statement regarding today’s jobs report from the Department of Labor showing an unemployment rate of 9 % in October – the 33rd consecutive month where unemployment exceeded 8 %. The report shows that the economy added 80,000 new jobs. About 14 million Americans remain unemployed.

“Our economy is stalled. The President is campaigning. The Senate is sitting on jobs bills. It’s no wonder the American people are fuming. At this stage of the Reagan recovery in the early 1980s, the economy had created almost 6 million jobs when adjusting for the size of the labor force. In contrast, under Obama the economy has lost nearly a half million jobs since the recovery began.

“Today’s weak jobs report should leave no doubt that we need new policies and direction in the White House. The House has passed 22 jobs bills, all with bipartisan support. The Senate is sitting on the vast majority of those common sense bills. It’s time to put Americans back to work with the free market policies that are the source of our nation’s unprecedented wealth.” –Doug Lamborn (CO-05)

It is generally estimated that the economy needs to add approximately 127,000 jobs a month just to keep up with population growth. That is not even taking into consideration the new job creation that is needed to restore the millions of jobs lost during this recession.

Note:for a complete list of all the House-passed jobs bills, go to

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