01-25-12 at 14-42-09

01-25-12 at 14-42-09

Speaker John Boehner talk on the phone in his office at the U.S. Capitol. January 25,...

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Uploaded on Jan 9, 2013

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02-02-12 at 10-51-34

02-02-12 at 10-51-34

Speaker John Boehner prepares for a press conference with Communications Director Kevin Smith....

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02-16-12 at 11-25-03

02-16-12 at 11-25-03

Speaker John Boehner questions the sock choice of aide Patrick Finnegan during an elevator ride at...

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02-17-12 at 11-57-11

02-17-12 at 11-57-11

Speaker John Boehner fixes a stray thread for aide Trevor Kolego following a meeting. February 17,...

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03-25-12 at 11-10-05

03-25-12 at 11-10-05

Speaker John Boehner sharpens his lawn mower blade on his workbench at his home in Ohio. March 25,...

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03-27-12 at 13-12-38

03-27-12 at 13-12-38

Speaker John Boehner jokes with Alex Van Halen and Deputy Chief of Staff Dave Schnittger in...

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03-27-12 at 16-47-36

03-27-12 at 16-47-36

The Jumpstart Our Business Startups (JOBS) Act after it was signed by Speaker Boehner. March 27,...

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07-20-12 at 13-15-37

07-20-12 at 13-15-37

Speaker John Boehner meets Grace Embler, daughter of his aide, Betsy Embler. July 20,...

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06-20-12 at 19-59-36

06-20-12 at 19-59-36

Speaker John Boehner greets Cella Marie, daughter of policy staffer Will Kinzel, at...

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07-26-12 at 11-44-12

07-26-12 at 11-44-12

Speaker John Boehner talks with Communications Director Kevin Smith (right) and Press Secretaty...

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09-19-12 at 14-48-00

09-19-12 at 14-48-00

Speaker John Boehner talks with Former First Lady Laura Bush and Daw Aung San Suu Kyi in...

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09-20-12 at 11-08-55

09-20-12 at 11-08-55

Speaker John Boehner helps Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) complete a ceremonial nail to start...

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11-16-12 at 12-56-36

11-16-12 at 12-56-36

Speaker John Boehner accepts a presentation from his staff at his annual birthday lunch. November...

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01-04-13 at 12-54-43

01-04-13 at 12-54-43

Speaker John Boehner greets Senator Mark Kirk (R-IL) prior to the start of a Joint Session of...

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01-03-13 at 14-09-45

01-03-13 at 14-09-45

Speaker John Boehner administers the the oath of office to members of the 113th Congress in the...

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01-03-13 at 14-09-27

01-03-13 at 14-09-27

Speaker John Boehner administers the the oath of office to members of the 113th Congress in the...

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01-03-13 at 14-08-46

01-03-13 at 14-08-46

Speaker John Boehner takes the oath of office from the Dean of the House, Rep. John...

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01-03-13 at 14-05-30

01-03-13 at 14-05-30

Speaker John Boehner delivers remarks in the Hall of the House of Representatives following...

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Uploaded on Jan 4, 2013


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