
Teacher yells at student because of a question he asked about Obama!

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Published on May 14, 2012

North Rowan High School Teacher defends Obama in front of students. Don't disrespect The President!!!

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Top Comments

  • Chris Kavanagh

    Here's the deal with the teacher, she's black. Plain & simple. She's defending Obama for one reason, they're both black. If you criticize Obama, you're called a racist by most blacks in this country. Samuel L Jackson & Morgan Freemen have both explicitly said this, as many others. Now what's the problem with this? The problem is, THAT'S RACISM! But of course that's ok for them. . .I'll bet my ass this teacher criticized GW Bush daily, & wouldn't let any students disagree with that either!

    · 34

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  • michaelm0522

    That teachers an ass

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  • KiraleeStrange

    should have said hes just a fucking man not god


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  • BeatznHookz

    What grade is this in?


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  • MrDjoyahs

    Bush Was a shitty president! Although it still may have been wrong at times to insult him. I'm just saying.


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    in reply to Chris Kavanagh (Show the comment)
  • Jason Hurlburt

    I'm not defending this teacher but since he's probably a minor then he doesn't have all his rights yet, and this is on private property so different rules apply, but she is till dumb as fuck.


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    in reply to Tanner Phares (Show the comment)
  • Tanner Phares

    Freedom of speech


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  • thatonlychick1

    Your teacher sounds ignorant. She doesn't know shit, if your Miranda rights aren't read to you by the way, you can have the case thrown out in court


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