4 Jan

Middle and lower class workers see taxes rise so Obama can give Goldman Sachs a tax break

Kailua Hawaii is situated on the East coast of the island of Hawaii, about a 14 mile drive from the Honolulu airport and much closer even to Kaneohe Marine Air Base. It’s home to about half a dozen exclusive hotels … Continue reading

Posted in Barack Obama, Deception and Lies, Dumb Laws, Economy, Liberal Idiots, Obama Euphoric-Rapture Syndrome, Politics, Uncategorized, WtF? | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment | 10 views
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4 Jan

Higher Taxes and a Crumbling Economy…This IS What America Voted For

Jim Cramer has finally seen the light it seems….after sitting down with his accountant and realizing what is coming down the pike. Small businesses cutting hours, cutting employees or going out of business altogether. Taxes being raised on close to … Continue reading

Posted in Barack Obama, Economy, Nanny Government, ObamaCare Results, Obamanomics, Politics, POWER GRAB!, Socialism, Socialized Health Care, Taxes | 8 Comments | 476 views
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4 Jan

“Zero Dark Thirty”: Dramatized Fiction on CIA “Torture”

How accurate and realistic is the portrayal of CIA interrogation in the film? The movie, after all, opens with a statement saying “based on firsthand accounts of actual events”; then goes on to show the fictionalized brutal abuse and torture of a fictional high value terrorist, including waterboarding.

Well, one “firsthand account” not utilized as an expert consultant to the movie is Jose Rodriguez, former head of the CIA’s Counterterrorism Center, author of Hard Measures, and unapologetic defender of the CIA’s “torture” program….

Posted in 9/11, CIA interrogation program, Guantanamo, movie review, War On Terror | 7 Comments | 223 views
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3 Jan

Boehner re-elected Speaker of the House

John Boehner was re-elected Speaker of the House. The “Fire Boehner” coup never materilized it seems. According to Bob Costa’s sources it was a poorly organized attempt to install a new Speaker: Trent Franks says the coup effort was poorly … Continue reading

Posted in Congress, John Boehner, Politics | 11 Comments | 148 views
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3 Jan

It’s Time for the Wealthy to Pay their Fair Share of Taxes [Reader Post]

My local news paper, the Falls Church News Press (FCNP) had two interesting articles its December 13th edition. While they seem unrelated on the surface the two actually help to make an interesting point. First off, the FCNP is run … Continue reading

Posted in Class Warfare, Economy, Obamanomics, Taxes | Tagged , , , , , , , | 36 Comments | 467 views
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2 Jan

Why don’t liberals want to address the real causes of gun violence?

Liberals have an unending capacity for doing the wrong things. When the economy is hurting, they suck the life out of productive citizens rather than stimulate the economy so all can have the opportunity to do well. Following a tragic … Continue reading

Posted in 2nd Amendment, Dumb Laws, Law, Law Enforcement, Liberal Idiots, Politics, Uncategorized, WtF? | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 51 Comments | 748 views
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2 Jan

Newtown, gun regulations, sexy employees and the folly of “doing something”

Two very different news stories stood out for me recently. The first was the story of the killing of 26 innocent women and children at the school in Connecticut. The other was a story out of Iowa where a panel … Continue reading

Posted in 2nd Amendment, Constitution, Nanny Government, Politics | Tagged , , , , , | 4 Comments | 358 views
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