Think Tanks and Liberty


Think Tanks, Liberty, and Elsa Benitez

If you really believe that the direction of the country is suicidal, you have to make a decision. You have to decide whether to put your time, money, energy, and hopes in a program of local resistance, or whether to put your time, money, energy, and hopes in a program that will somehow reverse the accelerating federal train as it heads for the collapsed trestle.

Today's News and Analysis

theCL Report (The New World Order’s Money Scam)

22 Red Flags That Indicate That Very Serious Doom Is Coming For Global Financial Markets

Tarp Overseer Debunks Bailout Myths: Big Companies HAVEN'T Repaid Tarp Funds … And Funds to Help Homeowners HAVEN'T Been Disbursed

The New World Order's Money Scam: A Huge Poker Game

Peak Housing, Peak Fraud, Peak Suburbia and Peak Property Taxes

Student Loan Debt Bubble

Student Loan Interest Rates – An Interesting Campaign Issue For 2012

Even after bankruptcy, trapped by student debt

Hey Occupiers, It's the Fed that Caused the 1%

Today's News & Views

theCL Report (The Degraded Society We’ve Become)

The reason people don't like cops.

Because 16 intelligence agencies just wasn't enough.

Is Big Brother's black box coming to your car?

Surveillance State evils

Another way to kill US farmers: Seize their bank accounts on phony charges

The Duty of the Military in a Militarized Empire

Cyberwar Is the New Yellowcake

Blogging About the Paleo Diet Can Get You Shut Down in North Carolina

We're All Branch Davidians Now


Amber Lancaster and State Oppression

Nineteen years ago, just outside Waco, Texas, the FBI demonstrated once again that the state at its core is a killing machine. Monarchy, democracy, or republic – any government as conventionally defined is a legal monopoly on violence. The state is always inclined toward oppression, division, conquest, and bloodshed, because these are its tools of trade.

Matters are no different here ...

News & Views (April 19, 2012)

theCL Report (April 19, 2012)

Obama Makes Free Speech a Felony

One government intervention inevitably leads to more interventions

'The Diary of H. L. Mencken'

Dog Lovers Are Now Enemies of the State

Gingrich's Secret Service detail likely costing taxpayers tens of thousands of dollars a day

Super-Insider Krawcheck Takes Gold Advisory Position

Pleading for Obama to 'do something' passes for editorial perspective at Detroit newspaper

A Primer on Obama’s Socialism

Today's News & Views

theCL Report (April 18, 2012)

Putin targets foes with 'zombie' gun which attack victims' central nervous system

MSNBC duped: Network runs satirical fake news from Daily Kos as a real story

Doomsday dating sites: 'Don't face the future alone'

World War 3.0

The Most Transparent Administration Ever™

Gift-card law little more than Trenton money-grab

Obama Relies on Debt Collectors Profiting From Student Loan Woe

Readying for War? DHS Federal Law Enforcement Training Center Puts in Order for More Ammo

From Loose Money to Fettered People


Loose Money & Fettered People with Katrina Bowden

A governmental easy-money policy has many repercussions. Currency debasement, the enabling of unnecessary wars, and increases in the size of federal power are among them. And political interference into monetary affairs always leads to economic distortions.

These distortions in turn lead to government imposition of rules, regulations, taxation, and tariffs, all of which favor a handful of powerful and influential corporations to the detriment of small- and medium-sized businesses.